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Posts posted by shadylurker

  1. I didn't specifically upgrade for Arma 3, It has just been a long time coming and I finally bit the bullet after upgrading my video card and seeing good results. I'll go over my upgrades and how they affected Arma3. I don't have any FPS measurements as I noticed when I had FPS metering going I would end up just chasing FPS (in all games)

    Started with:

    Q6700 @ 3.5ghz

    8gb ddr2

    Win 7 x64

    ATI 6850 1gb

    Notes: Arma2 was playable but not very smooth in any aspect, cities were avoided at all costs. Arma3 was a slide show in anything but editor. The downloadable mission "a whole lotta stratis" wasn't playable at all.

    Upgrade 1 (started the ball rolling):

    Same system as above but with an ATI 7870 2gb

    Notes: Arma2 enjoyable, still noticeable slowdowns in cities, Arma3 playable noticable slowdowns, MP without AI was fun at this point...smooth. Mission " A whole lotta stratis" could run it (barely) but not enjoyable due to slowdowns

    New system:

    AsRock Extreme 4 z77

    i5 3570k

    16gb ddr3 1600

    ATI 7870 2gb

    Win 7 x64

    Notes: Arma2 is a blast in all situations, benchmark 1 51fps average, benchmark 2 19 fps average (this is with 3600 vd and everything on very high). No slowdowns in cities. Arma3 is the same, very playable with minimal hitches. Mission "a whole lotta stratis" 100% playable but it does get choppy every now and again.

    New PC is stupidly faster in all games.

  2. Yeah I did not want to say it but ARMA 2 suffered with low cpu usage though that was out befor quad cores was really main stream.

    ARMA3 on the other hand has no ascuse this should have been checked before alpha I really cant see how they missed this I really cant.

    Alright everyone. It is time to face it. BI knows about this, they have known about it since Arma, You can go all the way back and play Cold war Assault (OFP) and it becomes even more apparent. This is directly related to the engine, and I don't see the small team at BI rewriting the engine that has been the basis for every game they have ever made. Should they? Well unless they want to piss off every new player they have earned then it should be the #1 priority, but do they have the people, or time? We know they have the money (now).

    So don't be surprised if they just stuff this under the carpet, the problem has been around forever, and it keeps 95% of the user base alienated from the true awesomeness that can be had in the Arma series.

  3. Just get the game to where i wont need a 3000 dollar computer to have to runt his game on 40 fps in towns or heavily populated AI. i should be able to run this game with my card and cpu with no problem. I do hope for the best and have some what faith in you Devs, get er done plz.

    You need a new video card. See my other posts, I had a 6850, upgraded, now i dont complain anymore.

    Game runs fine, I even have a worse CPU.

    I got a 7870 for $240 and it runs the game way better.

  4. Hmm, It's really interesting. Overall the game seems more optimized then any ARMA game previously. But it seems to be the same issue of low CPU/GPU utilization which isnt dependent on hardware at all. I have a mid range PC and I get the same issues. The crazy part is, it autodetects to high and runs the infantry showcase great until I get to the village..........just like how arma2 shit it's pants. Multiplayer is not playable at all.

    So, my question is how can a game be called CPU dependent, when it never really utilizes even the full potential of my CPU?

    Can we start blaming BI yet? If you want to have a laugh, go play Cold war Assault if you have it. A game from 2001(?) STILL has garbage FPS with the bigger missions....So can we blame the engine yet?

    I probably should be voting with my dollars, but Arma is the only thing going at the moment.


    Q6700 3.33GHZ


    6850 Oc'd

    win7 x64

  5. This is the benchmark mission on the demo version

    Vista x64 17 FPS avg ( I cant remember exact number it was in the teens though)

    Windows 7 x64 build 7100 38 FPS avg

    game went from totaly un playable to my 38fps avg with high settings and aa / af on veryhigh

    I almost shelved this game....I have noticed an increase in FPS all together with win 7, I pre ordered it after using it for 45 min.

    Q6700 OC 3.33

    9800 GX2 oc

    8gb 800mhz ddr2

    running off of a 750gb WD HD
