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About therealFerox

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  1. therealFerox


    what BIS means is that like in rpgs such as morrowind, or the new one oblivion, on the map there will be lots of soldiers going about doing whatever they do and it would simulate a full theater war that you would be a part in. The npcs may have ended up being engaged at city X, and your on patrol somewhere, then all of a sudden orders come in to your platoon that is like " assist platoon y at city x, and clear it out." They war would go on and probably end eventually, even if you just decided to sit in the mess hall for days. we are not talking like ww2ol where you would have a map 1/2 size of real europe and thousands of players on at one time. You will be lucky to see 100 person servers when ofp2 is released.
  2. therealFerox


    Not true I would surrender in some cases. I try to treat the game as realistically as possible so I try not to die. I would rather surrender than respawn. There is always a chance of escape. For all you know as they are transporting you a friendly squad shows up and nails the bad guys for you. since most of ofp is non respawn anyways... surrendering would be a viable option if you knew you had people who could rescue you and would need an extra hand to complete the mission.
  3. therealFerox

    confused about the state of OFP2/nextgen/whatever

    as I stated in another post, since I believe codemasters is the EA of europe, their " op flash 2" will probably be some rehashed battlefield 2 copy and not a true op flash 2.
  4. therealFerox

    confused about the state of OFP2/nextgen/whatever

    ok i finally found some website who did a preview. armed assult will be out for pc and it is like op flash 1.5(wonder if that will mean it will be a big seller or will ofp people be like... hey why cant I just download a patch I already have resistance hehe) and the ofp2/next gen will encorporate many rpgish and realistic features in its single player to make it a more realistic experience... but doesnt explain much about if the multiplayer and editor will remain the same as it was in ofp(god hope so). so the only thing that remains... is codemasters doing an op flash 2 game of their own without bi studioes? I mean you do have to admit the whole affair is confusing... it would behove bistudios to make a page on the website with a few paragraphs that explains it all, rather then having to do a google search to find bits and pieces. Either way, I cannot wait to play.
  5. therealFerox

    1970 vs 2010

    dont worry.... 2010 wont be much different then now anyways in terms of military technology and combat tactics rofl... its only in 4 and a half years :P. I personally would prefer more 1980s cold war stuff. Thats what I loved about op flash because every stupid developr and their mother has jumped on the ww2 fps bandwagon in the last 6 years, and now the vietnam bandwagon.
  6. therealFerox

    POLL: Wich one? BIS or Codemaster for OFP2*?

    um.... is codemasters making an ofp2 on its own? I have yet to read about that. Confused about the bis or code. anyways.... codemasters is just another EA, and I wouldnt trust them making a good game, they would probably want to copy bf2. I'd go for bis.
  7. therealFerox


    the more realism the better in ALL aspects of the game. My biggest fear is ofp going the way of the battlefield series or some other unrealistic quakey game.
  8. Cant seem to find a definitive answer anywhere. I know that bohemia may be breaking off and ofp2 may be under a different name(hence, next gen, i guess). Is this the latest news we have? or has something else come out. Either way I am dissapointed I will have to wait even longer for ofp2, being such a fanatical fan of the first, but as long as it comes out in one piece, and hasnt been battlefield2ified or some horrible thing like that, I'll be happy.