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Everything posted by tracy_t

  1. Thank you, I have posted onto the forum.
  2. Hi, I am writing a mission with the latest Chain Of Command. I would use their forum, but I have just registered there and I really don't want to wait a day or two to have this question answered I am using "_x MoveInCargo <whatever truck>" foreach units group <whatever group: ALPHA, BRAVO etc> A second later, CoC informs me that all of my troops have left the transport! What is going on? AFAIK I am using an up to date command engine. Thanks for your help
  3. Thank you! I will try that.
  4. Hi, I am CamCreate'ing standard OFP M2 machine guns dynamically. Although the M2s appear correctly, for some strange reason soldiers cannot mount the gun. M2's placed in the mission editor work fine. Can anyone tell me why this is so? I enclose my CreateM2Gun.sqs script and my dynamic object creation script, so you can understand what I am doing at the moment. Any help appreciated! CreateM2Gun.sqs ============================================ ?i_numberofmachineguns== 0: exit _obj = _this select 0 titlecut ["Place a machine gun nest here", "BLACK OUT", 1.5] ~1.5 [_obj, "Fence", 7,2] exec "Createobject.sqs" [_obj, "M2StaticMG", 0,2, 1, false] exec "Createobject.sqs" i_numberofmachineguns= i_numberofmachineguns-1 titlecut ["", "BLACK IN", 1.5] ~1.5 _hintmsg = format["You have %1 machine gun(s) left.", i_numberofmachineguns] hint _hintmsg ; This is the reason why the script must be bound to action ID 1 ? i_numberofmachineguns ==0: this removeAction 1 CreateObject.sqs ================================================ _pos = getPos (_this select 0) _objtype = _this select 1 _degreestoadd = _this select 2 _dist = _this select 3 _y = 0.8 _locked = false ; If we've not specified the height of the object, we use 0.8 as default ? count _this > 4: _y = _this select 4 ? count _this > 5: _locked = _this select 5 _x = _pos select 0 _z = _pos select 1 _dir = GetDir(_this select 0) + _degreestoadd ? _dir >360: _dir = _dir-360 _x1 = _x + (sin(_dir) * _dist) _z1 = _z + (cos(_dir) * _dist) _newobj = _objtype CamCreate [_x1,_z1,_y] _newobj lock _locked _hintmsg = format["Object is %1", locked _newobj] hint _hintmsg
  5. I wanted to change a few things in the seb_iatrang island for my own use, such as deleting/ repositioning sandbags and creating new villages. However, when I load the .WRP into WRPEdit I get loads of "missing texture" errors saying file "sebnam_obj/ <whatever p3d>" is missing. "Aha!" I thought. It's looking for a subdirectory called sebnam_obj that contains the p3d files. I created a subdirectory called sebnam_obj and moved the p3ds in there, yet WRPEdit still says they are missing! WTF? Can anyone tell me how to load the island into WRPEdit without errors. An idiots guide would be nice I am using resistance v1.91. PS: I can load the 1.46 OFP islands no problem, but have problems with the Nogova island too... do I need to use a SET PATH statement or anything? TIA.