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Everything posted by tracy_t

  1. EDIT: BETA PACK HAS BEEN RELEASED!!! GET IT FROM WWW.FREEWEBS.COM/TUNSTALS/ZOMBIES.ZIP REGARDS, SCOTT T. Hello. The BETA of the next version of the ZOMBIE PACK will be released tomorrow. Think of this as JAM 4 ZOMBIES lol!! New features: 1) Adds 2+ extra zombies. 2) Unifies prototype 001's headless and legless zombies with existing zombie pack - all in one PBO!! 3) Zombies are WAY harder to kill 4) Crawler zombie has Dr Tongue's face (horrific.) 5) Zombies now grouped under "Zombie" vehicle class, not East | men. 6) Auto-chase zombies that will AUTOMATICALLY ATTACK WEST AND RESISTANCE SOLDIERS. YES, YOU HEARD RIGHT!!! JUST DRAG AND DROP!!! (sorry, am I ranting?) Download URL to follow. Bear in mind this is a beta, so use at your own risk. THIS PACK WILL BE 100% BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE WITH ANY EXISTING ZOMBIE PACKS.
  2. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Dear all. I have made a zombie addon which includes 12 types of zombies. Each zombie can only be immediately killed by a headshot. Would anyone like to host the WIP .pbo file? Each zombie inherits from a civilian model, but has setdammage set to 0.8 on initialisation, for that "gore" look; however, the armor level of each zombie class was upped significantly so that the zombies wouldn't be killed with one shot. I will post the addon's config.cpp in mission editing & scripting so that other zombie mission makers can use my code (e.g. perhaps Karillion, or D.Murphy man) and produce better works! EDIT: Have just put source code in BREATHE section. Feel free to take a look.
  3. Shit OfpAnim tutorial by tracy_t OfpAnim isn't hard to use. I was up and running with it in a day. It can be frustrating to use at times (e.g. there's no copy and paste functionality) so if you're not patient, you're screwed. What I recommend you do first is UNPBO anim.pbo (OFP) and o.pbo (OFP:R) and inspect the .rtm animation files. Just search the forums for unpbo and you'll get a link (or go to avonlady's site.) CAVEAT: Make sure you download the ENGLISH translation file trans_c2e.tsl for OFPAnim too, so that all of the model body parts have english names (ie: ribs, chest, right thigh etc) instead of czech!!! PM me if you want a copy of this file. Select "load P3D" function from File menu and load "mc tankistae.p3d" from OFPAnim's demo data directory. This loads a tank crew model. You will notice that in the "components" pane, all of the limbs of the tank crew model are displayed in a tree view. The tree view shows what components are "attached" to each other. For example, we can see that the neck is attached to the head, the elbows are attached to the biceps and so on. Now select "load anim", and from your UNPBO'd DTA directory, load in the chuzebez0l.rtm file. Click the play button at the bottom of the OFPAnim screen. You will now see the tank crewman move in the bottom right hand "preview" pane - the left and right mouse buttons allow you to pan round the animation. When you load an rtm file you will find that each animation is comprised of a sequence of "frames". The sequence of frames has to complete in <PLAY TIME> seconds (PLAY TIME is a real (ie: floating point) number) You should derive your new animations from existing .rtm files because if you don't, you will notice your animations begin "under ground" !!! I can't think of a way to fix that. Click "edit frame" in the bottom left to (surprise!) edit a frame. Select the components (limbs!) from the tree view on the left that you wish to work with and use the x,y,z sliders to rotate/move the selected components in the relevant 3D axis. (You toggle "move/rotate" mode by pressing the ||| button directly beneath the "cancel changes" button.) Use the "restore" button if you screw up - but remember it undoes all changes made since the last time you "applied changes". Use cancel changes if you want to cancel your current changes and return to the main screen. Click Apply Changes when you are happy with your animation frame change. Unlike sprite animations for 2D games where each animation frame had to be pre-defined by the graphic artist, you do not need to create a massive amount of frames in order to get smooth animations!! Operation Flashpoint will interpolate animations when required!! Say for example you have a 2 frame animation where the first frame is of your right hand up in the air, and the second is of your hand on your ass. Â OFP will calculate the "intermediate" frames for the animation to lower your hand. This is called "tweening" - see: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/T/tweening.html for a definition. When you have finished your animation, use File | Save Anim to ... well you guessed. Now, getting the animation INTO OFP.. that's a whole different story. PM me when you're ready to do that
  4. Hello. I created a CfgMovesMC class with various walking animations. this PlayMove blabla and Switchmove blabla call the animations OK, but I don't want to use them in any script. I want operation flashpoint to use my animations directly, called from the game engine itself. Any idea on how I do that? Help would be much appreciated. EDIT: Even if you can point me a URL that tells me how to hook other standard OFP animations, I could work out the rest from there TIA Scott
  5. I have 300+ units moving at once in my new mission (yeah, you read right.) and there's obviously some lag (even on an XP 2600+) My code is not running fast enough. What I have so far is along these lines: (I have not cut & pasted this from the actual code, this is typed by hand from my work PC so expect some errors): NB: AllWestSoldiers is a trigger that covers the entire island, activated by WEST, once AllResSoldiers is a trigger that covers the entire island, activated by RESISTANCE, once For each zombie on the map, there is one copy of Movezombie.sqs executing. So, really OFP is "multithreading" 1..200 EAST zombie processes. (The other 100 units are West.) A new zombie is created every 10 seconds from a spawn point whenever the player is within certain triggers (AKA spawn triggers). There are a maximum of 200 zombies at once on the island. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; movezombie.sqs ; param 0 = object reference to unit to make a "zombie" ; param 1 = object reference of unit to attack & eat! _zombie = _this select 0 _target = _this select 1 _zombie setunitpos "UP" _zombie disableAI "TARGET" _zombie disableAI "AUTOTARGET" _zombie allowfleeing 0 #beginmove _zombie removeallmagazines "Strokefist" ? !alive(_target) : goto "acquirenewtarget" ? _zombie distance _target > 1000: goto "deletezombie" ? _zombie distance _target < 5: goto "eat" ? _zombie distance _target > 5: goto "move" ; This is based on D. Murphy man's zombie code (but with a few tweaks) #eat ? alive _zombie : goto "end" ? alive _target : goto "acquirenewtarget" _zombie setpos getpos _target _zombie addmagazine "Strokefist"; <-- note action may be wrong. I know, but it's right in the game. _zombie fire "Strokefist" _target setdamage (getdamage _target) +.2 _target globalchat "AH! OUCH! YA BAS! etc etc" ~3 goto "beginmove" #move _zombie domove _target ; Note: The following 2 lines of code aren't in the real ; game yet, but something along those lines will be added. ? _zombie distance _target >500: PlaySound "distantmoan" ? _zombie distance _target <50: PlaySound "nearmoan" ; Gives unit time to move, and OFP time to process other threads ~3 goto "beginmove" #acquirenewtarget _target = Player _y=0 #westloop ? _y >= count list AllWestSoldiers: goto "doRes" _unit = (list AllWestSoldiers) select _y ? !alive _unit: goto "nextwest" ? _zombie distance _unit < _zombie distance _target: _target = _unit #nextwest _y=y+1 ; Question: does y++ work? Hmm... goto "westloop" ; Now iterate through list of resistance soldiers #doRes ; same code as for west really, except using AllResSoldiers ; ... ... ; By this point _target will be new zombie target goto "beginmove" #deletezombie ~10 DeleteVehicle _zombie exit I appreciate that putting _zombie distance _target in a local variable would probably speed things up. Now that you have seen the code, some questions: 1) Any ideas on how to optimize the code even more? The zombies sometimes don't move when they should. 2) I can't seem to assign list AllWestSoldiers to a variable; the variable seems to get out of sync with the real contents of the list. Any faster ways of list access? 3) Even though zombies are close to the player, they don't always attack when close (ie: call the "eat" function)? Could it be one of my threads are blocking the others? 4) Any other tips? Does OFP interpret the SQS file each time it is used (ie: called) or does it pre-compile the code beforehand? 5) Any technical information on how to optimise script speed? References etc? Thanks in advance Traqcy
  6. I have already searched this forum and I know there are demo MLOD models available from BIS. However, none of them are civilian and I am shit at o2. So, what I am wondering is, are there any off the shelf unbinarized Civilian P3D models that I can use. I have downloaded blackdog's Buffy model and can edit that but I would like to have a male civilian model to turn into... yes you guessed... a zombie. I have a model called BASIC.P3D but that has rather too many vertices for my tastes!!!
  7. Thank you, when I resume working on the zombie mod on Saturday, this will save me a lot digging Best regards, Scott.
  8. Dear all I have looked at config190.cpp and found the followin g interesting classes: CfgEnvSounds, CfgSfx and cfgSounds These classes look like what I need for my (yawn) zombie mod, to add sound. Can I declare these classes in an addon's config.cpp and have them available from the SAY statement, triggers, etc? If no-one provides me with an answer within the next day or so, I'll dig into it meself
  9. tracy_t

    Uk muslims want full apology from bbc host

    No, it doesn't make me a bigot. It makes YOU an idiot, for you obviously did not read my original missive closely enough. What part of "I do not agree with Kilroy Silk's views" did you not read? I am no bigot. I am a Protestant married to a Catholic living in the most densely multicultural part of Scotland. Glaswegians will tell you, that is some combination! Were you not an ex-mod and all, I'm sure you would be post-restricted for such a vile/stupid/inflammatory accusation. But, because you have the RIGHT to say such things, I won't report you. You might not be so tolerant right enough. Next time you're in Glasgow, drop me a line, and I'll show you proper bigotry. So anyway, back to the main thread: Britain didn't have to defend itself from ANYTHING. Germany did not declare war on the UK, it was the other way round. Britain declared war on Germany because they invaded Poland. Yes/No? Or do you know better? So, when were the UK's "rights" under threat? We declared war to preserve Poland's right to exist. (Unlike Sweden, which did f**k all of any note during WW2. Oh yes... what exactly does Sweden do anyway, in general?) Finally, answer this question: what is it to be? Do you ignore people when you know you are wrong. I am obviously not the only one in here spouting manure. I suggest you make your mind up on your stance on these matters!!! lol @ you. As you put it, I "suspect" you are a twat. Free speech! Finally, to mods, If I am post restricted because of this, you had better PR Denoir as well. That's all I will say on the matter.
  10. tracy_t

    Troublemakers mc malden

    Those bikers will do nicely for a Dawn of the dead campaign... not that I'll be writing one
  11. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    The one thing about putting in moaning sounds is that the zombies would sound similar in every game. Sometimes uniformity is a good thing, but other times it is not. I tell you what, I'll release a version of the zombie mod with the breathing noises, and you can give me your opinion on it. But first, I need to do more faces. www.wetnwildradio.com has some new pics of the DAWN OF THE DEAD remake and there are some zombie faces on there that I can see "borrowing" - know what I mean. Oh yeah, KJAM has offered his artistic services too - all is looking up lol
  12. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    OK, We've released the unified zombie mod, so what are you guys looking for next? Personally I want to create more zombie types. I'm shit with o2, so what I'll have to do is use TexSwap on an existing model. I really want the next zombie mod to have custom animations. I managed it, but the penguin waddle animation was the only one that looked right I would also like some skyscraper addons that had loads of rooms, so I could create a "Dawn of the dead" SWAT type game. I understand this might not be possible with the current OFP engine but one can dream. What do y'all think? BTW: Do you want the next zombie mod to have moaning sounds, or do you want to program them yourself?
  13. tracy_t

    Uk muslims want full apology from bbc host

    I disagree with censorship when it is hiding the truth. Speaking the truth is just. If it upsets minorities then tough. Â Propagating outright lies on the other hand cannot be condoned. Or do you disagree on that, Denoir? Would you rather shut up instead of speak out against a corrupt status quo, for fear of upsetting someone? Denoir, people should have the right to say anything when it is the truth. You are implying in your statement above, that if the truth hurts others then it should be suppressed. Â Given your simple logic, should a corrupt politician be allowed to hide in the shadows for fear that a statement exposing his misdemeanours should upset him? Clarify the boundaries! And if I was the only person in the world I wouldn't speak to myself - that's a sign of madness ;) How dare you call that manure!! What right do you have to say that millions of people losing their lives to defend their way of life (of which the right to free speech is integral) is shit? If the right to free speech is not important, why is it an integral part of the American constitution (based on our declaration of Arbroath, history fans.) ? Do you think the British were fighting for the Queen? Or the politicians? No. <offensive comment removed, although its the truth>
  14. tracy_t

    Good editing practices

    Wouldn't this information be better going into the FAQ? The FAQ appears to be a "sticky" thread, whereas this is not.
  15. tracy_t

    The zombies are coming!!!

    I've already done that I walked over the whole bridge (noticing the barbed wire underneath it lol - don't you hate that, not being able to place objects on top of bridges!) and got to the 2 dead soldiers with M16s. I took out grenades and the Glock and whacked the zombies (including the crawlers) but the mission objective didn't complete. Shame, cos the mission is quite creepy (due to the excellent sound, I'd say) . Regards, Scott
  16. tracy_t

    The zombies are coming!!!

    Hi there, love the mission - but I can't get the "get to bridge" objective to mark as completed, even though I've reached the bridge and killed all of the zombies (and what lovely zombies they are lol) Any ideas? I don't want to unpbo your mission cos it will ruin all the surprises. PS: Nice music and fx!!
  17. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    UPDATE: 1. Dr Tongue zombie in progress. 2. Cop zombies will drop their weapons. 3. I need to create a crawler zombie animation. Not especially difficult, just boring. 4. Updating scripts so that zombies will evaluate & chase who is closest to them EVERY 5 SECONDS. This means no-one is safe. 5. There is no 5 PS: Nice to see ppl using the unified zombie addon. I have a wee test mission for you to check out, it's set in the desert and it's your 12 man squad vs 200+ zombies. Can you hold out? Probably not Now, I'm running an XP 2400+ overclocked to 3000+ speed, with a Radeon Pro 9700 and it chugs a wee bit, but its still playable. Don't expect intros or cutscenes. Anyway, those of you with beefier machines will enjoy this game. Those of you with 1ghz machines.. sorry, but u will have to upgrade soon to play HL2 & Doom 3 anyway
  18. tracy_t

    Uk muslims want full apology from bbc host

    Aye, within the constraints of the message board I am posting in, of course <cough> <cough> As they said in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "HELP, IM BEING OPPRESSED!!!" :-)
  19. tracy_t

    Uk muslims want full apology from bbc host

    The matter is that us Britons pay our license fees to keep the BBC running. I pay the BBC to report the news as-is, not skirt issues. Â I also pay the BBC to represent the views of the UK people, from Scotland to England to wales, to Northern Ireland. I personally don't agree with Robert Kilroy silk's statement but I wouldn't ban his show (not that I watch it, I'm at work). He does have a right to free speech whether you like it or not. Or does that mean that the majority have the right to ban the rights of the minority? Shall we all just think the same, yes, like a herd of sheep? I do not approve of ANY censorship. (EDIT: Actually I do, where paedophilia is concerned, but no-one in sane mind can condone sexual perversion of that sort) Can I ask you: do you think political correctness is a good thing, where kid gloves have to be used in any context to avoid offence? I'm not sure I do - I prefer straight talking. Try being politically correct in Glasgow (where I live) and you'll be knocked on your arse. PS: For those of you who take umbrage, I will defend to the death my right to say anything I like, when I like, to who I like, without censure. After all, that is what our grandfathers fought for in WW2
  20. tracy_t

    Problem with variable types

    So to summarise: use object _varname to get an object reference and call _varname to get the value of a "calculated" named variable at run time. Might be one for the FAQ, this?
  21. tracy_t

    Problem with variable types

    raah is an integer from 1 ... 10 I then have 10 different objects in a mission named from v1 .. v10 I then checked that the combining of the number and letter is correct in hint dialog Why concatenate strings that way? This is better code. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _target = format["v%1", raah] hint _target And then use object _target to create an object reference. If that doesn't work, you're screwed
  22. tracy_t


    Moot point here, but interesting all the same. I don't think TextLog would have dumped to a text file. When you see the text "debugging output" mentioned (as it is in the Command Reference) Windoze programmers know this to be the Win32 output. Suma, were you using the OutputDebugString Win32 API for this? OK, I know this question means squat at the mo but hopefully TextLog and DebugLog will return... then we can use DebugView from www.sysinternals.com to capture output from our scripts.
  23. tracy_t

    Civilian model available?

    I do have a model you can use. I can send you it if you like. But it's not as easy to texture as some of the Resistance models I've seen. S.
  24. tracy_t

    The zombies are coming!!!

    Yes, I would like to test it - very interested in playing a zombie game lol!!
  25. tracy_t

    Script error

    Try != false