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Everything posted by torto_14

  1. torto_14

    Sako trg-42

    Looking great!
  2. torto_14

    Star Wars mod

    Looking great, especially the space screens
  3. torto_14

    Star Wars mod

    Great news, now we will have every TIE for flashpoint!
  4. torto_14

    Yugo total mod ready

    Are there any mirrors available for this mod?
  5. torto_14

    Nature Pack - European 3

    Can't wait for these, they're Looking beautiful!
  6. torto_14

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Yesterday i had my FFUR 2005 download interrupted at 93% Today i redownload from ofp.info, hope this server's more reliable. (But it's a 3 hr download )
  7. torto_14

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    wow Pilot looks of just as as high quality as the rest of the pack Again i must say: great work!
  8. torto_14

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Great news, i wasn't expecting the release to be today. Hope they are as good as they look.
  9. Good idea to add llauma heads to these. Looking very good But yes it should be in A&M:C.
  10. torto_14

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Exellent looking units. Can't wait for release!!.
  11. torto_14

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Asian crisis looks great! Just what i've wanted since i downloaded BOH and VME. Can't wait
  12. torto_14

    Game crashes to blue screen

    I have recently bought a new pc and was hoping my problems with this game would end. But after a few minutes of play the game freezes with the last sound looping and the picture is replaced with a blue screen. the computer is not struggling to run the game, the problem does not happen after lagging. When windows restarts it the error report days something like: "windows has recovered from a serious error. The error seems to have been caused by a driver problem" I have up the latest ATI catalyst drivers for the radeon X740XL card. Any help would be very appriciated
  13. torto_14

    Game crashes to blue screen

    well, before when a sound (radio or anything else, looped) it froze the game. Now radio sounds still loop and explosions loop for a few seconds before stopping. The music on the 'you are dead' screen was also getting stuck at various points, but again never for more than a few seconds. None of this now freezes the game
  14. torto_14

    Game crashes to blue screen

    This seems to have fixed the blue screen problem but the repeating sound (sqaud leader: clear clear clear clear etc ) is still there so ive turned radio volume to zero for now Thanks for the help!
  15. torto_14

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Again these are great addons! Although you have made most of the TIES nows are you planning to make the rest ( transport, vanguard, lander , phantom ,boat and scout and maybe there are more) There is a list on this webpage iI think it has the lot. Though really you have already made a lot of TIES and i would understand if you have got bored of making them! Â Â
  16. torto_14

    My small weapon pack

    A nice pack. Good to see somebody make some different weapons for once just the other day someone was asking about AK 100 series weapons I'll be downloading them now
  17. torto_14

    BH-Mod (Austria)

    Very good news to see a new Bh mod. New austrian stuff will bea great addition to OFP. Good luck continuing this project!
  18. torto_14

    WP Soldiers mini mod v0,4

    I downloaded this mod a few days ago and it's great, but now when i open flashpoint with this mod enabled the screen simply goes black and when minimised there is an error something like "cannot find file /Wps_tex/ screen.paa". I checked the WPS_tex folder and screen.paa is there.The mod worked at first worked fine but  now this error occurs every time. Any help would be appriceated Â
  19. torto_14

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    wow these keep looking better and better! It's good to hear the release will be soon
  20. torto_14

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    looking great! It that a juggernaut i can see in the background of the last screenshot?
  21. torto_14

    Floobie The Kamikaze Watermelon!

    That movie is very funny! and so is this addon Downloading now.
  22. torto_14

    Star Wars mod

    You can get practicaly everything from ofp cz .I think all the star wars related addons are on there, just search.
  23. torto_14

    Star Wars TatooineBuildingPack

    very impressive! Good textures
  24. torto_14

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Your pictures kick a considerably large amount of ass! I wish i could draw that well! It will be good to see these clones in the pack
  25. torto_14

    Star Wars mod

    That's great news!