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Everything posted by tracy_t

  1. tracy_t

    The Iraq Thread

    lol. I love to hear about how ENGLAND wasn't invaded during WW2. Typical Yank ignorance. They seem to think Scotland, Wales and Ireland aren't part of Britain. Anyway, I digress. Amazing how all our grandfathers died for democracy and freedom of speech â„¢, yet France is now to be punished for exercising its right. You Americans make me laugh - home of the free? Pish. I thought you would always be friends with the country that GAVE you your independence from British rule, too.... Regards, A proud Scotsman.
  2. tracy_t

    The Iraq Thread

    I'm quite interested in this conversation. You do know that the Germans were working on an Atomic Bomb don't you? So, had America not intervened in the war, the UK may have been nuked, swiftly followed by the States... you Yanks could be speaking Deutsch too. Don't think that would've been implausible at the time. The Germans could have invented ICBMs - don't you realise it was German scientists who helped the US get a man in space? That's no conspiracy theory, but documented fact. I hear a carpet being lifted, ready for something to be swept under it.
  3. tracy_t

    The Iraq Thread

    lol. Oh well, news travels slowly to the UK. I only found out the Falklands war ended last week Anyway folks, slightly OT, but would anyone mind if I used this logo with my sig: "I do NOT support war with Syria or Iran but North Korea deserves it, yes sirree. No Burger kings in Iraq!!!"
  4. tracy_t

    The Iraq Thread

    *Cough* Gulf War 2 wasn't for oil no sirree, but liberating the Iraqis *Cough* Erm... OK: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,940250,00.html Well that didn't take long did it? Everyone wants their snout in the trough. BTW: I've only read the last 4 pages of this thread, so if this is old news, sorry...
  5. tracy_t

    Behind the scenes...

    Go to http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/misc/bisfunsite.htm and all will be revealed. TIP: just use YouKnowWho's surname as the username, and his nickname (minus the "The") as the password. Must retire, I've got a sore mouth.
  6. tracy_t

    Behind the scenes...

    What PEOPLE work at BIS? For ffs! How can they torture us? Damn this is no fun,bistudio.com!!!! Cheers, Tracy
  7. I tell you what, whatever Flashpoint game BIS come out with, they had better sort out the AI problems - specifically: a) Why soldiers don't shoot you, but instead run past you. Happens to me all the time! b) Why soldiers just sit still while their comrades are shot to bits. TAKE COVER, DAMN YOU!! c) Why soldiers can't reload on their own -"A tank? Well, I can see a loaded LAW launcher a foot away, but I will wait for my leader to tell me to pick it up - durr, me dead" d) Why groups of vehicles get stuck (I believe the Chain Of Command's BS06-Planned Defense is an excellent example of this - all of the SUPPORT vehicles can't get by each other, then are subsequently shot to shit.) Cheers, Tracy
  8. tracy_t

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    I tell you what, whatever Flashpoint game BIS come out with, they had better sort out the AI problems - specifically: a) Why soldiers don't shoot you, but instead run past you. Happens to me all the time! b) Why soldiers just sit still while their comrades are shot to bits. TAKE COVER, DAMN YOU!! c) Why soldiers can't reload on their own -"A tank? Well, I can see a loaded LAW launcher a foot away, but I will wait for my leader to tell me to pick it up - durr, me dead" d) Why groups of vehicles get stuck (I believe the Chain Of Command's BS06-Planned Defense is an excellent example of this - all of the SUPPORT vehicles can't get by each other, then are subsequently shot to shit.) Cheers, Tracy
  9. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Yeah, I must admit that I laughed when I saw that chopper on the back of a lorry. How cheeky can you get? All's fair in love and war though. I bet there's a few scientists studying it right now, reading "AH-64D repair for dummies" And what would the Russian govt pay to get their hands on it too.. nice little earner, as we say in the UK.
  10. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    OK, if you think it's all lies then why not go to www.google.com and use the following as the search criteria: +"hamid karzai" +Unocal Amongst the usual conspiracy theories & shit, dig deep enough and you will find that Karzai is an ex-oilman who worked for Unocal. I believe Le Monde revealed this first. Of course, I can't prove it conclusively, but then again, you can't disprove it conclusively either. Also, from the same set of results, you will find articles about building gas pipelines across Afghanistan.
  11. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Kontakt-5 ERA cannot be penetrated by 120mm DU shells, you say? Well, that means the Challenger and M1A2 don't have a chance against the likes of a T90S (feel free to correct me) Does Syria or Iran have any T90s? I mean, they are part of the Axis of Evil, aren't they?
  12. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Don't tell me the coalition are using the same Word processor as azzam.net and qoqaz! You know, M$ Word For Propaganda! "the <insert name of your army here> attacked <insert name of enemy> and inflicted 100000 casualties. Only <random number between 1 and 5> of our men were killed." Strange that how the US said they killed 1000 Iraqis, yet only sustained 1 or 2 casualties? I smell shit. PS: FWIW, if an RPG can open an M1A1 up (was it by top attack?) then the war's not over by a long shot.
  13. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Hold on a minute. A tank commander was SHOT? Don't tell me the Americans went into Central Baghdad, "turned out" so to speak? If that's the case, I've heard it all. You should put this story in the Military Stupidity thread.
  14. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    LOL! Balschoiw, that's the truth alright. I can't wait to see "democracy" taking root in Iraq. I mean, look at the success in Afghanistan!!! Surely it's only coincidence that the "democratic" president of Afghanistan (Mohammed Karzai) is an ex-oilman? Right? And I suppose the new puppet Government of Iraq will be selling oil "for the people"! My arse!!
  15. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Sorry, I was just kidding with that URL, spoofing Avon's usual "Search the FAQ...." text !!! I will edit the post. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  16. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Have the coalition destroyed the Medina division or not? One minute I see "the Medina division has been completely destroyed" and the next I see "there are concerns that some of the division has retreated to Baghdad" - both on the BBC. I'm f**king pissed off hearing lies and shite from what is, after all, a public-funded media network. And Avon, you need to Search the FAQ on tips on treating POWs. Oh I forgot. Guantanomo bay isn't a POW camp Â
  17. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Munger, according to the BBC web page (link above), Warriors were used as well as Challengers. I guess if the Iraqis were using RPG-7's to attack the armour, they must've been firing the old type of ammo OR they were crap shots. Anyway, one things for sure - I certainly wouldn't want to be driving a tank into Basra. Fuck that! Let's hope the UK troops return home in one piece, although *cough* at the moment it's not the Iraqis who are killing them
  18. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Apparently the Warrior APCs and Challenger tanks suffered multiple RPG-7 hits, but all returned safely. I thought the RPG-7 would be able to take out a Warrior tank? I'm glad they can't, but bloody hell, what a way to find out!!! Fuck risking life and limb to destroy a statue.
  19. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    In the leftie daily mirror (mirror.co.uk) and the very right-wing News of the world (guess) there are articles about UK tanks moving into Basra, risking life and limb just to... erm, demolish a statue of Saddam Hussein. Isn't this a risky mission, given that Iraq is known to have AT-14 weapons? Is the AT-14 powerful enough to destroy a Challenger 2 tank? If so, why were the tanks risked?
  20. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    You are right, I am anti-war. Nothing wrong with that. Unless of course, you disagree... ? As for wanting to publish stories of coalition disasters, yes, I want to know what's really going on out there. There's nothing wrong with having some truth in amongst the lies. I'm Scottish and I support the UK troops, but Christ what are they dieing for? "Liberation" of Iraq? It seems they don't WANT to be liberated!
  21. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    It's scandalous how the so-called "news" sources like the BBC & CNN cover up coalition disasters and losses. On the BBC page it looks like everythings going well and the Iraqis are capitulating, yet al-jazeera is reporting otherwise. Hmm, let's see: 1000 Iraqis killed - no UK/US losses reported... shite! 33 Iraqi tanks destroyed in a major firefight - no UK/US losses reported... shite! Oh hold on, a major chipped a fingernail If everything's fine then WHY THE HELL are the Americans bringing another heavy division over? Oh let me see, to guard the 8000 POWs (what happened to them?) All I can say is "thank God for the Internet" - the truth will out sooner rather than later.
  22. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    I'm sure this will get a warm reception: http://www.aeronautics.ru/news/news002/news077.htm </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> The Americans have failed in trying to use their momentum in capturing An-Nasiriya and attempted to encircle the town from the west, where they encountered strong layered Iraqi defenses and forced to withdraw. The Iraqi forces used this opportunity to attack the US flanks with two brigades, breaking the US combat orders and causing panic among the US troops. The US command was forced to halt the advance of its forced toward An Najaf and once again redirect several tank battalions to support the attacked units. Nearly 6 hours was needed for the US aviation to stop the Iraqi attack and restore combat order of the US forces. During the past day the coalition aviation flew more than 2,000 close support missions in this area [An-Nasiriya]. "We can only thank God for having air dominance!†said the commander of the US 15th Marines Exp. Corps Col. Thomas Waldhauser in a private conversation with one of the CNN reporters. Later the CNN journalist cited the Colonel in a phone conversation with his editor. The conversation was intercepted." <span id='postcolor'> Usually I would put such news sources on a par with qoqaz.net or azzam, where there are daily reports of 100000 Americans killed in combat in Afghanistan - with only 2 mujhahadeen wounded - but I reckon there's some truth on the link above. I don't know, make up your own mind. PS: That Kornet Anti-Tank missile appears to work well, doesn't it?
  23. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    On subject of armour, we'd better pray that the following story is not true... the latest Russian AT weaponry could cause the coalition a lot of problems... http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tm....id=1473
  24. tracy_t

    The Dogs of War

    Denoir, where did you get the "Ten dead American soldiers in an Iraqi attack on an armoured column" story from? I can't see any of that on bbc.co.uk/news and I've searched extensively. Did you hear that on the World Service (radio)? If you could post a direct URL to the story, that'd be great. BTW, do the Iraqi's have any weapons that could dent an M1A1/A2 - is the tank vulnerable to top-attack? Pardon my ignorance, but apart from mines what do the Iraqis have that could threaten such tanks? Again, certain elements of the UK media make out the Abrams to be practically indestructible. Regards, Tracy
  25. Hi, I was looking up Russian AAA weaponry on: http://www.aeronautics.ru/nws001/ruairdef001.htm and I think each and every one of those weapons look amazing. 3 questions: 1. Apart from the SA-13 and Tunguska, are any of these weapons in development for OFP? I already have the SA-13 addon (with yellow rocket tubes, natch) and it's good, but not perfect; it just looks too "clean": mind you I couldn't do any better. 2. I note DKM's Tunguska has a rather small radar compared to "real life" (http://www.aeronautics.ru/tunguskam19.jpg) Polite request: could you update the addon's radar dish to be a bit bigger, lol - it looks like a buzzer at the moment. Apart from that the addon rocks. And it's bloody scary too! It makes the Shilka look like a shandy drinking fairy. 3. I understand Tunguska's are in active use in Chechnya. I'm making a chechnya mission using CoC at the moment using the UCE russian soldiers and ASF terrorists. I want to make the mission as authentic as possible. Does anyone have any links to web pages detailing modern russian street fighting tactics & the Tunguska's use? Thanks for your help.