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Posts posted by tracy_t

  1. I only work with one version of the pbo, so I doubt I uploaded the wrong one.

    Anyway now I DEFINITELY have the correct version on the server ready for d/l. I've downloaded it myself and compared it with the working binary, and they are identical.

    If you STILL can't get it to work I will give the source to D. Murphy man and maybe he can compile it.

  2. Crashes where exactly? I'm running the PBO just fine.

    Let's do a file check:

    Is your zombies.pbo 1605266 bytes in size?

    When you set gblAllTargets = [Player]

    and then drop a zombie onto the map, do you see "entering function" appear (this indicates that the zombie is actively identifying and considering the closest target) ?

    Cos if you don't, then you don't have the correct version smile_o.gif

  3. YES!!!!


    Download from www.freewebs.com/tunstals/zombies.pbo



    1) Zombies take 6+ hits to kill (1 head shot tho)

    2) Crawler takes 30+ body hits to kill (1 head shot tho)

    3) As does headless bloke

    4) zombies go on all you can eat spree (with animations)


    1) In your zombie mission, create a GAME LOGIC unit, with initialisation string

    gblAllTargets = [Player]

    append to this array all the units you want to be targeted by the zombies, e.g.

    gblAllTargets = [Player] + units group1 + units group2 + units group3 + units group4

    2)  Create a GAME LOGIC unit containing the following initialisation string:

    gblZombieDamage = 1

    This means 1 hit from a zombie kills you. Set to .5 for 2 hits, .2 for 5 hits etc.

    3) Drop in yer zombies (ONLY DR. TONGUE DOES NOT WORK YET.) and LET BATTLE COMMENCE!!!


    The following code should be part of your mission for good housekeeping. This basically updates the "live target list" so zombies don't attack corpses.

    Exec the code from a game logic unit, e.g.  

    [] exec "monitortargets.sqs"


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


    _uc = count gblAllTargets

    ? _uc == 0: exit

    Player globalchat format["No of targets: %1", _uc]

    _y = 0


    ? _y>= _uc: goto "wait"

    _u = gblAllTargets select _y

    ? alive _u: goto "nxt"

    gblAllTargets = gblAllTargets- [_u]

    goto "outer"


    _y = _y+1

    goto "inner"



    goto "outer"

    NOW CHOKE ON EM!!!! lol

    Test mission coming up in next half hour... be afraid, be very afraid.

  4. if i changed the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#walk

    _z PlayMove "moan1"


    to something like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#walk

    ;;;;_z PlayMove "moan1"


    The zombies would continue to run up to you, after a few secs of being close, they would play the strokefist move, and you should take damage, although there is an error in the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_t setDammage (getDammage _t + gblZombieDamage)

    part of the script so i didnt get hurt, but nonetheless, it worked nicely

    Edit: The reason why they stopped then it crashed, is they were about to play the move, if you change "moan1" in the script to your other move "eat1", they run for a few secs, stop, and do the eating animation

    gblZombieDamage is a global variable that needs to be set by you in your mission. Just create a GAME LOGIC unit and set as the initialisation:

    gblZombieDamage = 1

    And watch those zombies kick some arse.

    I've got 37 marines vs 150 zombies and the zombies ate nearly the feckin lot.

  5. well the ones i have are workign fine and as far as i can tell.....its the up to date ones biggrin_o.gif, someone who has their zombies crashing, write me a list of all the zombie pbo files u use and then i'll email the ones ive got see if that works biggrin_o.gif

    I found out why it's crashing.

    The code now WORKS as expected, and is undergoing final polish.

    Basically I was performing operations on a NULL pointer, and OFP was throwing an exception instead of reporting it properly. So, here's a lesson: YOU CAN'T USE THE alive() FUNCTION ON A NULL OBJECT.



    usage: [_z] exec "movemalezombie.sqs"

    where _z is the zombie unit you want to make a shambler (this code is actually contained within the addon. You don't need to paste it into your mission)

    Before my zombies will attack, you need the following variables defined:

    gblAllTargets = a GLOBAL array of units for the zombies to attack!


    gblAllTargets = [Player, units group Player, units group1, units group2]

    gblZombieDamage = a real number indicating how much zombie each zombie attack does to a target (0 = None, .5 = Half damage, 1= instantaneous kill.)

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    ? count gblAllTargets == 0: exit

    _z = _this Select 0

    ? IsNull(_z): exit

    _t = objNull



    ?(!alive _z) : goto "End"

    ? (IsNull(_t)) : goto "fnt"

    ? (alive _t) : goto "move"


    ? count gblAllTargets ==0: exit

    _y = 0

    _t = gblAllTargets Select 0


    ? _y>= count gblAllTargets: goto "premove"

    _u = gblAllTargets select _y

    ? _z distance _u < _z distance _t: _t = _u



    goto "lp"


    _z dowatch _t


    _d = _z distance _t

    ? _d > 600 : Goto "end"

    ? _d > 5 : goto "walk"

    ? _d < 5 : goto "engage"

    Goto "Main"



    _z domove getpos _t


    goto "Main"


    ? !alive _z: goto "end"

    _z setPos getpos _t

    _z PlayMove "standstrokefist"

    _t setDammage (getDammage _t + gblZombieDamage)


    ? getDammage _t >= 1: goto "eat"

    goto "Main"


    gblTargetsKilledByZombies = gblTargetsKilledByZombies + [_t]

    ? !alive _z: goto "end"

    _z setpos getpos _t

    _y = 0


    ? !alive _z: goto "end"

    _z PlayMove "eat1"


    _y = _y+1

    ? _y != 4: goto "eatlp"

    goto "fnt"



    DeleteVehicle _z


  6. I am not looking forward to this pack anymore, here's why:

    1. This topic, has been up forever and is about... eh, nothing.

    2. If it's gonna be so long, make it in Discussions.

    3. Putting it here saying within a day or two and stretching it past a week isn't cool. At least edit to say "Not Imminent".

    Otherwise, the pack looks good and I'm downloading it. biggrin_o.gif

    1. The full pack was released (kinda). The only thing is that the auto attack functionality isn't working. I think it may well be a bug in OFP because I've had ag_smith, bratty look at the scripts and they can't determine what's wrong.

    2. Sorry if you think I've "stretched" out the release of the pack, but I'm damned if I'm gonna spend every spare hour of my week hunting down bugs in OFP script - especially as I spend 8 hours a day (not incl. some weekends) working as a software developer already! (Say "aw" smile_o.gif )

    For those of you who are waiting, I am doing as much as I can in the time I have. I am sure you will agree that a lot of work has gone into the addons already.

  7. How many models are you working on, prototype?!!! biggrin_o.gif

    Regarding the dog/ wolf:

    IMHO there's no point in reinventing the wheel. We'd be as well as using Teacup's dog model because:

    a) Teacup has created a walking animation for the dog.

    b) Teacup has already created a config.cpp which replaces the standard BIS animations with dog animations. Replacing the CfgMovesMC class is not difficult, just tedious as f**k!!

    Would it not just be easier to change the textures on the dog model and replace them with werewolf or whatnot?

    Just my 2 pence worth. I will now shut up smile_o.gif

  8. LOL!

    1. It takes 3 BODY shots to kill the zombies. Should I up-armour to make 6+?

    2. Sorry if it crashes your machine; I am on the case with the scripts.

    3. I know headless zombie isn't strictly romero but hey, with a model as good as that, who am I to argue?

    4. Zombie group brings up an error. Feck. Right, I will sort that :-(

  9. Right, I won't release the zombie addon tonight but I will have it done by the weekend.

    My next work on the zombie mod is:

    a) Dr. Tongue

    b) Wrecked cars (some textures) - I would like to take Lukemax's police car and create a wreck version of that.

    c) Devoured corpses

    d) Thinking of ways of reanimating people killed by zombies. I can't actually get that working at the moment sad_o.gif

  10. Excellent! Glad that the zombies are being put to good use. Remember, the headless zombie and the legless zombies are also available for download from shellshock's workshop (see the zombie addon thread for D. Murphy man's URL.) - the crawler is especially hard to kill smile_o.gif

  11. I am using the Init eventhandler in my addon.

    It executes like so:

    class EventHandlers


    Init = [_this select 0] exec {initmalezombie.sqs}


    I know _this select 0 works because I have used it to make the zombies go prone.

    Feel free to UNPBO the work I've done and look at the config.cpp if you like (if you can be bothered biggrin_o.gif ). I'm stumped!

  12. Quote[/b] ]I'm working on a 3rd custom zombie, named Dr. Tongue, who is the first "featured" zombie you see in Day of the dead

    is he the one who is being experimented on and then turns on one of the human bad guys  and in doing so enables the good guys to get away thus saving the day? the one who starts to think for himself kinda and mostly strapped upon the bed?


    Dr Tongue is HERE:


    The reason he is called Dr Tongue in the zombie community is because he is wearing the stereotypical Doctor's clothing (black suit) and his throat has been ripped out, exposing his tongue.

    A bit gruesome, yes, but I don't want any pansy zombies.

  13. I might be missing something, please correct me if I am...

    Are these simply "wounded" civ'y units?

    Thats what they look like.

    The main zombies are wounded civvy units, correct. However, they have increased armour ratings and are assigned to EAST side. Also note, wounded units normally don't stand up biggrin_o.gif

    However, there *are* 2 custom zombies, legless and headless. The legless zombie has Dr. Tongue's face (a custom face) and the headless zombie has Victor Troska's face.

    I'm working on a 3rd custom zombie, named Dr. Tongue, who is the first "featured" zombie you see in Day of the dead.

  14. Really?

    That's pretty interesting; no version of the zombie addon has "intelligent" zombies that move/attack on their own, so why they are moving in your direction, I dunno.

    But, if you are using my movezombie.sqs script, they will attack of their own accord. The simple thing to do is not call movezombie.sqs in that case, not until the waypoints have completed.

    If you need any more advice, I'd be happy to help.



  15. Hi Red.

    The scripts ARE part of the addon! And they ARE called by an Init eventhandler!! biggrin_o.gif

    Its just that the bloody scripts don't work inside the addon, and I don't know why. Put them in a mission, and they work just fine sad_o.gif

    However, I will beat the problem, oh yes, I will beat the problem smile_o.gif

    Sorry for the delay folks - ALL OF THE CODE IS THERE IT JUST DON'T FECKIN WORK!!! lol



  16. EDIT: Sorry for the double post of message BELOW. I suppose I'd better fill this apology with something interesting...


    Did you know I managed to rope my girlfriend into doing one of the zombie noises? No not that way, clear your minds ya dirty gits!!

    Basically she and I were having an argument (as nearly married men like myself will know, it happens a lot - women.. tchoh crazy_o.gif) and she said "NO" in a loud condescending voice.

    Well, I asked her to repeat her words, and I recorded her voice, ran it through Goldwave and... well she's now a zombie. How's that for ingenuity? lol

  17. Hi,

    I'm beginning to think that might be the problem because everything else seems OK. This code runs alright as part of a mission, but when you put it in the addon it bombs...

    The 2nd parameter is the zombie's target, and is supposed optional. If you don't specify it, the code will automatically find a target for the zombie. I will remove this parameter and try again.
