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Everything posted by untermenschen

  1. untermenschen

    Xp -- will it increase performance

    can anyone give me a definite answer as to whether Xp pro will improve Ofp performance i am thinking about upgrading from Win98se to XP pro and want to know - if xp alone can improve the game i have a P3 933 256mb sd ram 32mb shared tnt2 aladdin i saw ofp on a friends comp - an athlon 1.4.ghz with xp pro and geforce2, and my jaw hit the desk - it was so unbelievably amazing - i never though ofp could be SO awesome looking - after it i was pained to return to my comparably lacklustre-looking version i know i cant get the graphics his geforce can get but can Xp improve the game at all i actually have an extra 256mb sd ram sitting off in an anti static bag - i had it in my comp but it was causing all my games to crash in someway - it was either bad ram or was simply a fact of Win98se being so shithouse in its management of any ram above 256 actually - does anyone have a clue on how to get win98se to better manage more ram?
  2. untermenschen

    Xp -- will it increase performance

    can anyone give me a definite answer as to whether Xp pro will improve Ofp performance i am thinking about upgrading from Win98se to XP pro and want to know - if xp alone can improve the game i have a P3 933 256mb sd ram 32mb shared tnt2 aladdin i saw ofp on a friends comp - an athlon 1.4.ghz with xp pro and geforce2, and my jaw hit the desk - it was so unbelievably amazing - i never though ofp could be SO awesome looking - after it i was pained to return to my comparably lacklustre-looking version i know i cant get the graphics his geforce can get but can Xp improve the game at all i actually have an extra 256mb sd ram sitting off in an anti static bag - i had it in my comp but it was causing all my games to crash in someway - it was either bad ram or was simply a fact of Win98se being so shithouse in its management of any ram above 256 actually - does anyone have a clue on how to get win98se to better manage more ram?
  3. untermenschen

    Xp -- will it increase performance

    thanks guys for all the feedback i think it is clear that i should just try and save up for an overall upgrade of the motherboard processor, ram and video card i think i will go for a p4 1.6 ghz at least, ddr ram instead of SD ram, and a geforce 2 of some sort -- hopefully by the time i save up it will be probably a bit cheaper this whole shared memory thing bugs me once again cheers all for your feedback
  4. untermenschen

    Xp -- will it increase performance

    thanks guys for all the feedback i think it is clear that i should just try and save up for an overall upgrade of the motherboard processor, ram and video card i think i will go for a p4 1.6 ghz at least, ddr ram instead of SD ram, and a geforce 2 of some sort -- hopefully by the time i save up it will be probably a bit cheaper this whole shared memory thing bugs me once again cheers all for your feedback