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Everything posted by tracy_t

  1. tracy_t

    Script error

    Oh yes, and the reason why you are getting the zero divisor error is because you are trying to access an element (in your case, a vehicle/soldier etc) in the list that does not exist any more, because: a) The vehicle/ soldier has died since b) The vehicle / soldier has been deleted since (with DeleteVehicle statement - see command reference.) So: You could check that _ThisGuy will hold a valid object reference by using: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ?_Index >= count list EastPresent: goto "loopdone" ; see my previous code _ThisGuy = _Enemies Select _Index ; Best to check that the guy hasn't died!!! ? !alive(_ThisGuy): goto "theguyisdead"
  2. tracy_t

    Script error

    Optimisation tip: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _ThisICU = _ThisICU or (((_ThisGuy KnowsAbout Player) >= KAThreshold) and (Alive _ThisGuy)) ;Move to next unit. _Index = _Index + 1 Once _ThisICU becomes set to a non-zero value (boolean TRUE), the loop should exit - there is no need to move to the next unit (with _index = _index +1) So, replace above code with: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _ThisICU = _ThisICU or (((_ThisGuy KnowsAbout Player) >= KAThreshold) and (Alive _ThisGuy)) ; Tracy_t: this optimises the loop ? _ThisICU !=0: goto "loopdone" ;Move to next unit. _Index = _Index + 1 Now when _ThisICU is TRUE, the loop will exit. See below for where the loop will exit to <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;_ThisICU will now be true if ANY of the above iterations was true ; Inserted by tracy_t #loopdone ICU = _ThisICU
  3. tracy_t

    Longer animations

    Use a loop. Here's a script to make a specified soldier do 10 push ups. Note the use of the PlayMove statement, it ensures smooth transition between animations. USAGE: [mysoldier] exec "pushups.sqs" Pushups.sqs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; Parameter 1: Unit to do press ups. _soldier = _this select 0 _j = 0 #lp ? _j == 10: goto "end" _soldier playmove "FXStandDip" _j = _j+1 ~1.5 goto "lp" #end exit
  4. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Hi all, I am now working on new zombie animations. Yes, I know I said "no zombies til new year" but I LIED Would anyone care to help do some complex zombie animations? I just can't get a staggering zombie no matter what I do. They all walk like live humans. I'm scripting for my Night of the Living Dead mission (it's just a zombie demo mission to get the ball rolling, nothing else. But it will rock ;) ) so am spread pretty thin. In fact, all donations of zombie animations kindly appreciated
  5. tracy_t


    1. Create a trigger where condition is: (meplayer1 in ship1) or (meplayer2 in ship1) or (meplayer3 in ship1) or (meplayer4 in ship1) etc etc. then when trigger fires execute script to attack ship e.g. "_x dotarget ship" foreach units group baddies "_x dofire" foreach units group baddies etc etc.
  6. tracy_t

    Positional sounds

    Thanks for your replies. "Say" does just the job. Scott
  7. I would like to play a sound at position <pos>, where pos is a dynamic position (*not* a static position, so I can't use a trigger unfortunately) However, the PlaySound statement, according to the manual, only takes the sound to play and not a position. Any idea on how to play sounds from any given position? Can I use setpos on a trigger and then have it play the sound?
  8. tracy_t

    Positional sounds

    Thanks for the reply Red. And.. M21man, does that code work - can you have a unit playing a sound? ie: instead of <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> soundlogic playsound "sound" you could have: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Player playsound "sound" to make the sound fire at the player's position. What I want to do is have my zombies make some moaning noises, so if I could use _myzombie playsound "moan1" that'd be great. It certainly doesn't say you can do that in the command ref. I will try it tomorrow! Cheers Scott
  9. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Alright guys... Some more zombie stuff to tide you over for Xmas: This ones for UT2003: http://www.planetunreal.com/infection/ And the new judge Dredd game has zombies. Merry Xmas all! (hic)
  10. tracy_t

    Radio trigger

    Why not set up the triggers in the map to activate like so: TRIGGER_WEST: Radio Alpha Condition of presence: side Player==west On Activation: Exec "Alpha.sqs" TRIGGER_EAST Radio Alpha Condition of presence: side Player == east On Activation: Exec "Alpha2.sqs" When the map downloads to each MP client, a custom trigger will be set up for the player, depending on what side he's on.
  11. tracy_t

    Detected by...

    The only way to find out who activated the trigger is to use list <trigger name> which returns an array of the units that would cause the trigger to fire. If there's more than 1, sorry, but tough - you won't be able to tell who kicked off the trigger first
  12. tracy_t

    Model names for women?

    It does have the class names for resistance Woman1, Woman2, Woman3 just do a search for woman=1 in the file
  13. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Probably would do me good, m8y!!!
  14. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Ooh err missus *cough* j/k Anyway: sorry Silent, but for me to do that work, you'll have to wait until next year, I'm suspending zombie work for Xmas (Only fair. Even zombies need beer lol)
  15. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    You wanna make them a zombie eh? Well, haven't done that part yet BUT the following code should make the soldiers zombies: _deadperson setdamage 0.8 _deadperson setunitpos "UP" _deadperson addrating (getrating _deadperson) - 100000 [_deadperson] exec "movezombie.sqs" Adding a rating of -100000 to a unit means the unit is considered renegade and will be shot on sight!!! Should be fun... you will have to modify the "acquire new target" code in movezombie.sqs to check though that the unit's rating is >0 (ie: the unit is not a zombie.)
  16. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Hey prototype, "You're not in here by yourself, boy" WORK TO DATE Been working on the ultimate zombie mission. It uses Skye island, and has some really creepy shit going on.. What, you wanna preview? There's no zombies in it... YET. Download from: http://www.freewebs.com/tunstals/zombies!.skye.zip TERMS OF USE: a) DO NOT use GetRight or any other download managers. b) DO NOT try and pass this map off as your own work! I will be plenty pissed off if you do, and will chase your mofo ass. Having said that, use the map as a template as you like (as long as its for zombie missions!!) c) Any work produced with this map, credit me and the zombie team. (Me, Hunt, Prototype and D. Murphy Man) You will need a whole host of addons, available from ofp.info: Skye Island Volvo 740 Audi 80 NBC soldiers Kegetys editor update Trabant Taxi Mini cooper car Yes, I know about how too many addons are bad for MP, but let's be frank - I don't really give a toss about multiplayer. BTW, note how I've managed to plunge Skye Island into total darkness. It looks really creepy now.... also note the makeshift graveyard next to one of the churches SOUND FX Do you need zombie sound FX? I now have fx: breathing, moaning noises etc. Just PM me and I'll send you it. BTW, no it's not from pr0n
  17. have u specified a target yet, with dotarget?
  18. tracy_t

    I'm in the ground

    file=\\testanim.rtm Looks suspicious - should be file ="\myaddon\testanim.rtm" where myaddon is the file name of your addon minus the .pbo extension.
  19. tracy_t

    I'm in the ground

    Oh yeah, Killswitch just reminded me: don't have two addons which share the same class names either. Bad news.. Regards, Scott
  20. tracy_t

    I'm in the ground

    The path to your .rtm animation is probably wrong. Check for misspellings or incorrect path names. When you specify an incorrect path, the unit ends up in the ground. So, what's the path in your config.cpp, and the file name of your pbo? Also, have you checked your anim in the preview pane in OFPAnim? If the unit appears ABOVE the grid, then its definitely your path. S.
  21. tracy_t

    A working dog yayayayay

    I would like to create an animated penguin too!!! Great minds think alike!! Scott PS: Teacup - your dog is great; nice how you got the custom animations in too
  22. tracy_t

    Wargames addpak

    Angus? Are you a fellow Scotsman?!!! OK, I am digressing from the main topic! Nice work. <wishful_thinking> If you ever feel like doing some zombies... </wishful_thinking> Scott
  23. tracy_t

    Some ideas for addons

    Ah right, so it's the fact it's HMMVVV mounted that's the problem is it? Right OK, if I'm talking out of my arse I apologise , but I am pretty sure this is possible - check out the Hummer with M2 at the URL below; why should a missile launcher be that much more difficult. http://www.mphasemedia.com/extranet/flashpoint/wgl_2.00_readme.txt PS: Do you like zombies? Oops... I'm sorry, I shouldn't be advertising... aargh ;)
  24. tracy_t


    Have you tried downloading Kegety's editor update 1.11 (or whatever it is) http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/editing/gunslinger.htm The editor update adds, amongst other things, streetlamps and whatnot. Scott
  25. tracy_t

    What's sound file types

    .lip file type is a format used to synchronize mouth movements to sound files - see WAV2LIP. .scc is Sourcesafe configuration file. BIS obviously use Sourcesafe for their source control, lol Don't worry, the .scc file is of no use to you whatsoever.