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About thready

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  1. thready

    Constant yellow/red chain

    Desync can also be caused by high ping, low bandwidth, to much load on the cpu of the server and to many players on the server. Desync is network packet loss due to these above factors. It seems the more CPU load ie larger the mission the more desync will be caused by fewer players. U can lessen the its impact by clean scripting, smaller missions and keeping the pings down and bandwidth up.
  2. thready

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    yer we found this in testing the respawn a squad leader in my missions, i think its an engine thing, feature, bug whatever. The leadership will go to the next highest ranking player in the group, or the next in the list. Not sure what can be done about it.
  3. thready

    1.06 Update

    Hooahman howz that Iraq thing working out for yas, lol oh yer and howd that other solo war effort in Vietnam work out for yas, LMAO. Leave the politics where they belong mate your only gunna cause grief.
  4. thready

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    yer same a above KillJoy, i learn a hell of alot after looking at other missions, some of things u have implemented are very well done and id love to see them used wider in Arma for example the triggers and scripts u have used in order to pick to join squads are fantastic and id love to see how u did it.
  5. thready

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    any thoughts on spawn@squadleader KillJoy, or would it make it to easy?
  6. thready

    ARMA needs squad system

    We at MTD (mission design team) have built a script that can be used in any mission, it gives the squad members the ability to spawn at the squad leader in a similar manner to bf2. The squad member can move to a tent at base and then spawn at thier squad leader. We have found that it helps keep the squad together increasing close teamwork. U can spawn into vehicles. It keeps the squad flowing becouse members are not travelling from base to action after every kill. U find that the squad leader has to work alot harder to keep himself alive, and his squad has to work hard at protecting themselves as well as him. Its very easy to implement, it works with reapons respawn. It gives the dead player the option to spawn on the squad or do what ever he/she wants to as normal in Arma after base spawn. It can be found here http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=61199 give it ago and feel free to use it as u wish in missions.
  7. thready

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Kiljoy i love your work, i was wondering can u look at implementing as an option the spawn at squad leader script that Squeeze and myself have put together. Its fully tested and works for spawning at your selected squad leader in and out of vehicles. I think as an option it would be a great addition to the gameplay and promote joining a squad and keeping your squad together, similar to BF2. The release version can be found here http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=61199