Hi have been an ofp fan since the dawn of ofp (1.0 europe version), so i though it was time that i post my ideas.
I love everything vietnam related and cant wait for nampack 2.0 , but i feel one thing is missing and that is a skyraider.
Its perfect for the cas role in vietnam mission in ofp since its slowler then the jets.
A friend of mine made a skyraider for fs2002 some while back including 3d cockpit and several lods.Looked good and poly count was not too high.
Only problem is that he deleted the original 3ds files and i cant seem to find a converter to convert it from fs2002 modelformat to 3ds.
(Fs2002 format is mdl, not the quake one)
If someone knows where to find this then i'll be happy.
Then i only need to find someone with oxygen!
Thanks in advance