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Everything posted by tracy_t

  1. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

  2. tracy_t

    Zombie addon beta released!

    Timing issues with animations are now fixed. Everything is hunky dory in the tracy_t garden. Meaning, I'm spending even more time on producing MORE zombies. I will release, in the next couple of hours, the CRAWLER zombie - it has no legs. And it rocks! I will post when it is released; get the original addon from shellshocks page: http://www.freewebs.com/shell_shocks_workshop/ Regards, Scott
  3. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Erm, I can't see me using it in my missions Too cartoon like for my tastes! But what do other people think?
  4. Well, you could use object <id of lampost> addaction ["Switch Lightpost off", "switchlightoff.sqs"] If that doesn't work, then you're gonna have to use a trigger, or use: ? Player distance NearestObject [Player, "streetlamp"] < 5: addaction etc etc.
  5. tracy_t

    Zombie addon beta released!

    Glad to see the addon is being put to good use lol
  6. tracy_t

    Zombie addon beta released!

    Hi Quicksand The animation problems are to do with timing issues in the script; something that I haven't got round to addressing - yet. BTW,there is a new body model - check the headless zombie!! (East | Men | Headless zombie) Just waiting for prototype to send me his crawler, then we'll have even more zombies for ya. Can't say fairer than that lol Hope you like the work. Scott
  7. Some lampost type objects respond to object <id of object> SwitchLight "OFF" And others respond to object <id of object> inflame false
  8. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    RELEASED!!! ZOMBIE PACK 1 & 2!! Consider these versions BETA. All feedback welcome... Get em from: http://www.freewebs.com/shell_shocks_workshop/addons.htm Scott
  9. tracy_t

    Stock up your air to air defense

    Sorry to backtrack a wee bit, but this must be better than squirrels and beans lol! Is it just me, or does anyone else agree that this the best looking modern fighter plane? I'm in love. Someone make this plane in OFP pronto. And if it already exists as an addon, feel free to batter me with a wet fish round the head. After giving me the d/l URL of course. L8r
  10. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    For some strange reason my zombie addon isn't working on Murphy's machine. Does it work alright on yours, guys?
  11. tracy_t

    Enemy ignoring an object

    Have you set the threat array in your addon class? e.g. class Man: Land{} { .... threat[]={1,0.800000,0.200000}; } Where the array items are for infantry, armour and airborne respectively. 1.0 means maximum threat to infantry (should be targetted first) 0.8 means reasonable threat to tanks 0.2 means minor threat to planes
  12. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Hi, I just tried the addon there and it worked fine. Can you put the pbo into res\addons? That should do the trick. Scott EDIT: am sending you my test mission for diagnostic purposes. EDIT2: Prototype, the headless zombie turns white when you get to a certain distance. Is it a missing LOD that is responsible?
  13. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Murphy, check your email; you lot, check Murphy's site!!!
  14. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    In answer to Merc's questions: 1. Not in my universe, maybe the other developers though. I am basing my maps on the Romero universe, where men are men and zombies are dumb. 2. Either. We provide the tools, you write the map. But I definitely want some MP player vs zombie action. It'll be the first ever game (and I mean, EVER) that lets you play a zombie. 3. I'm using Skye at the moment. Big towns, loads of countryside and plenty of space for scary shit zombie missions. 4. Can't see me programming that, but once we release our addons I would think other people could. 5. Oh fuck. Now you got me stumped. Me and o2 are like water and oil - we just don't mix. You'd have to ask prototype, hunt or murphy that. I prefer to texture and do the script work
  15. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    NEWS JUST IN THE CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL IN ATLANTA HAS DECLARED... THE RECENTLY DEAD ARE RETURNING TO LIFE AND ATTACKING THE LIVING... Check out the new face! From this (GORE WARNING): http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/510218/zombie.jpg To this: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/510218/tarmaningame.jpg What do you think of it, all? Is it creepy enough? Prototype - really need you here pal, to make that skeleton body to put tarman's head on!! Murphy: Fantastic. Great stuff. Will post latest zombie addons to ya. Prototype, can you send murphy the headless zombie, I think that one is finished - so Murphy can host that too? You of course have the final say ;)
  16. tracy_t

    Unpbo utility

    a .paa file is an image format supporting directx texture compression + alpha channels for transparency. b. search theavonlady.org's faq for UNPBO application, which can deal with ofp & ofp:r
  17. Not me . Bah LOL!!! each to their own... this zombie mod will rock (one hopes.)
  18. Anyone waiting for the zombie mod? OK, shameless plug... lol EDIT: I should really read every page of a thread shouldn't I? Easytiger, don't worry, it won't be long... probably lol
  19. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Hi all, glad to see that people are looking forward to the work we produce. Prototype is correct in saying that there is no leader in the team, so there's no project plan. Do you know that: a) The first zombie addons are finished and are available on shell shocks web site (shell shock == D Murphy Man) - so why not start using them? If I make any changes, they will be backward compatible. And... b) The headless zombie is complete (as far as I am concerned, anyway ) c) The crawling zombie with no legs is almost complete (Prototype, send me the addon again and I'll complete the config.cpp to edit the armour ratings.) d) The arms outstretched anims are functional and ready! So, if its alright with the team, we could release b-d before Xmas so people can start their zombie missions.. all we are gonna add are new zombie types and scenery, nothing more, nothing less. The TODO: list of work left to complete is mentioned in my last 2 posts or so. Any modellers wanna help out with the scenery and overturned bus(es) etc? EDIT: I'm looking for people experienced in AudioEdit, who can remove background music from .OGG & .WAV sound samples. If anyone can help, you would advance the zombie project *A LOT*
  20. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Heh, don't expect it until after Xmas. There's beer and parties to attend, ya know But don't worry, I am dedicated to producing zombies in OFP. (Despite the fact I think maybe I'm too old to be into zombies - 31 y/o - but I digress.) Forget the gay zombies in quake, forget the talking stick insect half-life "they hunger" - this will be the definitive zombie addon like papa Romero used to make.
  21. tracy_t

    What are all the..........

    How do you mean? Do you mean how you specify the type of crew to go into a custom addon? (e.g. a new car you are making) The following code should help you here. It is a reverse engineer of the standard OFP 5t truck. Note the crew="SoldierWB" statement. Just google for config190.cpp and you will find all the crew declarations... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Truck5t: Truck { scope=2; crew="SoldierWB"; picture="itruck5t"; icon="truck"; model="truck5t"; hiddenSelections[]={"ammo"}; side=1; displayName="$STR_DN_5T_TRUCK"; accuracy=0.300000; fuelCapacity=200; transportSoldier=12; class TransportMagazines { class _xx_M16 { magazine="M16"; count="30*1"; }; class _xx_M60 { magazine="M60"; count="5*1"; }; class _xx_HandGrenade { magazine="HandGrenade"; count="10*1"; }; class _xx_M21 { magazine="M21"; count="10*1"; }; class _xx_LAWLauncher { magazine="LAWLauncher"; count="3*1"; }; class _xx_GrenadeLauncher { magazine="GrenadeLauncher"; count="3*1"; }; }; driverAction="ManActTruck5tDriver"; cargoAction[]={"ManActTruck5tCoDriver","ManActTruck5tCoDriver","ManActCargo"}; cargoIsCoDriver[]={1,1,0}; transportAmmo=0; transportRepair=0; transportFuel=0; camouflage=4; weapons[]={"TruckHorn"}; magazines[]={}; wheelCircumference=4.513000; turnCoef=6.000000; maxSpeed=80; cost=70000; armor=20; initCargoAngleY=185; soundEngine[]={"Vehicles\dieseltruckloop2",0.100000,1}; typicalCargo[]={"Soldier","Soldier","SoldierLAW","SoldierLAW"}; class IndicatorSpeed { selection="ukaz_rychlo"; axis="osa_rychlo"; angle=-210; min=0; max="100 / 3.6"; }; class IndicatorRPM { selection="ukaz_rpm"; axis="osa_rpm"; angle=-220; min=0; max=1; }; }; class Truck5tOpen: Truck5t { scope=2; model="truck5t2"; hiddenSelections[]={}; displayName="$STR_DN_5T_TRUCK_OPEN"; accuracy=1000; }; class Truck5tRich: Truck5t { scope=1; displayName="RichTruck"; accuracy=1000; cost=1000000; }; class Truck5tRepair: Truck5t { vehicleClass="Support"; picture="itruck5trepair"; icon="Repair_move"; scope=2; displayName="$STR_DN_REPAIT_TRUCK"; accuracy=0.900000; transportSoldier=2; transportRepair=200000000; model="truck5trepair"; hiddenSelections[]={}; weapons[]={}; magazines[]={}; type=0; threat[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.000000}; typicalCargo[]={}; transportMaxMagazines=50; transportMaxWeapons=10; }; class Truck5tReammo: Truck5t { vehicleClass="Support"; icon="Ammo_move"; scope=2; displayName="$STR_DN_REAMMO_TRUCK"; accuracy=0.900000; transportSoldier=2; class TransportMagazines { class _xx_M16 { magazine="M16"; count="30*1"; }; class _xx_M60 { magazine="M60"; count="5*1"; }; class _xx_HandGrenade { magazine="HandGrenade"; count="10*1"; }; class _xx_M21 { magazine="M21"; count="10*1"; }; class _xx_LAWLauncher { magazine="LAWLauncher"; count="3*1"; }; class _xx_GrenadeLauncher { magazine="GrenadeLauncher"; count="3*1"; }; }; transportAmmo=300000; model="Truck5t"; hiddenSelections[]={}; weapons[]={}; magazines[]={}; type=0; threat[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.000000}; typicalCargo[]={}; };
  22. tracy_t

    How do i put ammo in a cpp

    Easy. Insert the following code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Crate: TargetGrenade { model="\crate\crate"; armor=20000; scope=2; displayName="MiniMeNation"; class EventHandlers { init = [_this] exec {\myaddon\populatecrate.sqs}; }; } Now you have added an initialisation event handler, which will populate your crate with weapons and ammo. Note the use of _this in the event handler declaration - NOT "this" as you would in the editor. in populatecrate.sqs, it's same script syntax that you'd use in ofp editor, e.g : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _crate = _this select 0 _crate addweaponcargo "G36a" _crate addmagazinecargo <whatever..> ... etc etc etc
  23. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Oh ha bloody ha Mind you, "Drunken bloke simulator" © is a good idea... I'll copyright that idea now, then if you make it you pay the zombie team royalties, is that alright!!!! Heh, just thinking of a multiplayer game: zombies versus soldiers. Like Aliens vs Predator but more gory. The soldiers have guns, but the zombies are tough and can only be killed by headshots... or LAW launchers, lol the zombies have a sense of smell that tells them where the humans are at all times... and the humans don't. Cue much "oh shit! oh shit!" action at all times! The zombies have only to bite a human, then the human will die immediately and come back as a zombie. When all humans are dead or a time limit expires, the round is over. What do you think of that idea folks? S.
  24. tracy_t

    Change object material sounds

    Straight from config190.cpp. This is for class Man but I expect it will work with other classes. hitSound1[]={"voices\Hit11",0.056234,1}; hitSound2[]={"voices\Hit12",0.056234,1}; hitSound3[]={"voices\Hit13",0.056234,1}; hitSound4[]={"voices\Hit14",0.056234,1}; hitSound5[]={"voices\Hit15",0.056234,1}; hitSound6[]={"voices\Hit16",0.056234,1}; hitSound7[]={"voices\Hit17",0.056234,1}; hitSound8[]={"voices\Hit18",0.056234,1}; hitSound9[]={"voices\Hit19",0.056234,1}; hitSound10[]={"voices\Hit20",0.056234,1}; hitSound11[]={"voices\Hit21",0.056234,1}; hitSound12[]={"voices\Hit22",0.056234,1}; hitSound13[]={"voices\Hit23",0.056234,1}; hitSound14[]={"voices\Hit24",0.056234,1}; hitSound15[]={"voices\Hit25",0.056234,1}; hitSound16[]={"voices\Hit26",0.056234,1}; hitSound17[]={"voices\Hit27",0.056234,1}; hitSound18[]={"voices\Hit28",0.056234,1}; hitSound19[]={"voices\Hit29",0.056234,1}; hitSound20[]={"voices\Hit30",0.056234,1}; hitSounds[]={"hitSound1",0.050000,"hitSound2",0.050000,"hitSound3",0.050 000,"hitSound4",0.050000,"hitSound5",0.050000,"hitSound6",0. 050000,"hitSound7",0.050000,"hitSound8",0.050000,"hitSound9" ,0.050000,"hitSound10",0.050000,"hitSound11",0.050000,"hitSound12 ",0.050000,"hitSound13",0.050000,"hitSound14",0.050000,"hitS ound15",0.050000,"hitSound16",0.050000,"hitSound17",0.050000,&amp ;quo t;hitSound18",0.050000,"hitSound19",0.050000,"hitSound20",0.05000 0}; moves="NoDefaultMoves"; soundEnviron[]={"People\dirt_L",0.000316,1};
  25. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Right, here's a list of what I think would make the definitive zombie addon: EDIT: 1) Male and female zombies with various bite marks. Also zombies with no visible bite marks - these would be people who have died of old age, for example. SPECIALIST ZOMBIES: { 2) A zombie dressed in Doctor's clothing (black suit, smart shoes, with blood stained white shirt). We could then put Dr. Tongue's face on it. The animation for this zombie would be "shuffling" - a drunk-style walk 3) 2 versions of a naked zombie, 1 with & 1 without autopsy scars - if you watch Night of the living dead 1990, the 2nd zombie that appears has a large red V shape on his body, this is from autopsy. Â No particular animation set aside for this chap, acts same as other zombies. 4) Tarman zombie - the famous zombie from return of the living dead. Basically a walking skeleton with greasy decomposed flesh. An animation would need to be done, to make the zombie "sway" wildly as it walked. } 5) Body parts - GORE WARNING: NOT FOR SQUEAMISH Bones, guts, scalps, skeletons etc (especially the skeletons) 6) Overturned buses, cars? 7) Anything else to add to atmosphere - TRAFFIC LIGHTS! That's it!!!! I would LOVE traffic lights. They don't have to work, they just have to look like the thing!