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Everything posted by smacker909

  1. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    hi Delta, The new random insurgents were added after EricFr's comment. The random insurgents and the ones spawned around town during interrogation use the 'createUnit' command and I've only added an eventhandler for them if killed to offer the 'search for intel' action. Other than that, there's nothing I'm doing with them. They are spawned on the EAST side locally in the script. Also, I'm not tinkering with any skill settings for either side. I have noticed my guys slow to fire or pick up on hostiles before, but just assumed it is the games inherent AI problem. I will keep testing though to see if I can find something. -- as far as the points, you don't get points when your team takes out insurgents.. only when you do.. also you wont get points for running them over..at least I dont think.. only if you shoot them :)
  2. smacker909

    [FOCK]ers IED

    Hi Mikie, I have functions module down and testing without Mods. I only changed what I thought I needed to incorporate the script into my mission here . Mostly deal with scoring and providing intel, but I might have screwed something :( I will keep digging.
  3. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Updated 8/19 - Added randomly spawn insurgents in and around some towns. - Some killed insurgents will have Intel. (thanks DeltaFiveOne) - Now, points deducted for civilian kills by EAST as well as WEST. I'm thinking of removing points for Insurgent killls..(already lowered to '1' and increased civ kills to '-3' ) but still seems it's too easy to accumulate points. Please let me know if anyone playing agrees or not.
  4. smacker909

    [FOCK]ers IED

    Hi Mikey, I have everything working with the IED script, except for some reason, none explode.. ever. Looking at the Fock_road_ied.sqf .. I'm WEST and in a landvehicle when I'm close .. but never trigger them. Any ideas what I should look for?
  5. I have looked and so far hadn't found.. is there a way to add an eventhandler to ambient combat module (ACM) placed units the similar to the below method for adding to ALICE units? [bIS_alice_mainscope,"ALICE_civilianinit",[{_this addEventHandler ["killed", {[_this select 0, _this select 1] execVM "civKilled.sqf"}]}]] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd;
  6. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Maybe try increasing your skillFriendly setting in your profile. There is nothing these scripts are doing to effect skill settings.
  7. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Insurgents are spawned on EAST side, so if you guys don't recognize them.. They need better training :)
  8. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Have to be on your toes!
  9. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Hmm.. maybe you just didn't spot them before they got you... Not invisible :) Civs only get pistols and once in a while bomb vest (for now). rifles, rpgs are insurgents. There is always *chance* one or more will spawn from between 550 to 250m from your position when you interrogate. So if you interrogate allot in short time, they will be coming for you.. It may take a little time before they get to.
  10. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    - minor scoring tweaks added
  11. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Updated 8/13 - Corrected suicide bomber issue - If you left a town where a bomber was activated but never touched off his bomb.. you would not have chance of spawn another bomber in other towns.
  12. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Ran into something last night while playing the latest mission. After some interrogations I was able to learn intel on the H.Q. Because of it's location on the map (S.W corner) and proximity to only one road.. I was able to setup a road block in the next town over (disabled a civilian vehicle in the middle of the street... poor bastard) and successfully picked off convoy after convoy. I was thinking, it may be best to move the H.Q. after three or so convoys or maybe within a period of time after it's location is known. Of course if the location was more centered on the map, it wouldn't have been so easy. I have to say, it was one of my more satisfying experiences with this mission so far ;) although I felt a little like I was cheating.
  13. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Okay - Now we have chance to spawn suicide bomber during interrogation. Be on alert! Your mission can end very quickly ;) You will know about the bomber once he is close and you will have a small window to shoot him or run. Probably best to shoot him though because chances of escaping the blast zone are pretty slim :) I did as much testing as I could today, so if any issues - please let me know. Thanks!
  14. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Updated 8/12 - Civilian interrogation can now yield intel on IED factory - Added a few seconds and count down display to bombs for H.Q., Caches, IED factory. -- I'll work on suicide bomber, but Fock's current implementation only puts the bombers around the factory, after you find it. So I will see what I can do for town bombers ;) On the porting.. probably not anytime soon. Anyone is of course welcome to do that.
  15. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Sry guys, found issue where reinforcement chopper would sometimes not arrive.. would instead go to the southern air base :( I think I have fixed the problem. Did several tests and so far okay. Link is updated with fixed mission.
  16. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Mission updated. Now we have random start position. Also removed manned vehicles (repair truck and transport) from start position, this takes care of Juggernaut's issue of base getting destroyed by hostiles. Updated 8/11 - Random start position - Transport chopper is now spawned - Removed repair truck, now just point and repair - Blackhawk is purchased instead of unlocked Please let me know of any issues or comments. Thanks!
  17. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Haha.. That was a fun read KBK. Thanks! Glad you are liking the mission. -- I hope you didn't let the truck get away.. the one that was tagging along behind the BTR40's ;) ---------- Post added at 03:21 ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 ---------- Juggernaut, i'll see what I can do. I have had this problem when interrogating in the city just south of the air base.. causes hostiles to spawn to close to the base.
  18. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Have you played other missions since the 1.62 patch? There are discussions about the video settings effected with the update buried in this thread
  19. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Hmm.. can't really say. I'm not making any video setting changes in any of the scripts. I know the mission can run a little sluggish for the first 20 seconds or so while scripts setting up H.Q. , IED stuff, and first convoy run.. but nothing related to texture quality. If you go into editor and plunk down on the north air base in Takistan, you don't' see the same problem?
  20. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Delta - - I only implemented Fockers IED script pretty much as is and tied in the scoring system.. so I will do some testing to see if I can figure out what is going on with them. - I have the required info from Focker to implement his suicide bomber script, but haven't found the time yet ;) Juggernaught - - I can't explain how texture quality dropping could be related to this mission. I don't think I effect any settings regarding textures. - So far a medic is available with transport, reinfocements and with the medic MEV chopper, but I can add a hospital tent to the base, no problem. - Vehicles don't respawn, but you do have a repair support option ;) -=-=-=--=-=-=-=-==- Just noticed this in Focker's thread; "they are on a time delay - within a certain amount of time they will go off - so if you drive past them they may go off at close rang or when you have driven past, and then the vehicle behind gets it. They were designed so that you had time to disarm them if you saw them from a distance - i did not add any other means of removal i.e shooting or blowing up remotely due to the IED factory script"
  21. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Yea, the empty towns is bothersome. I have done some research on ALICE but haven't found a good solution yet.
  22. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    lol.. yea, me too! At this point probably just tweaking and fixing issues (please report any you find).. unless you have new features in mind. Let me know :)
  23. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Hi Juggernaut, Glad you are liking the mission so far. I think there are still some issues with here and there, but seems to be playable for the most part. Sorry to hear about the crashing issue. I don't use JTD, but do use JSRS and haven't notice any crashes. I agree that arming and making hostiles out of random civs works better and is much more interesting than just doing it for the ones you detain. Thanks Delta for that suggestion :) Also, in case you didn't know, you can shoot those guys without getting penalized ;)
  24. smacker909

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Delta, I have seen that also. Could be something can be done, but so far I haven't found anything on it. For the ALICE civs, I only assign them to an EAST group and give them the gun.. for the random armed civs, I create them on fly (in EAST group) during interrogation, then give them a gun. Maybe they can't decide if they really want to go through with it drawing the pistol hahaha.