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Everything posted by uiox

  1. Why you don't use the drop command? You have Time life start pos, velocity, a timer, initial volume & density,rubbing a script call by timer, a script call by the death of particle etc... If you look at VektoBoson's scripts like fountain or dust, you can see only a management of start pos and velocity, and effect of water fall down is due to gravity. More with drop command you can attach particle to an object so you draw the curve in the game and maybe understand what happen with set velocity. In game like OFP sometime math and physic are not the solution coz some parameters are not same or not present and you cannot install sensors for know the wind (an addon? Â ) With this I have an idea but no time for the moment to script it : A drop dialog laboratory with all or a part of params and change them in real time in the game.
  2. A ressource tool for solving colors and positions. Of course it must be graphical.
  3. uiox

    Scripting command request

    TypeOf variable For intercept errors Associate a script to a dialog. _ok = createDialog ["RscDisplayGame","RscDisplayGame.sqs"] For the moment I can't use CT_OK, cause sometime the dialog is close before the script and controls returns -1. So I need to use simple button and manage it. More _Before = _This select 0 _During = _this select 1 _After = _this select 2 Or _ok = createDialog ["RscDisplayGame","ScriptDuring.sqs","ScriptBefore.sqs","ScriptAfter.sqs" ] The same for controls A script when you are in and a second out Or ? ControlInUse 100 : goto "100"
  4. TypeOf variable For intercept errors Associate a script to a dialog. _ok = createDialog ["RscDisplayGame","RscDisplayGame.sqs"] For the moment I can't use CT_OK, cause sometime the dialog is close before the script and controls returns -1. So I need to use simple button and manage it. More _Before = _This select 0 _During = _this select 1 _After = _this select 2 Or _ok = createDialog ["RscDisplayGame","ScriptDuring.sqs","ScriptBefore.sqs","ScriptAfter.sqs" ] The same for controls A script when you are in and a second out Or ? ControlInUse 100 : goto "100"
  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This would make it alot easier to make huge battles that wouldnt run 1fps, creating units with createUnit is very rather slow and alot of work<span id='postcolor'> This not solve the loading problem, try to put 1000 units on a map and look at the loading time. But the idea is good, or do the "asleep" in the editor so the unit or group is not load... We need something like that, it's sure. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another lovely thing would be ingame-dialogs<span id='postcolor'> How know where you are in the game or the dialog? With the mouse position, but the mouse command direction of the dude.. Or a control or alt key, when you press it you are in the dialog, else in the game, possible and not a lot of scripting (for us )
  6. uiox

    Scripting command request

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This would make it alot easier to make huge battles that wouldnt run 1fps, creating units with createUnit is very rather slow and alot of work<span id='postcolor'> This not solve the loading problem, try to put 1000 units on a map and look at the loading time. But the idea is good, or do the "asleep" in the editor so the unit or group is not load... We need something like that, it's sure. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another lovely thing would be ingame-dialogs<span id='postcolor'> How know where you are in the game or the dialog? With the mouse position, but the mouse command direction of the dude.. Or a control or alt key, when you press it you are in the dialog, else in the game, possible and not a lot of scripting (for us )
  7. 1) Install a script for manage clic on map 2) In this script u call a dialog </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Pos = _this select 0 _Unit = _this select 1 _Shift = _this select 2 _Alt = _this select 3 ?!(_Alt) and _Shift : Â [_pos] exec "ArtyDialog.sqs"; exit<span id='postcolor'> Note you pass clic position to the dialog 3) Create a dialog with 6 combos boxes (and buttons etc) You can adapt the code I have write in prev post 4) If OK, you tranform Aaa000 into pos array and use it...
  8. Or do a try with the event "init", if this event is call when a unit respawn you can add kill event. If it's the case you can give guns & ammos easily in MP, may be someone has test "init"...
  9. uiox

    Stealing missions

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Find someone who personifies that likeness and get them to do it and chances are that the list will be the most reliable around.<span id='postcolor'> I agree with you, because (or but) it will be "half bad". Or create a rumor forum, or humour forum? No, finally I prefer the BOOOO of Dolittle and a touch of mépris.
  10. uiox

    Stealing missions

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">An OFP "Hall of Shame" web site wouldn't be such a bad idea<span id='postcolor'> Very very good idea with this you can do : Ban the author of a code because for the community he could'nt be the author. Destroy someone you want destroy (the leader of a mod that kicks you for exemple) I never sign my code, if someone takes it and put his name, after I can't use it without his name? If not ----> hall of shame? More After this you can create a script licence. A register of ban (computer, IP, game, physical adress, photo, number of identity card) Ok in my next mission you will see : Design by ------>  uiox  <---------- Scripts by ------>  uiox  <---------- Cutscenes by ------>  uiox  <---------- Sound by ------>  uiox  <---------- Voices by ------>  uiox  <---------- Triggers by ------>  uiox  <---------- Waypoints  by ------>  uiox  <---------- Bugs by ------>  uiox  <---------- Inplayability  by ------>  uiox  <---------- Bad english  by ------>  uiox  <---------- I forget something? by ------>  uiox  <----------
  11. Better learn English instead of OFP scripting
  12. 1) do the one, second not good cause very slow and hard to use... 2) A tip for convert string to num : TheTimeForWait = -1 ("TheTimeForWait = " + TheTimeForWaitString ) ForEach [0] work with 1291, but not with 1a291... 3) A quick script for install combos with coord type Aaa921 ArrayMajuscForGrid = ["A","B","C","D","E","F",&quot ; ; ;G","H","I","J"] ArrayMinusForGrid = ["a","b","c","d","e","f",&quot ; ; ;g","h","i","j"] _i =0 #Installid6001 _index = lbAdd [6001, ArrayMajuscForGrid select _i] ? _i< count ArrayMajuscForGrid : _i = _i +1; goto "Installid6001" _i =0 #Installid6002 _index = lbAdd [6002, ArrayMinusForGrid select _i] ? _i< count ArrayMinusForGrid : _i = _i +1; goto "Installid6002" _i =0 #Installid6003 _index = lbAdd [6003, ArrayMinusForGrid select _i] ? _i< count ArrayMinusForGrid : _i = _i +1; goto "Installid6003" _i =0 #Installid6004 _index = lbAdd [6004, format ["%1", _i]] ? _i< 9 : _i = _i +1; goto "Installid6004" _i =0 #Installid6005 _index = lbAdd [6005, format ["%1", _i]] ? _i< 9 : _i = _i +1; goto "Installid6005" _i =0 #Installid6006 _index = lbAdd [6006, format ["%1", _i]] ? _i< 9 : _i = _i +1; goto "Installid6006" 4) a script for show pos player in coord Aaa000 _Pos = getpos (leader (arrayofgroup select _whocall)) _HMajusc = ((_Pos select 0) - ((_Pos select 0) Mod 1280))/1280                _Hminus1 =(((_Pos select 0) Mod 1280)- (((_Pos select 0) Mod 1280)Mod 128))/128     _Hminus2 = (((((_Pos select 0) Mod 1280)Mod 128) - ((((_Pos select 0 ) Mod 1280 )Mod 128 ) Mod 12.8 ) )/12.8  )   _VMajusc = 9-(((_Pos select 1)            - ((_Pos select 1) Mod 1280))/1280  )               _Vminus1 = 9-((((_Pos select 1) Mod 1280) - (((_Pos select 1) Mod 1280)Mod 128))/128  )   _Vminus2 = 9-(((((_Pos select 1) Mod 1280)Mod 128) - ((((_Pos select 1 ) Mod 1280 )Mod 128 ) Mod 12.8 ) )/12.8  )   lbSetCurSel [6001, _HMajusc ] lbSetCurSel [6002, _Hminus1 ] lbSetCurSel [6003, _Hminus2 ] lbSetCurSel [6004, _VMajusc ] lbSetCurSel [6005, _Vminus1 ] lbSetCurSel [6006, _Vminus2 ] 5) a script for move the map with slider (u can use sliders for your problem, maybe give ideas) ;init _zoom = 0.3 sliderSetRange [4000, 0, 10] sliderSetPosition [4000, _zoom *10] _OldSliderZoomPos = sliderPosition 4000 sliderSetSpeed [4000, 0.5, 2.0] sliderSetRange [4001, 0, 12] sliderSetPosition [4001, 6] _OldSliderH = sliderPosition 4001 sliderSetSpeed [4001, 0.5, 2.0] sliderSetRange [4002, 0, 12] sliderSetPosition [4002, 6] _OldSliderV = sliderPosition 4002 sliderSetSpeed [4002, 0.5, 2.0] ;loop for detect event #MainLoop ~0.001 ? _OldSliderZoomPos != sliderPosition 4000 and (ctrlVisible 4000): Goto "4000" ?_OldSliderH != sliderPosition 4001 and (ctrlVisible 4001): Goto "4001" ?_OldSliderV != sliderPosition 4002 and (ctrlVisible 4002): Goto "4002" ?  !(cancel) and !(validation)and (ctrlVisible 101) : goto "Mainloop" #4000 _OldSliderZoomPos = sliderPosition 4000 _Zoom = ((sliderPosition 4000) * 0.1) mapAnimAdd [0, _Zoom, _currentPos  ] mapAnimCommit #Return4000 Goto "MainLoop" #4001 _OldSliderH = sliderPosition 4001 _currentPos = [(sliderPosition 4001*1000),_currentPos select 1] mapAnimAdd [0, _Zoom, _currentPos  ] mapAnimCommit #Return4001 Goto "MainLoop" #4002 _OldSliderV = sliderPosition 4002 _currentPos = [_currentPos select 0,(sliderPosition 4002*1000)] mapAnimAdd [0, _Zoom, _currentPos  ] mapAnimCommit #Return4002 Goto "MainLoop" ; In this script a bug of init of sliderposition, don't know why, but let it down when 1.85 out with onmap... Note : mapAnim works with map show by user and with forcemap...
  13. uiox

    Createunit = createlag ?

    When u create big mission with a lot of units the time for loading and play is not good after 400 units on my PC. BUT if you create 126 groups with one unit you don't have problem. So I use this script </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;[[E1,E2,E3,E4],100,2,10] exec "Respawn\RespawnUnits.sqs" ; [[array of your groups to respawn], number of total respawn, number mini of the group for start respawn, max number of the squad] _ArrayGroup = _This select 0 ? count _ArrayGroup  ==0 : exit _MaxOfRespawn = _This select 1 ;? _MaxOfRespawn == 0 : exit _MiniNumberForRespawn = _This select 2 ;?_MiniNumberForRespawn > 12 : exit _SquadDimension = _This select 3 ;? ((_SquadDimension > 12) or (_SquadDimension == 0)) : exit _CurrentNumberOfRespawn = 0 #LoopOfRespawn _i =0 #Ingroup ~.2 _NumberOfCreate = 1 #RespawnUnit ? count units ( _ArrayGroup select _i)  >= _SquadDimension : goto "SkipRespawn" _pos = getPos leader ( _ArrayGroup select _i) _dir = getDir  leader ( _ArrayGroup select _i) ~.5 _dist = -30 _x = (_pos select 0) + _dist * sin _dir _y = (_pos select 1) + _dist * cos _dir ;nobody globalchat format ["%1, %2,%3",_CurrentNumberOfRespawn,_ArrayGroup select _i, count units ( _ArrayGroup select _i) ] ? _NumberOfCreate ==1 : "SoldierEMG" createUnit [[_x,_y ], _ArrayGroup select _i,"NouvelleUnité = this"] ? _NumberOfCreate ==2 : "SoldierELAW" createUnit [[_x,_y ], _ArrayGroup select _i,"NouvelleUnité = this"] ? _NumberOfCreate ==3 : "SoldierEMedic" createUnit [[_x,_y ], _ArrayGroup select _i,"NouvelleUnité = this"] ? _NumberOfCreate ==4 : "SoldierEG" createUnit [[_x,_y ], _ArrayGroup select _i,"NouvelleUnité = this"] ? _NumberOfCreate > 4 : "SoldierEB" createUnit [[_x,_y ], _ArrayGroup select _i,"NouvelleUnité = this"] NouvelleUnité addEventHandler ["Killed", "[_this select 0] exec ""Respawn\RemoveKill.sqs"""] _CurrentNumberOfRespawn = _CurrentNumberOfRespawn +1 ? _CurrentNumberOfRespawn >_MaxOfRespawn : exit _NumberOfCreate = _NumberOfCreate +1 ? count units ( _ArrayGroup select _i) < _SquadDimension : goto "RespawnUnit" #SkipRespawn _i = _i + 1 ? _i < count _ArrayGroup : goto "Ingroup" ? _CurrentNumberOfRespawn <_MaxOfRespawn : goto "LoopOfRespawn" <span id='postcolor'> When the script begins to run lag during 2/3 second after not. For me it's not a big problem. Something relate to create unit: rank (how know) and waypoint (addWP) with this I don't need precreate group... 2003
  14. 1.91 ----------> impossible Future? Dialogs are 1.75's features, but I begin to see some mission with dialogs. And main part are build around the first ideas of Kegetys and VectorBoson... A big step for dialog is : no interrupt player entry. But for this you need a truck of new commands. It's the cat problem : where is my mouse? (for Bis and us too! But I dream an OFP II with 1/50000 maps and something like that : when u fly your jet a marvellous little progress bar in bottom of the screen : load map </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> @2003 closedialog "2002" createdialog "Happy new year 2003" @2004 && !(endoftheworld) <span id='postcolor'>
  15. If u don't need seconds you can use differents pictures. Or text, like BIS does for credits.
  16. Add event again when unit respawn.
  17. uiox


    Very nice  Look at this Joyeux Noël  Yeah ! 2003 will be the year of the chain of Multi-Squad mods, maybe a BIS one?
  18. uiox

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    Look at this... http://home.arcor.de/vektorboson/en/scripts.html
  19. uiox

    True artillery

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Try to imaginate an interface (with dialogs) which permits player to set azimuth and elevation of artillery, then fire<span id='postcolor'> Some little game does this... since 1985... OR in a MP mission a real artillerie.... But u give only a location on the map with radio.... OR u are God and play evrything evrywhere. A problem of many dude with OFP. Joyeux Noel
  20. Onsingleclick Doesn't work with a saved mission, need to reinited addeventhandler "getin" & "getout" In getout event unit is not return but the vehicle leave In command ref you say position in first it's unit first When a unit is present in a vehicle after getin, _this select 0 is always with the unit gets in first. 1) unit1 getin : return unit1, driver 2) Player getin : return unit1, cargo 2) unit2 getin : return unit1, cargo This event don't work with men only vehicles But the first application I see it's addaction to the vehicle's player! I can't for the moment or install event for ALL vehicles for disable one loop.
  21. uiox

    Script request

    hope this help you
  22. uiox

    In a funk

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Remeber this NOT FICTION it is exactly as it happened straight from afterbattle reports personal recolections of the survivors and the divisions history. <span id='postcolor'> Wouaouh!!!! Game boy (good isn't), only a game Take it slowly.