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Everything posted by sirupdzija

  1. sirupdzija

    Youtube based sound mod (ybsm) v1.0

    You didn't like sounds used in this mod? You know where to get better quality and more realistic sounds, but you think that mod creation/editing process is too long, boring and complicated? Think again! Check this video and see how it can be done in about 5 minutes. Better quality vid: http://www.stage6.com/user....-5-mins Lower quality: You can edit whichever sound you dislike and replace it with better quality one, then reupload the edited mod and notify us on forum. Name it as different version, that's it. Remember, if we keep improving sound quality, eventually, we'll have most realistic game in the world.
  2. sirupdzija

    Youtube based sound mod (ybsm) v1.0

    Oh no? What about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBM_aEQJeYE
  3. sirupdzija

    Youtube based sound mod (ybsm) v1.0

    wow thats some good quality movie. I didnt like last 2 sounds much, I like 2 sounds before last 2 much much better. Ive looked up for m2 50 cal videos on liveleak and im not impressed at all. some videos are same as those on youtube, and those who arent sounds wrong in many ways. Hunter posted some quality video link, I hope you can find the same for m2.
  4. sirupdzija

    Youtube based sound mod (ybsm) v1.0

    Really mate? I searched tons of youtube movies for better m2 sound and I realised that I'll have to use my original, only with bass powered up a bit, cause no other sound was good enough in game. Please give me the link of this better quality m2 sound, cause the 50 cal mgun sound i liked the most was this: or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMOmLknUnxUbut it wasnt possible for me to implement it in game, due to continuous firing and soldier yelling. I also searched for m203 explosion sounds and I heard exactly the same explosion as it is used in mod. Soft one. There were some others but they sounded louder only because low quality sound. The good part is that you can fix anything you dislike in YBSM mod and reupload it somewhere, then notify us about links. Maybe people will follow your example and make this mod evolve. @Dwarden: thanks for informing about liveleak ill search it to see if better sounds can be obtained there. You can do it too and edit mod by yourself. Anyways, I watched that video from the link you provided and I must tell you that it's quality is only worse than from the youtube movie I used in game. It sounds too weak, m4 firing sounds like it can be outpowered by farting.
  5. sirupdzija

    Youtube based sound mod (ybsm) v1.0

    wow nice one jocko. yes it is open source. please do what you said needs to be done, cause i dont know how, and i dont have the tools necessary Please name it as YBSM v1.01 then and upload somewhere and provide links here. Thanks in advance. I loved your critics
  6. hello. Ive been working on my sound mod for arma. I changed almost every sound and all was working ok until I started testing it in multiplayer. When I play coop games online, there are no problems except with ak74 sound in ais hands( I thinks m16 might have same problem as well). Its weird. Sometimes when ai shoots ak74 you can hear old, default ak sound, but when I kill that ai soldier and take his gun, it sounds normal, like it should (my edited ak74 sound). Also, sometimes ak74 fired even by ai sounds normal, sometimes it dont, dont know what it depends on. Why is that? There is no ak47 in game, right? only ak74 and it's few other versions (U,UN,PSO,+GP25)? I tried all ak sounds in game and all were working ok except for sometimes in multiplayer, when ai shoots it. Why is that?
  7. check this out dude: class AK74 : Rifle { drySound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AK74_dry", "db-90", 1}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AK74_reload", "db-85", 1}; class Single : Mode_SemiAuto { sound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AK74_SS_A", "db+0", 1}; }; class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto { sound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AK74_SS_A", "db+0", 1}; }; }; class AK74GL : AK74 { class AK74Muzzle : AK74 {}; class GP25Muzzle : GrenadeLauncher { sound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\M203_shot_A", "db-50", 1}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\M203_reload", "db-85", 1}; }; }; class AKS74U : AK74 { drySound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AK74_dry", "db-90", 1}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AK74_reload", "db-85", 1}; class Single : Single { sound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AKS74U_SS_A", "db+0", 1}; }; class FullAuto : FullAuto { sound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AKS74U_SS_A", "db+0", 1}; }; }; class AKS74UN : AKS74U { drySound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AK74_dry", "db-90", 1}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AK74_reload", "db-85", 1}; class Single : Single { sound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AKS74UN_SS_A", "db-10", 1}; }; class FullAuto : FullAuto { sound[] = {"\YBSM\GunFX\AKS74UN_SS_A", "db-10", 1}; }; }; class AKS74PSO : AK74 {}; All sounds are implemented, not a single sound is left out without its edited wss. Why then in game it sounds default in some occassions and fired by ai? I just tried all east man classes in editor. I put 1 west and 1 east ai soldier and let the east soldier shoot western. I tried to listen shots from close and from distance. They all were right and ai never used burst fire! Why the hell in MP it sometimes sounds default??