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About themoffster

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  1. Hi, since www.ofpeditingcenter.com clased I don`t know where to get asddons from as they had an excellent site. Does anyone know where to get winter aircraft models?
  2. themoffster

    Just another 2 points

    I`ve found out that you do "unitname removeaction 0", this removes the action with index = 0. But how do I see what number corresponds to which index value?
  3. themoffster

    The unofficial sound upgrades

    Deos it just contain weapon noises, or vehicle noises? The only noises I think could be impoved are the voices, yet that is only because it is the same things said over and over. In fact thats not even a sound problem! Thats to do with the programming!
  4. 1: How can I get a unit to join my group? I`ve looked at the unofficial command reference and tried what it says, but I get errors. I`ve tried this so far: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#loop ? (player distance helo1 < 5): goto "join" ~1 goto "loop" #join c5 Join GrpNull c6 Join GrpNull helo1driver join GrpNull ~1 c5 Join "moffgroup" c6 Join "moffgroup" helo1driver Join "moffgroup" ~0.5 this remooveaction "Put out fire" exit<span id='postcolor'> Where c5, c6 and helo1driver are the units I want to join moffgroup (I tried without the "" around moffgroup also) 2: From the same script above I tried to use the "removeaction" command. This gives an error also, now I know it isn`t in the same Command Reference Document, but I once upon a time used "AddAction" to add things where it says "Engine on, reload etc", I was thinking RemoveAction might be the opposite. I have fires hidden in a crashed BlackHawk to simulate it being on fire, but when I go near the chopper my action menu fills with "Put out fire", it looks silly. Any ideas?
  5. I have a few lines in my script that put fires inside a blackhawk so that you can`t see them. However, that is fine when the blackhwak points in a certain direction, but turn it slightly and the fires are sitcking out the sides. My lines of code are: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">fire1 setpos [(getpos helo1 select 0),(getpos helo1 select 1) -1.1,(getpos helo1 select 2) +1] fire2 setpos [(getpos helo1 select 0),(getpos helo1 select 1) -1.1,(getpos helo1 select 2) +1] fire3 setpos [(getpos helo1 select 0),(getpos helo1 select 1) -1.1,(getpos helo1 select 2) +1.3]<span id='postcolor'> As you can imaging when the helo is looking East that will work fine, but if it is turned, say to face North, the games axes stay where they were so instead of putting a fire back along the y-axis, (which if the chopper was facing East would be stright along the body of it), it puts the fire 1.1meters out the side of it. I hope you understand this problem, as it`s quite complicated. I have a feeling it will have to involve cosines.
  6. 1: How can I move an already created (and light) fire to underneath my helicopter that is "crashed"? I tried "fire1" setpos [(getpos helo1 select 0),(getpos helo1 select 1),(getpos helo1 select 2) -1], where fire1 is the name of my fire but I got an error. 2: How can I (through a script) do something depending on a vehicles speed? I`m thinking along the lines of ?(helicopter setspeedmode == "LIMITED") : goto somewhere, is this right?
  7. themoffster

    Is there a way to alter a worlds sounds

    I got the winter Kolgujev and winter everon maos. Is there a way to make Kolgujev`s sounds for running on the snow be used by everon? The sounds for winter everon aren`t that good.
  8. I am making a Black Hawk Down kinda mission. I got the chopper falling out of the sky nicely, but unless they fly at limited speed they aren`t hit by AA fire. To get aroubd this I want to camcreate an explosion at the back of the chopper (I can place a bomb exactly where I want it), however when it is flying the bombs have to be placed touching the helicopter otherwise they just fall to earth. The problem arises in the fact that I can only camcreate shells - all of which are too powerful and destroy the helicopter. Any suggestions?
  9. I have someones script for a tailrotor failure. I`ve modified parts of it as I didn`t like how the main rotor cut out half way through the crash and small things like that. At the end of the crash (the pilots survive), I want them to stay in the chopper, however as I used "_chopper SetDammage 0.9999" they bail out as it is so badly damaged. I stopped them from legging it after the crash with "_chopper allowfleeing 0", but now they just stand there looking all beat up - I want them to sit in the cockpit all beat-up (ala Black Hawk Down). Any ideas? PS I can`t just make the helicopter "_chopper SetDammage 0" as that would just look silly after it had crashed from 100ft and the pilots are covered in blood.