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About theeraserhead

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. theeraserhead

    AACF SoundMod Version 2.0 released

    Thank you Oni. You and Fromz are amazing. The sounds are the best sounds ever, I don't understand what the others are complaining about. This is the best I tell you, the best!!
  2. theeraserhead

    SLX MOD public release

    The SLX AI is still having problems taking out the tanks when using portable rockets like M134 and RPG! This is a very old issue which I brought up during beta testing. I thought this was fixed. Try any mission with tanks and RPG, the AI just can't do it cause it's such a peacnik.
  3. theeraserhead

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    Hi Solus: It would be an honor to beta test your wonderful mod. Please do PM me the link. Thank you.
  4. theeraserhead

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    Hi Solus: Thank you for your reply. I suggest you spend all the time making the Armed Assault SLX version since I'm ready to drop OFP the moment your mod is released. Thanks Solus and all the other greast modders who put their time and effort in making OFP and AA a great gaming experience.
  5. theeraserhead

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    Bug Report!! Enemy AI doesn't shoot at me when I'm in the forest. I can walk up to them whithout getting shot. When I step out of the forest, then they started shooting at me. Installing the mod without the vegetation replacement removes the bug, but then there is less shooting by the AI. In addition, I caught the AI several times dragging injured enemy units.
  6. theeraserhead

    DX10 and Armed Assault

    Thanks guys. I was wrong to say 10x MS might have said 6 - 8 times. Most of the DX10 graphics work horse will be taken away from the CPU and processed by the GPU instead. The new boards right now require a fast CPU to be taken full advantage of. DX10 will most likely take the CPU factor off. I'm hoping to hear from Placebo about DX10. Thank you again.
  7. theeraserhead

    DX10 and Armed Assault

    According to MS, games ported to DX10 can experience 6 to 10 times the speed. It was stated that games that are currently in development can be easily ported to the DX10 API to take advantage of the speed. A game can also be designed to run on both API. For older games, the DX10 will need to emulate DX9 (which means the game might perform a little slower). The above is a concern for me since I'm planning to purchase a DX10 card to play Crysis but I also plan to play Armed Assault. If AA game is strictly DX9 then I'm concerned that the game won't be running fast on my DX10 card as it would on the fastest DX9 card. My heart is torn right now, please tell me that the game can be ported to DX10 or designed to take advantage of DX10 hardware. Thank you.
  8. theeraserhead

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Oh Gosh, please stop complaining. A mod this complicated bound to had a few names missed. No one is making money out of these mods, so permission or not doesn't matter cause I'm sure the author will be glad his mod is being used, but yeah, better mention the authors name -I'm sure this was just a mistake cause what would TB have to lose if he mentioned the name? I don't think TB and his team need your comments right now cause it's not that big of a deal.
  9. theeraserhead

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Thunderbird, please disregard all requests to have the values different cause they are fine and are not a big turn off. I get sniped more easily with ECP and the orignal Flashpoint than with your mod. Changing the values will make the game only for novices. For those complain that they are getting sniped, just get a good LCD and you can see the so called sniper easily and you can shoot back as well with the same accuracy. Mine is the NEC LCD1970GX. Thunderbird, please, please don't change the values. This is your own mod. Just understand that you cannot make everyone happy. Just work on the real bugs and disregard all these nonsense about accuracy and FOV. Make the mod according to your own vision. After all, none of these complainers are paying you. If you decide to make a patch, please just make it for the real bugs. Value changes and FOV should be on another file as an alternative configuration. Thanks man. You're the best.
  10. theeraserhead

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Hey thunderbird, I swear some of these issues are made up, Please don't release another patch in regards to values, but a patch for the real bugs and not because someone prefers this and that. Honestly, I still have to find a bug that will turn me off. Thank you for the hard work TB. I don't get why people complain too much about something they get for free. Suggestions, fine. Using bugs or fake bugs to make a mockery of someones work, really evil.
  11. theeraserhead

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I'm not having the 90 degree and sitting issue- I'm using FFUR 2.0 on a fresh installation of Flashpoint (GOTY) edition. I noticed that the combination of the Original Flashpoint and Resistance addon are buggy versus the GOTY even if they have the same version number. GOTY however is missing the grende launcher reload sound.
  12. theeraserhead

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Can people stop b***. This is a very good mod, and I don't see issues that really affect gamesplay in a big way, so please give the mod makers credit and a break - they do all this hardwork for free after all. This kind of attitude is a real turn-off for a lot of people who spent alot of countless hours to help entertain us. Those who said you get sniped by an AK in this mod, I just ran a map with enemies at every corner, by the mountains and stuff and it took me a good 15 minutes before I was shot. I even ran Battlefield singler player as a test, and didn't get sniped with an AK.
  13. theeraserhead

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Thunderbird, team, and all the other mod contributeors to FFUR 2006, I just don't know how to thank you enough. This is the best best mod for Operation Flashpoint - Ever! Thank you so much for the hard work. You really affect my gaming life in a good way. Thank you again.
  14. theeraserhead

    ECP Machine Gun Fix

    Thanks guys. I've downloaded some PBO tools. I'll let you know if I have trouble changing the sound.
  15. theeraserhead

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Thank you Thunderbird. You are cool man.