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Everything posted by tracy_t

  1. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    Can you provide a direct d/l load link for the skeleton pack? west.flashpoint.ru is discontinued, and I don't speak Russian. Cheers, Scott
  2. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    Your picture link doesn't work either!!! lol Try my pic link tomorrow
  3. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    What do people think of this one? I dunno whether I like it or not. I mean it looks horrific enough I suppose, but doesn't fit in with the other zombies in the game. http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/510218/tarmaningame.jpg EDIT: Hmm, says I've used my daily bandwidth limit. well that's nice
  4. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Prototype, I have to say you are putting in a helluva lot of work. It is much appreciated. Me, I'm gonna write a night of the living dead mission, and some more anims. The mission should be really easy to do. Murphy, any chance of hosting the mission when it's done? Regards to all, Scott
  5. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Prototype, every zombie you can make, I can use. I can assure you of that. Dunno about walking skeletons, but... ah why the feck not eh? I've got some really good sounds to add to the zombie addon. Will be resuming work on it tomorrow. While I'm here, a help request: IS THERE ANYONE THERE WHO IS EXPERIENCED WITH OFPANIM THAT WOULD CARE TO HELP THE ZOMBIE PROJECT?!!
  6. tracy_t

    Need voice actors

    Do you need any Scottish accents? You should, cos everyone knows us jocks are hard as f**k!!! Come on, why not? Sean Connery played a Russian in Red October, and I'm from his neck of the woods.... lol. "Comrade, come and eat this haggis" "Comrade, those Americans are shit at drinking. Do you want another pie?" "Pass me another deep fried Mars Bar while we teach these Yankees a lesson. " PS: Will you be able to play the Russians in this campaign?
  7. tracy_t

    Script error

    Jaenak, did you solve your problem? I was off for a few weeks to get drunk etc.. you know the score Regards, S.
  8. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    The zombies can run fast already! Just use: (Assume zombie is a zombie unit) _grp = group zombie; _grp setspeedmode "FULL" And now the zombies will run like hell after you! PS: Happy new year, all!
  9. Hi all, I would like to create an animation for the OFP: R bus. I want to make the bus tip on its side BUT NOT explode. Is that possible in OFPAnim? I realise the OFP:R bus model is binarised and cannot be imported into OFPAnim, but is there an alternative to use? Thanks in advance Scott
  10. tracy_t

    Targeting targets!

    Yeah there is!! You have to DoTarget the target first and then DoFire. How you do this is explained in that thread. S.
  11. tracy_t

    Script error

    Sorry for stating the obvious lol Oh, _ThisICU can be reset to 0, but not by a bitwise OR statement. There is no way you can reset a variable to 0 using the OR operator. Say _ThisICU was set to 1. Whatever number you OR with _ThisICU, you will have a non-zero product. _ThisICU = _ThisICU or 0 : still gives you 1 _ThisICU = _ThisICU or 65535: gives you 65535 (still non-zero) etc etc.
  12. tracy_t

    Disabling cadet options

    Erm, have you tried using: ShowMap false in your player's initialisation field?
  13. tracy_t

    Targeting targets!

    Hello. The answer to your first question is here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=35857 The answer to your second is probably to go to ofp.info and check out their extensive addons section. Scott
  14. tracy_t

    Script error

    No, That line of code is correct: _thisICU is being set to the result of a boolean operation: OR + AND are used as boolean & bitwise operators. The product of the boolean calculation is being stored in _thisICU. You don't need any if (?) or wait (@) conditions. So here's what's happening. (_ThisGuy knowsabout Player >= KAThreshold) produces a boolean result, 1 or 0, whether or not the guy has enough knowledge of the player. (The >= operator returns a boolean result) We'll call this result A. (_Alive _thisguy) returns 1 or 0 (TRUE or FALSE). We'll call this result B. The result from the calculation is A AND B, as seen here: (((_ThisGuy KnowsAbout Player) >= KAThreshold) and (Alive _ThisGuy)) So, if you remember the rules of boolean AND: 1 AND 1 = 1 1 AND 0 = 0 0 AND 1 = 0 0 AND 0 = 0 So only when A and B are set to 1 does the whole expression return 1 (meaning TRUE), otherwise 0 (FALSE) is returned. Thus, When _thisICU is ORed with the result of the expression, _thisICU can only ever be set to 0 or 1. However, once _thisICU is set to 1, there is no point in doing any further boolean ORs - an OR cannot reset a value to 0!!! I hope this explains things  lol Regards, Scott
  15. tracy_t

    Script error

    No, once _thisICU was set to 1 the script was still going But you're on the right lines lol Regards, Scott
  16. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    The problem with creating an addon to just drop in and play is the fact that, I'd be limiting the behaviour and flexibility of the unit. By this I mean, if I make all zombies behave in a standard way where no-one has to do any scripting, then developers cannot tailor the addon to their needs. For example, If I make a zombie that attacks only WEST soldiers, as sure as dammit people will say, "why does it not attack EAST, or RESISTANCE" ? Also, making zombies automatically attack WEST soldiers means they can't follow waypoints etc. One sniff of a WEST soldier and wham! they deviate from the waypoint and go on an all you can eat spree. So... you see my problem. However, if you want to make your own zombies attack WEST, you will find code to do that in this thread. Try 3-4 pages back. Hope all goes well. PS: Download Karillon's SKYE VIRUS map - it's very good, and has a lot of useful scripts.
  17. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Oh, we HAVE released the finished addon!!! D/l from http://www.freewebs.com/shell_shocks_workshop/ Whatever work I'm doing will be new, and not impact the existing zombie work. Probably Actually, a note to developers: in the new zombie pack, the zombies have their own vehicle class, named ZOMBIE surprisingly enough, because there's gonna be 10+ different types of the feckers. However, the zombie names will not clash with the existing zombie addons.
  18. One thing I've noticed though, is that when the bus is not visible by the player (ie: you're nowhere near it) then it always lands upright!!! But when you stand next to it, it falls correctly 100% of the time. It's really weird, it's like the statement "when a tree falls in the woods, and no-one is there to see it, does it make a sound" !!! Methinks OFP is doing some short-circuit work behind the scenes and skimping on the collision detection. Hopefully I'm talking shit though.
  19. tracy_t

    Script error

    Hello. Sorry, I know what the code is intended to achieve but look at the following statement: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _ThisICU = _ThisICU or (((_ThisGuy KnowsAbout Player) >= KAThreshold) and (Alive _ThisGuy)) This code produces a boolean result, 0 or 1 (I'm not being cheeky, apologies if I sound like I am) which is stored in _ThisICU. Once _ThisICU is set to 1, then no matter what else happens, _ThisICU will remain set to 1, it's just the nature of the OR bit operator. Therefore there is no point in continuing through the rest of the loop. I've looked at the code again and I can assure you my solution is correct and would make the code faster. The whole point of the code is to return ICU = _thisICU so, once _thisICU is set to 1 nothing can change it, so you'd be as well as exiting the loop. If that makes sense Regards, Scott
  20. tracy_t

    How can i

    1. You should have searched the editing FAQ Your answer is at the top of this page: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....3;st=60 2. To make a soldier lay down use _soldier setunitpos "DOWN"
  21. Harnu, That worked a treat! Your solution was completely different from what I had in mind!!! Great stuff. Regards, Scott
  22. tracy_t

    Longer animations

    You did copy that text into a file called pushup.sqs didn't you? And [] exec'd it from the unit's initialisation section in the mission editor? What to do: 1) Go to mission editor 2) Place a soldier on the map 3) Double click the soldier to bring up its properties 4) Name the soldier mysoldier. 5) In the soldier's initialisation section, type: [mysoldier] exec "pushups.sqs" the [] are very important. 6) Save the map and make sure pushups.sqs is in the same directory as the map's .sqm file.
  23. tracy_t


    Have you set their CombatMode appropriately to "Open Fire" - see SetCombatMode statement for details. Scott
  24. tracy_t

    Zombie addon!!

    Yeah, I'm a n00b when it comes to animating with OFP Anim. OFP Anim is easy enough to use, but for some strange reason all of my animations make the zombies walk like hunchbacks. Now, if I had hunchback zombies that would be OK, but I don't. Anyway, just for a bit of fun (it is Xmas after all) I'll tell y'all about the extreme's I've gone to: * I've tried to get my girlfriend to video me walking zombie style so I can copy the animation, but she thinks I'm off my feckin trolley (ie: mad). * I've also watched countless zombie movies and tried to get pointers from them (yes, stepping frame by frame through a DivX is fun.) , but still my zombies walk like dorks. To conclude, WILL SOMEONE HELP ME FFS!!! lol Zombies are fresh and new to OFP, not just yer bog standard human soldier addon, so I would have thought there would be more interest. Maybe a NOTLD mission will help boost the zombies popularity.