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Everything posted by smacker909

  1. smacker909

    precisionEnemy in 1.60

    https://dev-heaven.net/issues/27851 Target version changed from 1.61 BETA to 1.63 BETA
  2. smacker909

    eventhandler question

    Thanks, I really screwed up with my code example in the initial post. Im using the BIS_fuc_spawnGroup to spawn a Motor group of units and vehicles (Technicals) .. I think you are saying to check the - type - in the script that is called by the evenhandler.. so I assume if I added evenhandler "killed" to ...foreach units.. in the group.. then that would fire for the men and the vehicles? Sorry for the confusion.
  3. smacker909

    eventhandler question

    I'll try that Kylania, I wasn't sure if the 'units _insGrp' would also grab the vehicles for the group.. My example above was a poor choice because the actual group is a "motor" group of "technicals" which includes units and vehicles. I'm at work, so can't test currently. Will try when I get home :)
  4. smacker909

    drop back and punt?

    Thanks for the tips.. that's good stuff. I have briefly looked at FSM but will have a second look.
  5. smacker909

    drop back and punt?

    good to know I not alone. Being a novice still.. part of my problem is how I implement ideas.. I think it's getting better, but still a long ways from ideal coding / scripting methods ;)
  6. smacker909

    ALICE question

    Good to know. Thanks for the info.
  7. Working on a mission in takistan and need civs to populate all areas with at least a house or two. even if it's only a couple of civs. I have looked at alice optional parameters, but not sure of any that will do it. I dont want to change amounts of or force population when I'm not there.. just notice some small towns don't get populated.
  8. I'm trying to get a captive to get in a chopper.. _unit doMove (position _chopper); // he doesn't move _unit assignAsCargo _chopper); [_unit] orderGetIn true; // he doesn't move if he was EAST and then setCaptive, should I be able to get him to move into the WEST chopper?
  9. smacker909

    orderGetIn question

    Okay, it was the disableAI "MOVE" causing the trouble.. I thought having _unit switchMove "" after would allow him to move, but no such luck. Now using doStop _unit ... now follows the getin order.
  10. smacker909

    orderGetIn question

    Thanks for the reply sander. I haven't tried that but will and report back.
  11. Should I see a option to repair a nearby, damaged vehicle, if I'm a driver of this? I don't for some reason :(
  12. smacker909

    MTVR Repair Truck

    Yep, you're right. It wasn't close enough. Thanks again!
  13. smacker909

    MTVR Repair Truck

    i figured i was doing something stupid. Thanks ---------- Post added at 15:56 ---------- Previous post was at 15:40 ---------- still no repair option.. im missing something obvious certainly. Is this option only for warfare?
  14. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Thanks for the feedback leathery, Regarding the UAV, I can consider that, but I wanted to limit the ability of finding the convoys to interrogation, at least for now, since finding the convoy and destroying the supply truck is easier than taking on the defense of a cache site and at least interrogation comes with some risk. But I may still consider. I have stumble upon the convoy a few times... that's fun! As far as the civ spawning, I'm just adding the interrogation actions to the stock ALICE civs.. and it's default settings. I believe I can tweak some of the default settings to increase populations though. I will check into it. I think unlocks are good idea. I already included some additional supports with H.Q. destroy. I thought about not spawning the empty blackhawk from the beginning and having that be an unlock. I will add others :) Thanks for playing/testing
  15. smacker909

    global variable question

    Thanks mate! That's good stuff. I'm still at the foot hills of the arma scripting mountain! lol. I shall be including _debug code in future scripts :D
  16. Does a global variable get deleted when the script that defines it finishes running? I was trying to use a global variable from a second script AFTER the first one (which defined it) had finished.. and was getting errors. I thought that global variables would remain, but now I think maybe not?
  17. smacker909

    global variable question

    Okay, thanks! I'll try that :) On a side note, my script deals with generating a supply truck during my mission.. at random location, and then giving him a random destination, when reached, sets up insurgent camp there.. fun thing is I hopping in the blackhawk to locate and track the progress / result of the convoy ! I have gotten much better and flying haha.
  18. So, me, being !(expert scripter) did read the wiki and did notice one is function and one is a command.. but didn't see any other noticeable difference. The wiki didn't say why it's better to use one over the other. So maybe a better question is, what is the benefit of using a function over a command or vise verse.
  19. smacker909

    way to tell group type

    My bad.. I was missing the setVariable. Thanks!
  20. I have created some groups using code similar to below.; _insGrp=[getMarkerPos _mkr, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Patrol")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; is there a way , sometime after, to tell if the group is type "Infantry" or other?
  21. smacker909

    way to tell group type

    Thanks for the tips.. I tried the trigger and getting null returned. :(
  22. smacker909

    way to tell group type

    Thanks guys.. I'll do some testing :)
  23. smacker909


    I did try this one, which has AI recruiting, but I have trouble not killing warlord in order to interrogate :( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131435-Insurgency-in-Takistan-Missions-pack
  24. smacker909


    Does someone still have access to N3ro Troy's version which contained AI recruiting? I dont think its on servers any longer
  25. Hi DAP, Nice mission. I have been playing Takistan and having same problem as some others, killing the commander :( Would it be possible to add interrogation to one or two civilians in case commander is dead?