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Posts posted by tracy_t

  1. Prototype:

    I will edit your unit's config.cpp to make the zombie crawl by default, then send you it back.

    Right now though, as I said, I would like to keep things simple so I will keep my zombie pack and yours separate for the moment. I will finish my zombies and then yours. Is that OK?

    Tell you what though, if any of you could edit the texture of "HatBloke" (see page 4 of this thread) and put it on a fatter-faced zombie, that would be excellent... I'm not much of an artist. The hat bloke texture doesn't look right on a skinny soldier model.

    Hunt: will try out your animations tonight and provide you with feedback ASAP. Many thanks for your work.

    Murphy: as soon as I finish zombie addons, I will post them to you. Can you put them up on your site please? Cheers.



  2. CrunchyFrog

    Have you never seen the George Romero movies (Night of the lviing dead, dawn of the dead) ?

    Zombies eat you. That is their whole raison d' etre ;-)

    Just joking.

    Basically I will be using the NearestObject function on each player to determine what zombie is closest. When you get within 1m distance, you will be attacked (bitten.) - I will use Hunt's attack anims instead of the shit "Strokefist" animation.

    On the subject of being attacked, I'm toying with the following ideas (advice appreciated):

    a) When zombies attack one of your team, the team member is treated as "bitten". The team member will lose blood and eventually die, whether you get to a medic tent or not. Yes it will be shite for multiplayer games, but I want to concentrate on the single player experience.

    b) When one of your team members die, Zombies close by will devour the newly dead team member. (I am thinking of having a zombie drag the corpse away to a nearby tree or something, so it can eat in the shade away from the other ghouls. How's about that for advanced thinking eh? lol)

    c) If no zombies are near to the freshly dead team member, then the team member will resurrect as a zombie. (Hunt: I know this might be asking too much, but is there any chance of having a "resurrection" animation?)

    I really dunno how I'm gonna make former allies come back as zombies though. I suppose I'll have to AddRating GetRating _unit -100000 and hope my team open fire!

    EDIT: Check out the textures on villagephotos (URLS are on page 4 of this thread) - they are back up again. Comments appreciated.

  3. Quote[/b] ]dead people shouldn't be able to run

    Well, they shouldnt really be walking either.  biggrin_o.gif

    And none of your pics work, maybe getting hosted by OFP.info or another site(if you can) might be a better idea.

    Touche' !


    Oh come on, suspend your disbelief for a wee bit eh? Dead people walking is one thing, but running too?!!!


    Looks like my bandwidth limit for villagephotos.com has expired. Cack.

  4. D. Murphy man has now got the latest version of the zombies. Hopefully he's posted it on his site.

    Anyway the zombies take 20 m16 hits to the stomach or 1 head shot to kill.


    Whether the zombies go fast or slow depends on the programmer of the mission. Personally, I prefer them to go slow - dead people shouldn't be able to run smile_o.gif

    To compensate for the fact that you can run past the zombies easily, it makes sense to have a 3rd party enemy in the game, e.g. the military or looters, or bandits.

    In my forthcoming map, there is a US military presence. However, they are not the good guys. They have orders to "clean up" the island, and so will shoot anyone on sight, zombie or not. So, you may be able to dodge the zombies, but can you dodge an Abrams, armed only with a hunting rifle? biggrin_o.gif

    PS: What do y'all think of the Dr Tongue and Sunhat bloke textures? ;)

  5. Dr tongue's face texture uploaded to



    PS: This texture is only to be used in zombie related games. Please ask permission from me if you wish to use it elsewhere. If I catch the picture being used as a custom face on Gamespy or All-seeing-eye by some 12 year old (for example) I will NOT release anything else! (Took bloody ages to make, so it did.)

  6. What I mean is, when you execute the animation on a zombie object, will the animation physically "move" the object? (ie: change it's position on the map)

    Take the following code for example:


    myzombie animate "walk1"


    goto "loop"

    will this code make the zombie walk across the map? Or would I need to use:


    myzombie animate "walk1"

    myzombie domove targetpos


    goto "loop"

    No matter either way biggrin_o.gif

    EDIT: My explanations of ideas sucks ass.

    EDIT 2: Norsu, ask and ye shall get. I will create zombie East/ West soldiers. That is REALLY easy! lol

  7. Bodyparts?

    It seems like a good idea (anything to do with gore usually is, lol) but I would like to keep things simple at the moment. Adding falling bodyparts could complicate things for me.

    Having said that though, if you want to produce a derivative work of my code, and write your own limb removal scripts, I'd have no problem with that.

    Can I ask, when the zombies animate, do they walk themselves, or would I have to use DoMove / SetPos on them to physically change their position?

    EDIT: Kegety's object addon pack includes a human head object. We can retexture that.

    EDIT 2: I already have a "dead city" type map if anyone wants to reuse it.

    EDIT 3: Guts should be easy: just edit a texture and update the wounds[] array in the config.cpp. And I know just where to get the guts from...



  8. Interesting... I'll try that face out... can't do any harm...

    Note how faces can only be applied to undamaged soldiers; when I tried putting Dr Tongue on a damaged soldier, the texture reverted to the old OFP texture. Doesn't matter though, because I can hack a P3D model to use Dr Tongue's face and relevant wound textures... smile_o.gif

    EDIT: Something else of interest for y'all. I think I'll use some of the code from OFPEC's "splatter" addon, to add spurts of blood whenever a zombie is shot. This could be a serious gore fest!


  9. Very scary. In fact, I can imagine the following scene (rightmost pane) being easy to make in OFP:


    Hunt, if you can make two diff walking anims, as per the front of the DVD (see link above):

    1) zombies with arms up, outstretched in front

    2) zombies with raised arms to side

    Then I will put those anims in pronto and release the next BETA addon ASAP. I am also going to add sound.

    A big THANK YOU goes to everyone who has helped. I will complete BUB and release the next version of the addon soon. When is soon? Well hopefully this week...

  10. With Bub and Dr. Tongue's face and those animations, plus the sound FX I've got, I think we'll have some really cool zombies real soon.

    Hopefully the community will take the zombies to heart and we'll start seeing some really cool missions! lol

  11. Yeah, certainly a cramped city would be nice.


    The streets in OFP are too clean!! Spotless. Not a hint of rubbish.

    I would love the following addons (a hint to all you OFP modders out there):

    a) Rubbish bins

    b) Walk/ Don't walk signs


    d) Newspaper stands & Discarded newspapers

    e) Car wrecks with bonnet in the air

    f) Traffic cones (I'm sure they exist in OFP:R. They do, don't they???) - EDIT: They do, at http://www.ofpnews.info/ofp/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=487

    House wise:

    Cinemas (the Edison from Day of the dead would be excellent.)

  12. Hi there, thank you for your offer of help: new walk anims would be much appreciated!!!.

    Is there any chance of having the classic zombie - head down looking towards the ground, with arms outstretched?

    The following picture (especially the two characters on the left.) should give you an idea of what I'm after:


    Also, a "bite" animation where the zombie goes for the neck of the victim would be excellent!

    PS: Murphy, check out www.rayza.net for pics of the Dawn remake (WARNING: ADULT CONTENT). Those scene shots really helped me set up the "dead city" for my forthcoming zombie mission (dunno when I'll have it finished. I plan on spending December drinking. Please don't ask lol)



  13. Got the moaning...

    Can't do the limp though lol!!! Been trying to learn OFPAnim though; just not had any luck with it.


    WHO'S THIS? ..


    Even closer...


    Dr. Tongue's face has been added to my zombie addon. My colleague isn't too healthy looking... lol

    EDIT: You should see it close up - I tell you, this texture ROCKS! The zombie blinks, and you can see through his chin and everything. Christ, I may be 31, but us old pros are good for something, lol smile_o.gif

    BTW: Sorry D. Murphy but I can't do a low poly version; I am using the standard BIS models (and some of their textures). I wouldn't know where to begin in o2. However, if anyone can help out...

  14. The zombies take 20 body shots from the m16 to kill. One head shot though. The AI doesn't bother shooting at them with the M16 though.

    With G36 they take two; but that's the only weapon the AI will target the zombies with sad_o.gif

    And Murphy, please use my addon as you wish; please credit me somewhere though (even in the readme of your mission) lol

    Wait til you see Dr. Tongue zombie... my girlfriend shat herself when she saw the texture! lol
