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Posts posted by smacker909

  1. benediktsapienti I have learned over the last couple of years, folks here will give you clues sometimes, but expect you to do some due diligence. Try searching either in the forums here or google. There are lots of examples of doing custom music w/ description.ext Once in a while you get lucky and someone will spell it out for you.

    Here is a link;


  2. @Down8 - I wasn't sure if they brought it back in 3 alpha, but i think you're right. I did a few simple tests as well on precision profile parm, and saw no effect either.

    On the otherhand, I'm pumped about the AI so far, Just a simple 'clear town' mission is loads more fun. I just setup 4 small RED groups giving them all SnD saypoints 50m radius's and then move in with my squad. They deff. go through houses and will snipe you through windows. Very cool!
