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Everything posted by tsunehirot

  1. tsunehirot

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

  2. tsunehirot

    RKSL Camo Nets V1.0R Escapes

    I took the screenshot once again. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis-Mars/8672/camonetnoshadow.JPG I downloaded and tried from other links once again. I deleted other unofficial addons and installed and tested only this camopack addons. Of course, Object shadows option is enabled. My machine has a problem??
  3. tsunehirot

    RKSL Camo Nets V1.0R Escapes

    screenshot example. No shadow object list UK camo (DES-UK)Large net (SNW-UK)Large net (TONAL-UK)Large net (WLD-UK)Hanger net (WLD-UK)Large net US camo (DES-US)Hanger net (DES-US)Large net (SNW-US)Hanger net (SNW-US)Large net (TONAL-US)Hanger net (TONAL-US)Large net (WLD-US)Hanger net (WLD-US)Large net Check Plz.
  4. tsunehirot

    RKSL Camo Nets V1.0R Escapes

    There is no shadow of any CamoNets. ex.) (DES-UK) Large Net
  5. tsunehirot

    Post your desktop

    My Desktop Â
  6. tsunehirot

    Woodland hummers

    (D)HMMWV(Cargo open) (D)HMMWV(M2) russians dont shoot. (W)HMMWV(M60) (D)HMMWV(M60) When soldiers are shot with these arms, there is no hitsounds.
  7. tsunehirot

    Custom faces

    R. Lee Ermey plz!
  8. tsunehirot

    Hunter_anims3  (static & non-static)

    Isn't animpack made into one?
  9. tsunehirot

    Anims that ofp need !! :)

    I want March anims!!
  10. tsunehirot

    Some stuff...

    Aren't you worried about this problem?
  11. tsunehirot

    Shorts skyvan released

    GJ Scud. But there is a bug whose shadow of SC7 cannot be seen. Please also make a civil version of SC7
  12. tsunehirot

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Merry Christmas.
  13. tsunehirot

    Updates (and mig-27)

    I write that are using MIG27 and it was worrisome here. 1. In init,The bombs are displayed even if it moves a slider to the limit of the left. 2. When it takes off from an airfield, I cannot carry out a gear rise.
  14. tsunehirot


  15. tsunehirot

    Bas blackhawks

    Thank you for Excellent addons. I have one question, do you create config.bin(cpp) edition of the JAM ? If there is it, I think that we enjoy existing BIS campaigns and more missions.
  16. tsunehirot

    Ural uaz mg pack

    Is there any schedule whose you make FIA(resistance) version?
  17. tsunehirot

    Little nelli made by martin

    This vehicle is good. But, what did the JETRANGER helicopter become? I was waiting for it to pleasure...
  18. tsunehirot

    1.92, o my goodness bis is the best 4eva
