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Everything posted by turman

  1. turman

    Multiple Joysticks

    Yeah it works! Â Trying so many settings and one of them works, with 2 analog pedals! The result is so good, my heli rides are much smoother now.. Â
  2. turman

    Multiple Joysticks

    Multiple joystick support isn't mentioned the new features announced for the 1.08 patch. I hope for the next one...
  3. turman

    Multiple Joysticks

    Thanks AXR, I will try something similar to your settings later in the week.. You're so lucky with your G25!
  4. turman

    Multiple Joysticks

    AXR, can you use your G25 pedals in Arma? Analog or digital? And do you have an option for forcing your G25 pedals to only one axis? Thanks..
  5. turman

    Multiple Joysticks

    Phew.. very interesting thread but this setup seems so complicated! And all this work just for repairing a lack from BIS! I've seen a lot of complaints in this official forum about multiple joysticks support, so I guess BIS have planned to fix it with a not so far patch. In fact I have just bought a Logitech Momo wheel this week, the main purpose is to use its pedals with my X45 for Arma. I was very surprised to see ArmA can manage only one input device. How to code a such beautiful gaming engine regardless of "extra" stuff like good input device management? I followed instructions from this thread (big thanks to Munky and others) and PPJoy/PPJoyJoy are my friends now. It works well except I cannot manage my Momo pedals in a good way: - If I use the "combined" mode (only one axis for pedals) in the Momo settings, my virtual rudder is min. when I do nothing and max. when I press on the accelator. - If I don't use the "combined" mode (two axis for the pedals), my virtual rudder is min. when I do nothing, medium when I press to the half the accelator, and max. when I press totally the accelator. So for now, it's unusable in ArmA. Â Any hints for pedals/rudder in PPJoy/PPJoyJoy? Thanks.