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Posts posted by tracy_t

  1. Hi y'all, I've COMPLETED work on the headless zombie's config.cpp and IMHO it's now ready for release, but I'll let Prototype have the final word.

    Anyway here is what's new:

    1) Zombie no longer screams when shot (how can it, it's head is separated from its body!)

    2) Zombie no longer has weapon slots

    3) Zombie takes 15 hits to kill - AI will target it with M16 now! It's a badass!

    Here's a screenshot:


    And yes, that IS its head in its hand...

  2. That's the same problem that you get if you use SetPos on a unit, or CreateVehicle in mid air. OFP doesn't bother applying gravity.

    What to do is use the following code:

    _jumper switchmove "Jumpanim"


    _opos = GetPos _jumper    (where jumper is id of person)

    _height = _opos select <bugger, I forget the index in the Position struct for the Z (height) coordinate. I think it's 2. Ach, I'm sure you'll find it>

    ? _height <= 0: goto "jumpdone"

    ; Adjust height of jumper

    _jumper setpos [_opos select 0, _opos select 1, (_opos select 2)-1]


    ; Might want to adjust wait above to reflect gravity

    goto "lp"


    _jumper setdamage 1    ; You want jumper to look bloodied


    Hmm; I wonder if SetVelocity could be used here.... interesting. Anyway Hunt I might try that later on...

  3. What we definitely need to do, is agree what constitutes the OFP zombie addon. What are we going to release, exactly. Then everyone knows what to expect, and there will be no disappointment (said Scott, hopefully. lol)

    So, what I'll do is (in this order):

    a) Finish the existing OFP zombie addons I have and release them to the public (the beta is on shell shock's forum.)

    b) Finish editing the config.cpp's for Prototype's zombies. Whether prototype chooses to release the zombies after that or not, is up to him biggrin_o.gif

    c) Upload my load of sound clips & music up to a web site for zombie addon makers to use in their own missions. EDIT: Murphy would you care to be the proud host, seeing as you kicked this whole business off? lol

    d) Start work on creating the next version of the zombies, using prototype's P3D.

    e) Create a demo mission that incorporates the zombies.

    And that's about it...

  4. Prototype: Just what I was thinking!! Tonal island would be great for zombie missions along the lines of Zombie Flesh eaters. All you need are voodoo drums to set the tone and you're away..

    If I have your permission, I will edit your headless crawling zombie's config.cpp to not produce any sounds when shot.

    Hunt, thanks for the link. I do better than that m8, I take blood textures from pictures, direct from horror movies/ sites biggrin_o.gif . I also work for the UK's NHS so have access to medical journals for the real gore feel lol (if I had the stomach for it.)


    Hunt, holy shit!! I just saw your sig - that OFP Zombie Addon picture is brilliant!!! Great work.

  5. Hunt/ Prototype,

    The headless zombie is cool but.. when you kill it, it screams!!!

    Not that I can do any better... or even as good, for that matter biggrin_o.gif

    Taking a short break from zombies at the moment, will continue texturing tarman soon (although, his face is yellow in game instead of brown!!! Dunno why that is. )

    Prototype, is it possible for you to make a plain male civilian model (with all arms and legs) - I would like to begin creating wounded looking models, but with more modern looking textures than OFP:R. The current textures are a bit "80's" smile_o.gif



  6. LOL...

    Wait til you see my next zombie!!

    what's that, you wanna see work in progress?

    OK... just for you... GORE WARNING YET AGAIN!!!


    NOTE: This geezer took AGES to make. For those of you who think creating textures is just a case of copying from movies and suchlike, you're wrong tounge_o.gif Tarman (the bloke above) didn't have any close up "cranium" in the Return of the living dead movie so I had to erm, visit some rather "unsavoury" gore sites to get the texture required biggrin_o.gif

  7. Well I can't speak for anyone else, but I can assure you no map of mine will have any mutants.. biggrin_o.gif

    Zombies plain and simple...


    Just to let you all know, I have updated Dr. Tongue's picture. It looks really horrific. Used Photoshop to re-texture the face with fantastic (IMHO) results.



    Sunhat bloke's texture has also been updated. The side of his head needs a bit of colourization, but pretty much done.


    Also got another stunning face texture to use.... this time, its for a woman. She is actually MORE horrific as Dr. Tongue!

    I must warn you in advance that I jumped when this image appeared on my screen. I was switching from OFP to Photoshop, then maximised the app... her face appeared... nearly shit myself biggrin_o.gif

    SO: HERE SHE IS!!!


  8. Prototype:

    Not received your files yet. As soon as I get your files I will add the necessary code. Also got some wicked sound samples to add too...


    Can you do a "bite" animation, where the zombie, while standing, moves its head over to the neck of the player? That's the only animation left that's needed IMHO.

    I would also like to edit walkvar3 animation to make the zombie look towards the ground while walking smile_o.gif

    EDIT: There's no way I'm making ANYTHING like Resident evil! I am basing all my code on Dawn & Day of the Dead, the best zombie movies there are! Mind you if anyone wants to make a milla jovovich model, I wouldn't complain lol!!!

  9. Hi prototype: the resistance civi & female textures are in res\addons\o.pbo, in the CHAR and MISC subdirectories respectively. I used UNPBO to decrypt that pbo file, with 100% success.

    I have sent you the dumped BIS Resistance config.cpp that tells you where all the wound textures are stored. Just do a search in the file for civilian4, civilian5... woman1, woman2 etc. The wounds[] arrays are declared there too.


  10. Hi prototype,

    can you make civilian models that use the same blood textures from resistance? (So they look dead already)

    That would save me a *LOT* of trouble! No armor enhancement hacks required lol!!

    Also, is it possible for you to configure "wound" textures for your unit so I can script custom "really dead" faces? (I don't ask for much do I, lol smile_o.gif )

    I currently have 2 Dr Tongue zombie faces. One face is for when the zombie is "healthy" (getdamage _unit ==0)  and another face is for "Dr Tongue really dead this time" (getdamage ==1).

    I can use the setface statement to achieve the "healthy" pic, but I don't know how to implement the "really dead" pic - the texture reverts to bog standard BIS face when you kill the zombie.


    Send me the textures and I will convert them for you to PAA if you like.

    PS: Out of interest,

    Can I ask you, are all your civilian models based on any particular 3rd party model (e.g. Mathijs International Soldier P3D model) - how easy is it to edit? I would like to create my own zombie models too. (And some extra props for the Day map I'm doing, e.g burger stands, museums etc etc.)

    HUNT: Your walkvar1 and eat1 anims are perfect, but there is one small problem. Try the code below to see what I mean:


    [zombieunit id] exec "chaseplayer.sqs"

    Code for making zombies chase the player (lol)


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    _zombie = _this select 0

    _tm = 0

    _zombie disableai "AUTOTARGET"

    _zombie disableai "TARGET"

    group _zombie setspeedmode "FULL"

    _zombie dowatch player


    _zombie playmove "walkvar1"

    _zombie domove getpos player


    goto "lp"

    You will notice that the zombie pauses and returns to "hands on hips" mode temporarily, before returning to "hands up" zombie motion. I can't think of any way to get round the problem apart from editing the animation.

    Murphy/Prototype - any ideas?

    Regards to all - this work is looking amazing folks,


  11. Hello

    I have derived a class from Civilian1 (a stock OFP model) for my new addon. The derived class behaves like civilian1, but I would like to change the derived class's face to a custom one.

    I can embed

    class eventhandlers


    init = [this] exec "setface.sqs"


    which basically calls the SetFace scripting command, BUT whenever my new civilian object is damaged, the face reverts to a BIS model.

    So, 2 questions:

    1) Is there any way to apply a custom face texture to the addon via config.cpp, without using the SetFace scripting command?

    2) I know the wounds[] array is a list of [wounded, unwounded] string pairs identifying textures to display. (Well it certainly looks like it smile_o.gif )

    However, when I change items in the array to:


    and the new unit is shot, the face stays the same! The path of the damaged_face texture is correct.

    Why is this? Can anyone offer any help on how wounds[] works?

  12. Hello all.

    Prototype: Nice skeleton on that link; I'm not keen on the zombie though (bit too cartoonish for my tastes) but that skeleton would look nice as a "dead body" addon. Is a skeleton addon easy to make?

    In the intro to the Day of the Dead movie (oh no, here I go again) there are a few skeletons littering the streets. One is lying on the ground and the other is propped up against a wall. Could you make those? I am sure Murphy (I can't speak for Karillon though lol) could use them, not just me. Come to think of it, you could use skeletons in non-zombie games (e.g. evidence of mass executions and whatnot.. oh alright I'll shut up smile_o.gif )

    Hunt: I will update the animation ASAP. You don't mind if I include the .rtm and config.cpp in my own code?

    SpecOp9: I have absolutely no idea when the addon will be out of beta. I'm not working on it every day (my missus gets annoyed if I don't spend time with her, lol) - however I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with anyone taking my code and enhancing it themselves, as long as credit is given to me (and ultimately Bratty, who told me how to inherit from existing classes in OFP. It's not that diff from C++)

    To the rest of ya: One thing to bear in mind that I've never created an addon before, so I don't know how long this zombie addon is going to take. Scripting for it is really easy though.

    Modelling is a different matter entirely though!!! I am having problems updating facial textures on units where GetDamage >=0.80 - whenever such damage occurs, a stock BIS damaged face replaces the face of the zombie. Tried fecking around with wounds[] array in config.cpp, which I thought was pairs of {damaged, undamaged} textures used as a lookup by OFP, but it's not working for me.... pants.

  13. Don't like replying to own messages, but this is necessary, lol

    Insert this code when using WALKVAR1:

    The 11.80 is the time in seconds it takes the animation to complete.

    Hunt, is there any way of making this animation compatible with the animate and animationphase statements? It's just that with many zombies on screen at once, I think the animation will start to judder a lot.

    Also, I think the zombies move a wee bit too slow; can you make them move just a little bit faster?

    Apart from that, great stuff! WALKVAR1 animation is fantastic. Honestly, far better than what I'd hoped for.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    _zombie = _this select 0

    _tm = 0


    _zombie switchmove "walkvar1"

    _zombie domove getpos Player


    goto "lp"

    No, the domove code does NOT affect the zombie animation!! Really good stuff.


    Replace above with

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


    _zombie playmove "walkvar1"

    _zombie domove getpos Player


    goto "lp"

    And you will find the animation is MUCH smoother.

  14. When he says hex the file, he means use a hex editor to change the "paths" to the textures.

    e.g. if you wanted to change the texture of a civilian model, you could open the file with the hex editor, find the text that references the texture (e.g.  "\o\chars\civilian_face_1.pac") and replace it with your custom texture, e.g. "\myaddon\chars\newface.pac"

    There is a program available from ofpec called TEXTURE SWAP by MikeShell (or SWAP TEXTURE - one of the two) that opens P3D files and allows you to change the textures contained within. Remember to back up your P3D files though...

    See here:

  15. In config.cpp, we all know that Soldier inherits from Land (or is it man? Feck, I forget.)

    It there any way to find the nearest object that inherits from a specified BASE CLASS?


    NearestObject[player, "Man"]

    return the nearest object that derives from class Man? I haven't tried it - I'm at work. Which is why I am asking you lot, so I don't have to try it later on myself smile_o.gif

    I certainly don't like using

    _obj = NearestObject[player, "SoldierEB"]

    _obj2 = NearestObject[player, "SoldierEMG"]

    _obj3 = NearestObject[player, "Civilian1"]

    etc. etc. because it's slow as feck!

    Am I lazy or what? ;)

    But I think this is a valid question!!!
