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Everything posted by tracy_t

  1. tracy_t

    Really crap ofpanim tutorial here

    Make the proxy visible (click on the crossed "eye" icon next to the required proxy) then select the proxy via left mouse button. Use rotate etc as you would normally.
  2. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    BUG REPORT! 1. Dr Tongue doesn't work. 2. Anyone notice yet that the cop zombies walk around like they are gonna shoot? Ooh err 3. The crawler zombie doesn't auto-attack; this is a problem that I knew about already. There is no ofp animation for "punch when crawling", you see. (I'd love to see Vic Troska take somone's knees out that way lol) If anyone wants to create an animation where the crawler nibbles at your knees, thats fine by me though. I can't get the hang of frickin OfpAnim. 4. Zombies decide who the closest target to eat is ONE TIME and then will chase that target until he/she/it is dead. They will consequently run past other humans. You could walk up to a zombie and taunt it mercilessly if you're not the target and it would do jack shit.
  3. tracy_t

    Custom skys

    That sky looks really good. I wouldn't mind having that as part of the zombie mod! Very spooky. Great work. Scott
  4. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    LOL!! You got me there! Look, it was 2am GMT this morning that I got the pbo finished. I wanted the work out sharpish The waddling penguin animation was taken out of this release because I need to program the OFP engine call it directly, instead of using a script. Whenever you use switchmove or PlayMove on a walking type animation, you will have a hard time stopping OFP making the animation "twitch" - and not in the way you want either. By creating a custom CfgMovesMC class in the config.cpp, as Teacup did with his dog addon, I can incorporate the walking animation. However that then gives rise to the problem: what zombie should have that animation? All? Or only one? Decisions decisions...
  5. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Actually, they always attack the closest person, not the first! But it is strange to see them run past a closer person (after the original target changes position) - however, continually evaluating the nearest person to attack would consume CPU cycles. EDIT: But then again, why the hell not eh? Then you could have some really scary shit going down PS: As for PM'ing you, sorry but after this smug [expletive deleted]'s reply I don't think so: And I thought I was doing him a favour, considering everyone was asking "when will it be released" Â
  6. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    THANK CHRIST FOR THAT!!!! AGAIN... d/l @ HTTP://WWW.FREEWEBS.COM/TUNSTALS/ZOMBIES.ZIP COPY ABOVE URL INTO YOUR BROWSER. DIRECT LINKING NOT ALLOWED PLEASE FEEL FREE TO PUT THIS FILE ON 3RD PARTY SERVERS. Ah, time to turn caps lock off lol It's 2am UK time (I'm in Glasgow, Scotland) so now I'm off to bed. That's what ya get when ya ask when I'm gonna release!!! lol Night all.. Scott
  7. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Sniper, I've emailed you the pbo. The rest of ya, try http://www.freewebs.com/tunstals/ZOMBIES.ZIP Now there's not been a zip file on the server before, so I expect there'll be no caching on server OR client side to worry about, so if this STILL fucks up, I'm gonna go apeshit. Also, text searched all the files in the zip and there's no "Hello" message there. So if it appears, you defo have the wrong file.
  8. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    I only work with one version of the pbo, so I doubt I uploaded the wrong one. Anyway now I DEFINITELY have the correct version on the server ready for d/l. I've downloaded it myself and compared it with the working binary, and they are identical. If you STILL can't get it to work I will give the source to D. Murphy man and maybe he can compile it.
  9. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Crashes where exactly? I'm running the PBO just fine. Let's do a file check: Is your zombies.pbo 1605266 bytes in size? When you set gblAllTargets = [Player] and then drop a zombie onto the map, do you see "entering function" appear (this indicates that the zombie is actively identifying and considering the closest target) ? Cos if you don't, then you don't have the correct version
  10. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    YES!!!! THE ZOMBIE PACK BETA IS COMPLETE!!!! Download from www.freewebs.com/tunstals/zombies.pbo DELETE OLDER ZOMBIES.PBO PLEASE NEW 1) Zombies take 6+ hits to kill (1 head shot tho) 2) Crawler takes 30+ body hits to kill (1 head shot tho) 3) As does headless bloke 4) zombies go on all you can eat spree (with animations) HOW TO USE THESE BAD BOYS: 1) In your zombie mission, create a GAME LOGIC unit, with initialisation string gblAllTargets = [Player] append to this array all the units you want to be targeted by the zombies, e.g. gblAllTargets = [Player] + units group1 + units group2 + units group3 + units group4 2) Â Create a GAME LOGIC unit containing the following initialisation string: gblZombieDamage = 1 This means 1 hit from a zombie kills you. Set to .5 for 2 hits, .2 for 5 hits etc. 3) Drop in yer zombies (ONLY DR. TONGUE DOES NOT WORK YET.) and LET BATTLE COMMENCE!!! YOU WILL GET A LOT OF DEBUG MESSAGES FROM THE ZOMBIES. THESE DEBUG MESSAGES GLOBALCHAT THE HUMAN TARGETS AND WILL BE REMOVED IN THE NEXT BETA RELEASE (which will be tomorrow or monday). ALL OF THE WORK I AM COMMENCING NOW WILL BE BACKWARD COMPATIBLE, SO START CREATING YOUR MISSIONS *NOW*! The following code should be part of your mission for good housekeeping. This basically updates the "live target list" so zombies don't attack corpses. Exec the code from a game logic unit, e.g. Â [] exec "monitortargets.sqs" monitortargets.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #outer _uc = count gblAllTargets ? _uc == 0: exit Player globalchat format["No of targets: %1", _uc] _y = 0 #inner ? _y>= _uc: goto "wait" _u = gblAllTargets select _y ? alive _u: goto "nxt" gblAllTargets = gblAllTargets- [_u] goto "outer" #nxt _y = _y+1 goto "inner" #wait ~4 goto "outer" NOW CHOKE ON EM!!!! lol Test mission coming up in next half hour... be afraid, be very afraid.
  11. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    to something like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#walk;;;;_z PlayMove "moan1" ~3 The zombies would continue to run up to you, after a few secs of being close, they would play the strokefist move, and you should take damage, although there is an error in the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_t setDammage (getDammage _t + gblZombieDamage) part of the script so i didnt get hurt, but nonetheless, it worked nicely Edit: The reason why they stopped then it crashed, is they were about to play the move, if you change "moan1" in the script to your other move "eat1", they run for a few secs, stop, and do the eating animation gblZombieDamage is a global variable that needs to be set by you in your mission. Just create a GAME LOGIC unit and set as the initialisation: gblZombieDamage = 1 And watch those zombies kick some arse. I've got 37 marines vs 150 zombies and the zombies ate nearly the feckin lot.
  12. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    I found out why it's crashing. The code now WORKS as expected, and is undergoing final polish. Basically I was performing operations on a NULL pointer, and OFP was throwing an exception instead of reporting it properly. So, here's a lesson: YOU CAN'T USE THE alive() FUNCTION ON A NULL OBJECT. BIS: WHY DID YOU REMOVE THE TEXTLOG STATEMENT?!!! movemalezombie.sqs usage: [_z] exec "movemalezombie.sqs" where _z is the zombie unit you want to make a shambler (this code is actually contained within the addon. You don't need to paste it into your mission) Before my zombies will attack, you need the following variables defined: gblAllTargets = a GLOBAL array of units for the zombies to attack! e.g. gblAllTargets = [Player, units group Player, units group1, units group2] gblZombieDamage = a real number indicating how much zombie each zombie attack does to a target (0 = None, .5 = Half damage, 1= instantaneous kill.) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? count gblAllTargets == 0: exit _z = _this Select 0 ? IsNull(_z): exit _t = objNull #Main ~1 ?(!alive _z) : goto "End" ? (IsNull(_t)) : goto "fnt" ? (alive _t) : goto "move" #fnt ? count gblAllTargets ==0: exit _y = 0 _t = gblAllTargets Select 0 #lp ? _y>= count gblAllTargets: goto "premove" _u = gblAllTargets select _y ? _z distance _u < _z distance _t: _t = _u ~2 _y=_y+1 goto "lp" #premove _z dowatch _t #move _d = _z distance _t ? _d > 600 : Goto "end" ? _d > 5 : goto "walk" ? _d < 5 : goto "engage" Goto "Main" #walk ~3 _z domove getpos _t ~2 goto "Main" #engage ? !alive _z: goto "end" _z setPos getpos _t _z PlayMove "standstrokefist" _t setDammage (getDammage _t + gblZombieDamage) ~1.5 ? getDammage _t >= 1: goto "eat" goto "Main" #eat gblTargetsKilledByZombies = gblTargetsKilledByZombies + [_t] ? !alive _z: goto "end" _z setpos getpos _t _y = 0 #eatlp ? !alive _z: goto "end" _z PlayMove "eat1" ~7 _y = _y+1 ? _y != 4: goto "eatlp" goto "fnt" #End ~2 DeleteVehicle _z exit
  13. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    1. The full pack was released (kinda). The only thing is that the auto attack functionality isn't working. I think it may well be a bug in OFP because I've had ag_smith, bratty look at the scripts and they can't determine what's wrong. 2. Sorry if you think I've "stretched" out the release of the pack, but I'm damned if I'm gonna spend every spare hour of my week hunting down bugs in OFP script - especially as I spend 8 hours a day (not incl. some weekends) working as a software developer already! (Say "aw" ) For those of you who are waiting, I am doing as much as I can in the time I have. I am sure you will agree that a lot of work has gone into the addons already.
  14. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    The only thing I'm concerned about is that we might end up trying to do too much at once. Right now I'm scripting, texturing, making sounds... the more addons I have to work on, the longer the zombie mod is delayed
  15. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    How many models are you working on, prototype?!!! Regarding the dog/ wolf: IMHO there's no point in reinventing the wheel. We'd be as well as using Teacup's dog model because: a) Teacup has created a walking animation for the dog. b) Teacup has already created a config.cpp which replaces the standard BIS animations with dog animations. Replacing the CfgMovesMC class is not difficult, just tedious as f**k!! Would it not just be easier to change the textures on the dog model and replace them with werewolf or whatnot? Just my 2 pence worth. I will now shut up
  16. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    LOL! 1. It takes 3 BODY shots to kill the zombies. Should I up-armour to make 6+? 2. Sorry if it crashes your machine; I am on the case with the scripts. 3. I know headless zombie isn't strictly romero but hey, with a model as good as that, who am I to argue? 4. Zombie group brings up an error. Feck. Right, I will sort that :-(
  17. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Right, I won't release the zombie addon tonight but I will have it done by the weekend. My next work on the zombie mod is: a) Dr. Tongue b) Wrecked cars (some textures) - I would like to take Lukemax's police car and create a wreck version of that. c) Devoured corpses d) Thinking of ways of reanimating people killed by zombies. I can't actually get that working at the moment
  18. tracy_t

    The zombies are coming!!!

    Excellent! Glad that the zombies are being put to good use. Remember, the headless zombie and the legless zombies are also available for download from shellshock's workshop (see the zombie addon thread for D. Murphy man's URL.) - the crawler is especially hard to kill
  19. Hi all, I have a problem that is driving me nuts. OFP bombs when a call to movemalezombie.sqs is done. You can replicate this bug by: a) Installing the zombie pbo from http://www.freewebs.com/tunstals/zombies.pbo b) Creating a GAME LOGIC unit where initialisation string is set to gblAllUnits = [Player] then placing a few zombies on the map. Here's the scripts: InitMaleZombie.sqs Note how only when the gblAllUnits global variable contains data (it's an array of units for the zombies to consider valid targets) that movemalezombie.sqs is exec'd <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _zombie = _this select 0 _zombie setunitpos "UP" _zombie setdamage 0.8 _zombie SetBehaviour "CARELESS" _zombie DisableAI "TARGET" _zombie DisableAI "AUTOTARGET" _zombie allowfleeing 0 _zombie SetMimic "Agresive" ? count gblAllUnits !=0: [_zombie] exec "\zombies\movemalezombie.sqs" exit MoveMaleZombie.sqs This code works alright STAND ALONE (ie: inside a mission) but when included inside the addon's pbo, it crashes. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _z = _this Select 0 _t = _this Select 1 #Main ~1 ?(!alive _z) : goto "End" ?(!Isnull(_t)) && (!alive _t) : goto "rmv" ?(!alive _t) || (IsNull(_t)) : goto "fnt" #rmv gblAllUnits = gblAllUnits - [_t] #fnt _y = 0 _uc = count gblAllUnits #lp ? _y>= _uc: goto "premove" _u = gblAllUnits select _y ? _z distance _u < _z distance _t: _t = _u #nx ~2 _y=_y+1 goto "lp" #premove _z dowatch _t #move _d = _z distance _t ? _d > 600 : Goto "end" ? _d > 5 : goto "walk" ? _d < 5 : goto "engage" Goto "Main" #walk _z PlayMove "moan1" ~3 _z domove getpos _t ~2 goto "Main" #engage ? !alive _z: goto "end" _z setPos getpos _t _z PlayMove "standstrokefist" _t setDammage (getDammage _t + gblZombieDamage) ~1.5 ? getDammage _t >= 1: goto "eat" goto "Main" #eat gblAllUnits = gblAllUnits - [_t] _z DoMove getpos _t @unitready _z _y = 0 #eatlp ? !alive _z: goto "end" _z PlayMove "eat1" ~7 _y = _y+1 ? _y != 4: goto "eatlp" goto "fnt" #End ~5 DeleteVehicle _z exit Anyone have any ideas?
  20. I am using the Init eventhandler in my addon. It executes like so: class EventHandlers { Init = [_this select 0] exec {initmalezombie.sqs} } I know _this select 0 works because I have used it to make the zombies go prone. Feel free to UNPBO the work I've done and look at the config.cpp if you like (if you can be bothered ). I'm stumped!
  21. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    is he the one who is being experimented on and then turns on one of the human bad guys  and in doing so enables the good guys to get away thus saving the day? the one who starts to think for himself kinda and mostly strapped upon the bed? Neither. Dr Tongue is HERE: http://www.homepageofthedead.com/films/day/zomb3.jpg The reason he is called Dr Tongue in the zombie community is because he is wearing the stereotypical Doctor's clothing (black suit) and his throat has been ripped out, exposing his tongue. A bit gruesome, yes, but I don't want any pansy zombies.
  22. tracy_t

    Static skeleton addon complete!!!

    The wrecked cars will be fine; I can't see any use for the Ark vans though Anyway, keep up the good work and I'll get back to releasing the zombie mod ...
  23. If you want a skeleton for use in your missions, Prototype001 has completed one ready for use NOW!!! EDIT: I should keep my mouth shut Download NOW from: http://www.freewebs.com/tunstals/bonessit.pbo Pic 1: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/510218/FLASH0002.jpg Pic 2: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/510218/FLASH0003.jpg My Villagephotos bandwidth limit may have been used up, so no complaints if you get any errors today!!!
  24. tracy_t

    The zombies are coming!!!

    Yeah, zombie.sqs makes your zombies think for themselves, and ignore waypoints Its hard to get a zombie to follow waypoints, munching on some GIs on the way *shudders*
  25. tracy_t

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Hello. I have taken pictures of the various addons and they are available @ <WARNING: GORE> http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp?selected=632116 You may use the face textures in your own missions as long as credit is given to me I'm not gonna use those faces in the zombie mod, not when I got better zombies than that...