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Everything posted by toster

  1. toster

    Interview on friday by Electronic sports

    verry nice. My Software suckt.. 5 MB Record no problem. The 80 MB Recordtime: No reaction für saving... can i upload your file on bis-ingame space? edit: I cant longer wait^^ i have work... send me please 1 pm or Mail, if you need to delete this File. http://www.bis-ingame.net/dl....ffo.mp3 btw: Placebos English is realy elegantly. - in compare of the others.
  2. toster

    Interview on friday by Electronic sports

    verry damn, my tool is crashed. :/ i have read a File is to download at http://www.esportstv.com dont know where.. nice Espectro ^^ You dont have a job?
  3. toster

    Interview on friday by Electronic sports

    written English is better. > ...can ask by mail i have not understand the adress... .. anybody ask him about the T80 in Arma ^^ balance wow, ask from telejunkie
  4. toster

    Interview on friday by Electronic sports

    Countdown 1 minutes. anybody record the Radio? I do it. than i will upload this file. With music or without the music? *g* I also hope it functioned PS: only for info: I have only DSL 1000 ...
  5. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Remember: do not host this file. I give only further what was said to me. sorry... gamesfire.at is big and danger and hot. You find a Mirrorlink on the downloadsite.: http://www.gamesfire.at/downloa....06.html edit: Oh, the Mirrorlink connect in the News. hm, press in the News the Link to the right of "Mirror".
  6. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    we ( http://www.bis-ingame.net/cmpro.e....&id=138 ) have become a Informationmail. 61 Pictures (photographs): http://www.gamesfire.at/gallery,list78,1,armed_assault_gc_2006.html or download the little Movie from Stefan Jungreithmaier: http://www.gamesfire.at/downloa....06.html -> do not host tis file.. is exclusive... Regard then yet rather the pictures (?) thanks http://www.gamesfire.at/news,id5366,armed_assault.html
  7. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    @Berghoff, i dont know. I do not hope it. I know only that there is an appointment with IDEA games. -> 2-hour demonstration through BIS
  8. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    verry nice Screens. http://www.armed-assault.eu and http://www.armedassaults.de and http://www.bis-ingame.net visits the GC (IDEA) in Sunday. We will see what the 5 people will bring for information.
  9. The German translation ( http://www.bis-ingame.net/mix....an.html ):
  10. A German Version of velocity can you found here: http://www.bis-ingame.net/mix....an.html for send use the official site. It hope is for the one or other helpful.
  11. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Official Trailer missed and i mean a Demo only with Publisher. Demo without Publisher = Bistudio released ArmA without Publisher. *g*
  12. toster

    ArmA mod listing thread

    I have always thought 88x31 is standard.
  13. i can repeat: verry nice. but, i miss the Demo... and something else.. I have uploadet for the isdn Users the Video only http://www.bis-ingame.net/dl/arma/trailer/ArmA_Technology_Video.zip (24 MB, not 39,6 ) i hope it´s ok.
  14. yes thx verry nice Verry nice Video u need a Mirror? it´s the full Operation Flashpoint Anniversary Assets.zip http://www.bis-ingame.net/dl/arma/trailer/ofp_Anniversary_Assets.zip edit: and here only the Video http://www.bis-ingame.net/dl/arma/trailer/ArmA_Technology_Video.zip (24 MB, not 39,6 )
  15. toster

    Latest screenshots available

    thx the last Screen is nice. i say again: we can build ArmA from Screenshots.
  16. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Maybe it has only the demo. ;p than we dont need a new Topic or a "Thread switching" . edit: Boykott-Aufruf StarForce http://www.golem.de/0601/43056.html http://www.glop.org/starforce/
  17. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    www.ubisoft.de (http://www.ubi.com/DE/default.aspx) stops Delivery with SF3 protected games. Complaints of private persons. a here: Ubisoft in future without StarForce http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/72030 hm http://eplaw.us/sf/UbisoftComplaint032406.pdf What we/i have to think of StarForce?
  18. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    About StarForce... i have read in the german http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/StarForce edit: englishwikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StarForce verry bad. :/ - Installs for device drivers on the computer - [...] StarForce drivers to system instability and crashes led - StarForce always reduces the achievement of systems, on which it is used, and many more. If is correct
  19. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    i have think 1 GB HDD space and 1,5 GB RAM the GeForce. nothing is to read over E3
  20. toster

    ArmA Progress Updates

    nice thx. i can read 'Geforce 6600 GT' and 1 GB, 1,5 GB edit: Someone translates? Or only shit content?
  21. toster

    OFP : Happy Birthday 5 Years

    Happy Birthday, OFP. Today is the last active Birthday^^
  22. toster

    ArmA.dk domain for sale

    An auction.. Why don't you keep it? only 8 EUR per year... Will the same happen with armedassault.eu? only for min. 50 EUR ? A Armed Assault Domain for Sale ist not nice. I do not hope it become a Domaindialer, that will earn money. Nevertheless better here than simply quit. before they take Domainrobots. Espectro, If she did not like anybody: Keep it still a few months.
  23. toster

    Rank system,good idea or bad idea?

    nothing~ against Pr0sTaTz @ShapeShifter, i died more frequently.
  24. toster

    Latest screenshots available

    i mean: We have and know 10.000 Screenshots. Who wants to see Screenshots? Its not longer food for the wolves. *g* At least this applies to me. Boringly and too many Screens. I take all Pictures and build ArmA, from the Screenshots.
  25. toster

    Latest screenshots available

    whether old or not old: It needs soon nobody more any Screenshots..... :/ :x