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About tnl

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    goat herding and bookshelf spotting
  1. tnl

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    first of all, great pack, kudos! great models and textures and what not but, do you have any plans of making it JAM compliant?
  2. tnl


    yep, looking very good indeed, kudos! keep it up mate
  3. tnl


    Hi! new here, so I hope this is the right forum for this. Anyway, I was wondering if it is possible to make an animated, walking vehicle in Ofp... As I see it, there are lots of animated helicopters and such, who can extend/retract gear, so shouldn't it be possible to make a walker by putting a sort of "if speed <0 then play animation walk" script in it? well, thanks for your time anyhow /tnl