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Everything posted by toster

  1. toster

    IDEA Games at E3

    Is somewhat shown by ArmA? I cant found a link.. Other films of the E3 were an occupational therapy. edit: Thx for Link.
  2. toster

    Arma Particle FX Example

    this site dont work in FF :/ In IE Going it. against links from ve3dmedia.ign.com :P
  3. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    again cz lala If there is there something new - it would be great. edit: very nicely, no new pictures.
  4. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    hi, Pitti have posted a Link here: http://www.bis-ingame.net/cmpro.e....e&id=53 *spam* http://www.pcpowerplay.de/index2.html about ArmA in Bistudios. Its only in German sorry. here the Screens----> http://www.1msd.com/simp....ba5a264 Thats a verry good report. The newspaper gives to buy it on Wednesday in germany. Even if we already have the article, it is one must go. btw: My PC cant boot, am just in another PC without Access data in my accounts. Will try to reach somebody from our team, which a little bit zusammenfast. If there is still no summary. Today maybe you also have to do what the better.;) bye
  5. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    trunken Team? http://img211.imageshack.us/my.php?image=124882d1d3bb75c93zs.jpg i thinks thats better: we have the inofficial Operation Flashpoint 2 tried out omg, i go in my bed..... ok, amazing
  6. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Someone has the PC PowerPlay (http://www.pcpowerplay.de) as a subscription? Or we must wait until Wednesday, than can by this newspaper. http://forum.pcpowerplay.de/showpost.php?p=218343&postcount=1 Preview: game (Spiel) : Estimation (Einschätzung): Armed Assault - outstanding (herrvorragend (more than very good)) Is my translator broken?
  7. toster

    Can someone translate this interview?

    a new chance for win? belief I notThe people want perfect graphics: 110% maximum shootings and graphics - shootings and graphics - shootings and graphics - shootings and graphics - shootings and graphics - shootings and graphics - high action - explosions - explosions - explosions i think is a little OT.
  8. toster

    Can someone translate this interview?

    You mean http://www.pcgames.de/?menu=110301&poll_id=50910&site_id=1 ? pcgames - pcaction no, you see?
  9. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Y, 75% complete Q3 2006 similar OFP; BF the letter read the new Flashnews. I have put this yesterday in the News, interests however no one... > my Chaos @bis-ingame.net > The FLashnews 94 a quote: http://www.totalvideogames.com/article...._20.htm ArmA Q2 2006, Game2 Q2 2007 (:D) Perhaps my English is too bad and through it I understand that incorrectly^^ edit: But logically: no publisher, no date for sale
  10. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    thx^^ wrong Topic *g* ArmA start: 14:50
  11. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    ?? Of where? i cant find, only a slow DL... in the cz forums... The other Links, i cant found a Download button I will try would file that to host. edit: damned, i have download the old ru video.. pff
  12. toster

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    y, ArmA is a bad name. at least as one of that it the first once read has. One can become accustomed to this name, many would think have that also. Name change? No, thats too late. Late mistake. We have read much of the makers OFP. Name change = wasted work and time and no image. For Bistudio, for the newspapers, for the Fans. Armed Assault. The makers of Operation Flashpoint. That is in the world. lalala
  13. toster

    Latest screenshots available

    Yes, big thanks. We want to hope times that P*Form*t does not see the pictures here. *g* O_o im dont understand this text^^ i mean: Mal hoffen das P*Form*t nicht vorbei schaut. ;P or others *g* hm, wayne. we nice Scans
  14. toster

    Latest screenshots available

    omg wow nice aaaah. thanks not the bmp files ... i have changed too jpg files (imageshack suckt ;P) before: 18,1 MB download after: 6,52 MB download http://www.armedassault-clans.net/bilder....jpg.jpg http://www.armedassault-clans.net/bilder....jpg.jpg http://www.armedassault-clans.net/bilder....jpg.jpg http://www.armedassault-clans.net/bilder....jpg.jpg http://www.armedassault-clans.net/bilder....jpg.jpg http://www.armedassault-clans.net/bilder....jpg.jpg
  15. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    omg i did not see the black box. looked like advertisement thanks..
  16. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    English version is to be found where? i mean from http://gry.o2.pl/publicystyka/?co=pokaz&id=156 Or do I understand straight somewhat not or am blind? edit: Does someone have the new pictures more largely? > http://gry.o2.pl/upload/files/wywiad_ArmA_exc_021.jpg > http://gry.o2.pl/upload/files/wywiad_ArmA_exc_011.jpg
  17. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    h3h3h3 Me is happy for DSL, before 10 - 20 KB download.
  18. toster

    Latest screenshots available

    Download ru Video --> http://www.bis-ingame.net/dl/arma/trailer/02armedassault-ru.avi i have dont see this Video, i hope it works ... //Yes, good Video BTW: Why dont a new Topic for the New Pics and the Video? For a simple vistor is not easy all in one .. i hope everybody understand ^^ *g* edit: Crosspostings...:P here are more Topics with the New pics and Video? http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....;st=885
  19. toster

    Latest screenshots available

    Yes, big thx for your work.
  20. toster


    Yes, Season's Greetings.
  21. toster


    english last Hi, dann werde ich mich auch wieder mal hier melden..;P Auch schön das mein Account bisher nicht das vierte mal gelöscht wurde. www.ofp-forum.de gibt es seit dem 29.02.2004 (ein Schaltjahr, wenn das nichts zu bedeuten hat. ) und beschäftigt sich überwiegend um den Multiplayerbereich, bzw. ist als Forum für aktive Clans gedacht, inkl. einem internen Forum für die Leader der Clans. Da es in diesem Topic jedoch nicht über ofp-forum.de geht, sondern über andere Seite, kann mehr mehr unter diesem Link nachlesen: (only german..) http://www.ofp-forum.de/web/news/se/ueber_uns.php Nun gab es ja die tolle Nachricht das Codemasters wohl kein Publisher mehr von BIS ist, permanent die Adresse zu wechseln ist auch keine tolle Entscheidung. Deswegen haben wir uns für eine Domain entschieden, bei der es egal ist wer Publisher ist und wem die Namensrechte sind, da im Multiplayer auch sowieso nur das aktuelle Spiel interessiert. Soll doch Codemasters ihr Namensrecht sonst wo reinschieben. *g* und OFP2 von CS Programmierern machen lassen. http://www.BIS-inGame.net beschäftigt sich mit dem aktuellen Taktikshooter von BIStudio. Was ist das Thema bei uns? News über den Clanbereich, News über den Ligabereich, News die etwas mit dem Multiplayer zu haben. Originalgetreue Ãœbersetzungen der News von bistudio.com nach deutsch. Originalgetreue Ãœbersetzungen von angenommen Informativen Inhalten von bistudio.com nach deutsch. Und mehr. Desweiteren bieten wir eine Uploadmöglichkeit für Bilder, die nach 100 Tagen gelöscht werden: http://upload.bis-ingame.net/images/upload.cgi Also ähnlich wie imagehack.us, allerdings ohne Werbung, dafür haben wir keine tausende GB Speicher. Das selbe für Dateien: http://upload.bis-ingame.net/files/upload.cgi Für Betamaps ect. Das Freespace-Angebot wurde von damals festgelegten 10 MB Speicher etwas aufgestockt. -> http://www.bis-ingame.net/se/clan-freespace.php Wenn also ein deutscher Clan nicht weiß, auf welchen Freespace er gehen will, dann kann er zu uns kommen. Cheatender Clan = löschung der Präsenz Real Anschrift ist für die Anmeldung erforderlich, auch wenn es für Freespace untypisch ist. Jetzt habe ich doch mehr geschrieben als ich eigentlich wollte... über Linkpartner würden wir uns freuen, werden bestimmt in den nächsten Tagen auch die ein oder andere Seite mal anschreiben, auch Englische oder anderssprachige. Danke noch an Karl^Napp der diesen Text in ein sauberes Englisch geschrieben hat. hf und fröhliche Weihnachten info@bis-ingame.net --------------------- English Hi, it's time to say Hello again ;P. Good to see that my account has not been deleted the fourth time. www.ofp-forum.de is online since 2004-02-29 (a leap year, though it doesn't say anything ) and it's mainly dealing with multiplayer stuff, meant to be as a forum for active ofp-clans, including a forum only accessable to clan leaders. However, this thread is not about ofp-forum.de but fansites, you are hereby invited -in the case u understand German- to take a visit @ http://www.ofp-forum.de/web/news/se/ueber_uns.php. So there's the news that Codemasters ® will not be publishing BIS' games but changing URLs would not be a wise choice either. Since gaming is what counts, we've decided to name our domain independently from any publisher and reserved rights of gametitle/name, etc. Codemasters may insert the reserved name somewhere else *g* and have OFP2 made by CS programmers. http://www.BIS-inGame.net , however, is dedicated to BIS' relevant title Armed Assault. What's topic? News about clans, leagues...anything considering ArmA-multiplayer. We will also post news and information found at bistudio.com into German, as true to the original as we can get. And certain more things. There's a 100-day possiblity to upload pictures: http://upload.bis-ingame.net/images/upload.cgi, just like imageshack.us. We can't offer thousands of gigabytes but, in its place, there wont be any advertisments. Players can also upload files, (beta-)maps, etc: http://upload.bis-ingame.net/files/upload.cgi Furthermore, we offer freespace to host clansites: -> http://www.bis-ingame.net/se/clan-freespace.php So if there's a (German) clan looking for free hosting, there's a platform by players for players. The snag: you need to give us an adress (even though it is unusual) and, of course, cheating clan=hp deleted. "Over us" is presently unfortunately only in German available, will change however the next days. Well, I wrote more than I wanted to. We are looking for partners for banner-swapping Have fun and a merry Christmas! info@bis-ingame.net PS: Karl^Nap is the translater, I do not hope scolds it over something. *g* PPS: Special thanks to BIStudio – Domainname and something contents.
  22. toster

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    I haven´t a dream in the last night; coldresistancewar. nonono, without Operations or flashpoint is verry shit... shitings Copyrights-------- Stupid disputes and legal statuses... Somehow something must be possible yet koorperation with Codemasters... Hopefully I do not write too much incorrect.
  23. toster

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    hi @ all, that is now my 4 or 5 account with the same name. i hope nobody deletet me again. I would wish for felled received remain would become that on each the name (Operation) Operation BIS Power ;) Operation blablub also for OFP2 Also if this subject was now the incorrect place. It is have me equal, essential matter I here finally what written. BTW: Sorry for my bad english^^ I like this sentence in English forums.