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Everything posted by tariq

  1. tariq

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Hi, I have tried to install this pack but when I go to run the game, i get the following error, Addon RHS_T55 Pack requires version 1.92 of application. I have installed all of the updates, including 1.92 beta. I don't know whats wrong. The same error message came up when i tried installing DKM's new tunguska. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  2. tariq

    Marine assault pack

    These units and weapons are bloody fantastic. I really like the weapons, not only do they look so much better than anything else out there, they are super fun to play with. You guys really must have tweaked these for playability. It would be nice in the future to see a PK and maybe a dragunov but other than that this pack is simply superb. well done
  3. tariq

    Oo7 autogyro little nellie

    Fantastic work as always, great detail and damn fun to play with. Thanks alot!
  4. tariq

    Red Hammer Studios

    That is one ridiculously sweet looking tank! Sorry for my ignorance, but can someone tell me about how strong this m84 is (compared to t72 and t80)?
  5. tariq

    Trinity 2.0

    Fantastic work! This island is by far the most artistic and beautifully landscaped to date, well done.
  6. tariq

    The s.j.b. handgun project

    I don't have any criticisms or suggestions other than to say that you are doing a very nice job with this pack