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Everything posted by tracy_t

  1. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    The main zombies are wounded civvy units, correct. However, they have increased armour ratings and are assigned to EAST side. Also note, wounded units normally don't stand up However, there *are* 2 custom zombies, legless and headless. The legless zombie has Dr. Tongue's face (a custom face) and the headless zombie has Victor Troska's face. I'm working on a 3rd custom zombie, named Dr. Tongue, who is the first "featured" zombie you see in Day of the dead.
  2. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    The skeleton looks good to me. As long as no copyright is broken, and we're not ripping anyone off, who cares? Relax!! Prototype, any chance of a wrecked car and an overturned bus.... you can see some examples @ www.rayza.net and www.wetnwildradio.com (I'm a greedy bugger eh?)
  3. tracy_t

    The zombies are coming!!!

    Really? That's pretty interesting; no version of the zombie addon has "intelligent" zombies that move/attack on their own, so why they are moving in your direction, I dunno. But, if you are using my movezombie.sqs script, they will attack of their own accord. The simple thing to do is not call movezombie.sqs in that case, not until the waypoints have completed. If you need any more advice, I'd be happy to help. Regards, Scott
  4. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Hi Red. The scripts ARE part of the addon! And they ARE called by an Init eventhandler!! Its just that the bloody scripts don't work inside the addon, and I don't know why. Put them in a mission, and they work just fine However, I will beat the problem, oh yes, I will beat the problem Sorry for the delay folks - ALL OF THE CODE IS THERE IT JUST DON'T FECKIN WORK!!! lol Regards, Scott
  5. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    EDIT: Sorry for the double post of message BELOW. I suppose I'd better fill this apology with something interesting... Erm... Did you know I managed to rope my girlfriend into doing one of the zombie noises? No not that way, clear your minds ya dirty gits!! Basically she and I were having an argument (as nearly married men like myself will know, it happens a lot - women.. tchoh ) and she said "NO" in a loud condescending voice. Well, I asked her to repeat her words, and I recorded her voice, ran it through Goldwave and... well she's now a zombie. How's that for ingenuity? lol
  6. tracy_t

    Does dofire work on objects??

    Yeah right. There must be a way! Try targetting a GAME LOGIC type unit. I have a sneaky feeling that will work... EDIT: Put the game logic just behind the target you want to shoot....
  7. Hi, I'm beginning to think that might be the problem because everything else seems OK. This code runs alright as part of a mission, but when you put it in the addon it bombs... The 2nd parameter is the zombie's target, and is supposed optional. If you don't specify it, the code will automatically find a target for the zombie. I will remove this parameter and try again.
  8. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Could you do me a favour? can you install the pbo on your machine and just place some East | ZOmbies on the map, then create a game logic unit which has the initialisation string: gblAllunits = [Player] and see if it causes your flashpoint to CTD. BTW, you can use the zombie units no problem by simply not declaring gblAllUnits, but you have to write your own attack code. S
  9. tracy_t

    The zombies are coming!!!

    Hello. Funnily enough I am working on a map like what you say, except I'm not using the CoC engine (it's single player at the mo) I will put the WIP up on my site when I get back from work (about 8PM GMT) for people to use as a template. S.
  10. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    but you try to receive to 2 parameters inside the script itself: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_z = _this Select 0 _t = _this Select 1 (corect me if I don't understand something..). Don't know if that's the reason of your problem, though. Edit: typo. No, _z (param 0) is the zombie unit _t (param 1) is the intended target. If you don't specify a target, the zombie will look for the closest unit out of gblAllUnits, which is an array of units to kill. _uc = unit count (sizeof array gblAllUnits.) Just to make the code a bit clearer #rmv removes a dead unit from list gblAllUnits, so zombies only hunt live units #fnt Find new target #lp beginning of loop to actually find target #nx This label should be removed (I did say beta lol) #premove This label should be renamed to "move" and the other move label deleted. It justs makes the zombie look at its target (quite eerie actually. You see the zombies go past you and they're all looking at you1) #move see above #walk, Self explanatory! #engage Plays an attack animation, inflicts gblZombieDamage global variable damage on the player #eat Plays the "target being eaten" animation 4 times, and removes the dead target from the gblAllUnits list. #eatlp The eat loop ! #end exits the script.
  11. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    PS: Feedback on the sounds in the pbo much appreciated. Scott
  12. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    FOR ALL YOU MOTHERS THAT WANNA DOWNLOAD THE UNFINISHED WORK (it is a beta after all) GO TO: http://www.freewebs.com/tunstals/zombies.pbo DO *NOT* DISTRIBUTE THIS FILE, OR ANY OF ITS CONTENTS TO 3RD PARTY SITES. THIS FILE IS BETA, AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Anyway, here's the problem. OFP bombs when a call to movemalezombie.sqs is done. You can replicate this bug by: a) Installing the zombie pbo. b) Creating a GAME LOGIC unit where initialisation string is set to gblAllUnits = [Player] then placing a few zombies on the map. InitMaleZombie.sqs Note how only when the gblAllUnits global variable contains data (it's an array of units for the zombies to consider valid targets) that movemalezombie.sqs is exec'd <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _zombie = _this select 0 _zombie setunitpos "UP" _zombie setdamage 0.8 _zombie SetBehaviour "CARELESS" _zombie DisableAI "TARGET" _zombie DisableAI "AUTOTARGET" _zombie allowfleeing 0 _zombie SetMimic "Agresive" ? count gblAllUnits !=0: [_zombie] exec "\zombies\movemalezombie.sqs" exit MoveMaleZombie.sqs This code works alright STAND ALONE (ie: inside a mission) but when included inside the addon's pbo, it crashes. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _z = _this Select 0 _t = _this Select 1 #Main ~1 ?(!alive _z) : goto "End" ?(!Isnull(_t)) && (!alive _t) : goto "rmv" ?(!alive _t) || (IsNull(_t)) : goto "fnt" #rmv gblAllUnits = gblAllUnits - [_t] #fnt _y = 0 _uc = count gblAllUnits #lp ? _y>= _uc: goto "premove" _u = gblAllUnits select _y ? _z distance _u < _z distance _t: _t = _u #nx ~2 _y=_y+1 goto "lp" #premove _z dowatch _t #move _d = _z distance _t ? _d > 600 : Goto "end" ? _d > 5 : goto "walk" ? _d < 5 : goto "engage" Goto "Main" #walk _z PlayMove "moan1" ~3 _z domove getpos _t ~2 goto "Main" #engage ? !alive _z: goto "end" _z setPos getpos _t _z PlayMove "standstrokefist" _t setDammage (getDammage _t + gblZombieDamage) ~1.5 ? getDammage _t >= 1: goto "eat" goto "Main" #eat gblAllUnits = gblAllUnits - [_t] _z DoMove getpos _t @unitready _z _y = 0 #eatlp ? !alive _z: goto "end" _z PlayMove "eat1" ~7 _y = _y+1 ? _y != 4: goto "eatlp" goto "fnt" #End ~5 DeleteVehicle _z exit
  13. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    The models are done but getting the zombies to auto attack is proving tricky.... I can't execute a script within a pbo and I don't know why!! Whenever a script is to be called, OFP exits!! Do you want the zombies WITHOUT auto-attack in the meantime (I will provide the attack script for ya to use in your own missions in the meantime) or do you want to wait? Its your call. Whatever, like I said the models are done etc.
  14. tracy_t


    I have 4 different .ogg files in my zombie project. I want the .ogg files to be included in the addon's .pbo file. The 4 sounds have to be played at very infrequent intervals by a script contained within the pbo. I can't use cfgSounds in description.ext because that's for missions. CfgMovesMc looks the obvious choice - I could make the sounds part of an animation - but I don't want to create 100s of classes in there just to have 4 sounds. Any ideas?
  15. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    They will attack east soldiers, but because the zombies are ON the east side, the AI East soldiers won't target them. Could be really gory shit going down with that.... Anyway, almost ready, hold onto yer hats!!
  16. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Before I release, I need a host. This is gonna be a big 'un!! Who wants to host the zombie pack? S.
  17. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    Yep, 100% agreed. I wanna add some gore & guts to the static skeleton before I release it for a future version of the zombie mod. (I've learned a wee bit about texturing in o2, so I can make models to suit.) But I still won't be releasing the walking skeletons as part of the zombie mod though. Let's see, it takes a head shot to kill the zombies - destroy the brain - and erm... hold on, these skeletons don't have any brain so where do we shoot em. And why are they erm walking.. lol You can't please everyone all of the time
  18. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    I don't think I could use walking skeletons in my zombie maps, but hell, I tell ya they'd be fantastic for RPG type games!!! I don't think I'll include this in the unified zombie pack (due out tomorrow) because it's stretching reality a wee bit *too* far to have walking skeletons Before anyone says its unrealistic to have the walking dead... yeah yeah yeah... tell Romero that!
  19. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Wait til you hear the sounds! Some of them are bloody bone chilling - eh Murphy? lol
  20. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    I'm creating a link right now.... God, some people are impatient!!! Â Download the alternative (ie: not prototype's) skeleton addon from: http://www.freewebs.com/tunstals/skelet.rar It may take up to 20 secs for the d/l message to appear. Scott I will be removing this addon within 1-2 days (it's not mine and nothing to do with the zombie mod) so if anyone else wants to host it, better hurry!!
  21. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    LOL!!! Those skeletons are funny, but they're not as good looking as prototypes. Whatever though, I had fun shooting them with the RPG!!! S.
  22. tracy_t

    Animation tuts? for ofpanim_v0.98

    I just wrote a shitty tutorial to get ppl started. It's in BREATHE | ADDON CONFIG AND SCRIPTING. Here's the direct link. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=36278
  23. tracy_t

    Lean animatons

    http://forums.ofp-editing.de/viewtopic.php?t=3550&sid=fa6e15cc8bbaa998a5c5981e69477cc3 Now I know it's in German, but the config.cpp code is valid. Alternatively, search the forum for CfgMovesMC. Once you have your anim in config.cpp, it can be accessed by the PlayMove and SwitchMove statements. You can call these statements from scripts. And, you call those scripts via the AddAction statement
  24. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    Ah, that's the link to Prototype's skeleton, but I believe void_false was talking about ANOTHER skeleton addon!! lol void_false, could you send me the addon (to tunstals@hotmail.com) and I'll host it on my freewebs site? You would be doing the zombie community a great favour PS: I forgot to say, Prototype's P3D is unbinarized, meaning it can be edited. Please do not make any derivative works (ie: don't rip off his P3D) without his permission. Sorry for the disclaimer but he trusts me (I hope ) Danke schon, Scott
  25. tracy_t

    Need voice actors

    That's true, accents can be fake, but then again if you aren't getting any Russian volunteers what can you do? Just cos there are Russian ppl on here doesn't mean they'll want to help Anyway, you can always use a sound editing program to make voices sound more "eastern" ! If you want any speech samples SpecOp, I will be more than happy to provide them Regards to all, Scott