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About the_soupdragon

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  1. Help I'm stuck. In QG mission "camp" My mercs and I have cleared the prison camp and have fired a green flare off but nothing happens. Group C do not appear with the trucks. I noticed in the mission brief that it says when the camp is cleared the partisans will group the prisoners at the front of the camp, this doesn't seem to be happening, my mercs and I are in the roll call area but the partisans are all loitering around the camp entrance and the prisoners are all over the place. any ideas as to what could be wrong? Help please cos I don't wanna do this mission over again. cheers SD
  2. the_soupdragon

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    I have tried various HMMVW's in different states (playable, non playable) with no joy. also no joy with the M110 (static artillery piece). Here is a small vid of me trying to pick up a HMMVW. Can you see anything wrong with it? http://www.btinternet.com/~the_soupdragon/ARMA/Vehicle_pickup.wmv Cheers SD
  3. the_soupdragon

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    I know it only works with the transport BH I can assure you I am directly above the HMMVW at 9m and I get no option to attach vehicle in the menu, unless it has to be mm perfect. anyway I will persevere and see what happens SD
  4. the_soupdragon

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    Good question. In the manual it states that you just need to hover the Blackhawk over the vehicle at 9-10m and an attach vehicle menu appears. I have tried this but it just ain't working. Has anyone got it to work? Yes. I am using the cargo version of the Blackhawk and I am trying to lift a standard HMMVW. BTW can you lift artillery pieces? Great Mod though guys a big WELL DONE to all involved SD
  5. the_soupdragon

    Tank Fire Control Systems

    Lawman I seem to be having the exact same problem as you. although I use Kegetys Arma Launcher. I just cannot get this mod to work. If I use it in conjuction with the 6th sense mod ARMS actualy crashes just before I get into the map. If I use just this mod ARMA loads but I sont get the Sights or anything. SD
  6. the_soupdragon

    Convoy Ambush SP mission

    Cheers guys. I didn't realise there was extra ammo in the pick up SD
  7. the_soupdragon

    Convoy Ambush SP mission

    What is the best or most sophisticated way to complete the convoy ambush mission. I am finding it quite difficult with the equipment loadout given. I know you have to takke out the BMP's with the M138(?) but what about the Satchel? how so you take out three trucks with 1 satchel charge? Some tips would be great. SD
  8. the_soupdragon

    RAF Chinook HC.2

    Never mind SD