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Everything posted by stYler

  1. stYler

    "Cheking for Strength" [SP]

    that did it, thx the sar_speznaz in the full package works, but its not only that file. when i only exchange that file i get another error after the the great intro, i miss sarmat_era_102. so, i just loaded the files from the full package and eveything works fine. it seems the files from the "stand-alone" addons r not up to date. to the mission: great intro and outro, the mission is little bit short, but that maybe because of addons, that change the AI behaviour. good thing to see the building from s.t.a.l.k.e.r. in arma, to bad arma has that shity light engine
  2. stYler

    "Cheking for Strength" [SP]

    @Big oh i see, sorry, i didnt see that theres a link to AKs-74 in download section, that link is missing on news page the mission still requires sar_units, any idea where i can find it? its also not in sarmat-mod
  3. stYler

    "Cheking for Strength" [SP]

    i have all of the required addons, latest versions. arma still says at mission start i need SAR_UNITS. but no sarmat addon has a file named like that
  4. stYler

    "Cheking for Strength" [SP]

    looks good, but i cant play it. when i start the mission it says i miss sar_units. i cant find any sarmat addons with a file named like that. oh and if anyone from armaholic is looking in here: u forgot to link the all-in-one pack that is required, it contains pbo`s that i also couldnt find anywhere else.
  5. stYler

    New WEAPONS Models

    i thought there r moderators here, why u not delete posts like the one above? Bigmike thx for that thing, i think i like it, but i cant get in running when i start arma with ur addon i get this error: Cannot load textute c:\program files\bohemia interactive\arma\odex244\replacement modelfiles\laser.paa. the lasers ingame r white than i would post a screenshot but i dunno how to paste it here
  6. stYler

    Lowplants v1.1

    thx kegetys for this masterpiece i also think this should be included in 1.09 i can play quite well on my old machine now (AMD 3200 @ 2Ghz, Gforce 6800 AGP 128MB, 1G RAM) @hundeswehr i had that too, i fixed it by increasing the agp aperture size in the bios. before i set 256mb, never had problems with that in any game, now i set it to 512mb, and i dont have that heavy working of my hd any more, just a bit. i also set the virtual memory cache to fixed 2048mb. i hope that can help u
  7. stYler

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    wow thank u but was not necessary, i changed config.cpp myslef, your last post cleared where i find it and what to do, before i didnt noticed the editable folders created a grass-normal-noRadiochatter-my3.personview config.cpp, seem to work fine btw i like the new 3. person view, but i changed it a little, camera a bit higher, bit more far away, and a bit more to right. if u think about taking the animations from graa, i like to add, that i think, the slow movement leg animations dont look very good, the rest is superb, however the nice jump-in-cover animation fromm ffur is missing. concerning missions: i replayed montignac must fall and now the black hawk showed up and was gunned down by the hind. the next mission is my favorite from all missions ever, altough i have to save and load a lot at start but with new ffur this mission is a must-play, this time i turned figari into a russian graveyard i shot the hind, the t72, the bmp and every fool that was dumb enough to get to close to figari
  8. stYler

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    thank u for the fast answer in red hammer campaign i had to shoot the truck driver in his leg, than he board truck and went on with mission, before he was standing around doing nothing... and that the black hawk is not showing up cant be the players fault... thats what i mean, seem to be kind of random if the some missions work or not... the player has to find out uhm i cant find any config.cpp in ffur folder like in other mods (ecp), and i have no SLX_GL3 folder, just a file named like that in addons folder, and i dunno how to convert to .bin sorry im big noob
  9. stYler

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    i continued playing with and without slx features, and i still have the failure, that i cant board trucks, or the AI wont. sometimes it works, sometimes not in cwc campaign im at mission montignac must fall, campaign was fine till there, expect the trainingmission. now im at end of the mission waiting for blackhawk to show up, but nothing happens.... the last picture posted here, are all soldiers looking like that with ffur? because i have the grey camo, no matter what mission or campaign i play, my soldiers never look like that. and i wanna repeat my questions from 2 sites back, can i disable radiochatter and where can i change the camera position from 3.rd person view? i think about, taking a look at the missions from standard campaigns, that dont work with ffur. but im new to ofp and i have no idea of mission making, scripting etc., so is there someone out there who already did that? or does anyoen know campaigns that work perfectly with ffur? thx stYler
  10. stYler

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    i tried playing some missions from different campaigns, and half of the missions dont work with ffur !!! i hoped that this changed from last version of ffur, where much missions from cwc campaign were screwed up, but on the contrary it got even worse i started with cwc campaign > training mission> cant be completed because truck gets stuck at road on the way to training camp, tried it four times, squad went on foot to training ground, finished training there, squadleader gives order to board truck, all went a few hundred meters back to truck, but i cant board it had to abort mission the next missions seem to work, but i dont know if i like the new gameplay, because most of the time the opposing squads fire on each other from 300m distance and hit nothing, they dont advance, dont flank, just stay where they r and keep firing. firefights take 15 minutes or more like that, when i try to get closer to enemy my squadleader tells me to fall back in formation, although he ordered me to attack the enemy dont get me wrong, i like the fact, that its very hard to hit on large distance, im looking forward to have some cool close combat fights, but if im alone and the allied AI is not with me, i stand no chance vs an enemy squad in formation. next i started red hammer campaign, on first try after fighting back the counter attack of civilians at the lighthouse, i wasnt able to board the truck, and when i finally was able to board it, after restarting mission again and again, the truckdriver was standing next to it, doing nothing after some more tries it worked, heading to next mission object, the fuel station firefight at fuel station happened like described above, 2 opposing squads firing holes in the sky or the field i didnt wanted to wait until they had a lucky shot and flanked the enemy from right side, entered one house and took out all enemys from 3rd floor of house, what was really cool but after that, again, after ordered to board truck, i wasnt able to, the squadleader didnt board truck too, but the rest of the squad did. the squadleader followed mission plan, and went on foot ALONE!! to next objective, i followed him and of course we had no chance vs enemy force ok, i thought, i try a mission were i dont need to board anything and no scripts can go wrong, i choosed sp mission bomberman. at start all was fine, i blew up the convoy, i didnt even needed help from bravo squad. than i ordered bravo to attack, so they can help on attack at village. on the way back to starting point, i could already hear shots from the village, and guess who was shooting there. the russians were already firing on charlie squad!!! the bmp that in general head down the road to help convoy, stayed in village and was happy taking out charlie squad, i didnt even fired 1 shot on the village or ordered charlie, as whole charlie squad was already dead. GREAT !!! in last ffur i already had problems in missions, where in general allied vehicles r hidden for the enemy, but in ffur the enemy is able to detect them, and if the vehicle is important for success of the mission, the mission is screwed the conclusion of all this is, almost every mission has to be tweaked, changed and tested with ffur. unless i have missions or campaigns designed for ffur, i wont play it, sorry the new sounds, the grafics, the models, the textures, the new atmosphaere, the grass, the weapons, the animations, the dragging stuff, ALL is DAMN GREAT, BUT if i have to find out if the mission is working or not, and in worst case, already played 1 hour on a mission, and it gets screwed up because of a stupid i-cant-board-vehicle bug, than its not worth using ffur, than i stick to ecp+graa3 i hope this can help to fix some things, i also like to know if i am the only one experiencing things like that... so far... stYler
  11. stYler

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    i just downloaded the new ffur, installed 2.0, 2.5 patch and extra pack, i run it with wgl island texture replacement,all works fine, easy install, no errors > i have just played 2 missions so far, wow thats a new game, i love it, thx to thunderbird and all others who worked on parts of this i wanna give a short feedback on small bugs i stumbled over, nothing to worry about, that effects gameplay, only small disfigurements, perhaps u want to change it >when using RPG in prone position and crawling to left or right, the RPG launcher is replaced by the primary gun, and when not moving any more or just moving forward the launcher appears back in hands instantly >the soundeffect when dragging people is weird - perhaps replace it with default walking on grass sound? >two questions -is it possible to disable radiochatter? it kills my ears, i dont like it at all, its confusing, and makes combat difficult too, in ecp i disabled it, in ffur i dunno how -is it possible to change the position of the camera in 3rd person view? in config.cpp i know how to do it, but as ffur has no config.cpp i dunno that either anyway thx again for this great mod, this will be a long night, i will replay an old campaign now stYler EDIT i just played sp mission clean sweap and had a CTD as i took a captive
  12. stYler

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    i found ENABLE_MAP_WEPSND, me blind sorry when i have the time i try merging the anim.pbo`s, when im satisfied with the outcome i let u know btw im looking forward to the new mod, looks great, will it replace graa3? because i like the Hyakushiki Woodland BDU units very much, would be nice to have them as an option to choose
  13. stYler

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    wow thats a very detailed answer, thank u i already thought that animation is complex and difficult, and i bet this is just a small part of the whole thing... so thank u for sharing ur knowledge with me and others. i will try to merge 3 anim.pbo`s, your graa, the one included in wgl and i want one animation that i know from FFUR, the one when running and going prone, the soldier does a jump into cover. wgl has the nice looking leg animation AND the not shaking ironsight view, and all other animations r nice too, i just miss ur AT extra animations the problem is, that i dont know what filenames belong to the certain animations (in anim.pbo and sancanim_cr.pbo) i want to keep all animations from wgl and include ur extra animations (running/ walking with AT, go prone with AT, evtl running crouched if it fits to rest)and the jump animation from ffur. is there a complete list of the names of the animantions? (maybe an allover FAQ to ofp animation- so that i dont need to bore u with questions any more?) and another thing that might cause problmes, the default walking/ running speed in wgl is slower than normal, and the animations do also look like that. is it important to take care about that? So for the upper body (torso+abdomen), the robotic feel is a design choice, as i could have made it differently, but that would have made some addons to look really awfull when walking.
  14. stYler

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    hi sanctuary i played around a little with anim.pbo, i just tested different anim.pbo`s , with graa3full+ecp, graa3light, ofpvanilla i also tested dmalean on ofpvanilla (works great, looks great but does not have ur extra animations from graa and seems not to be compatible with graa- to bad, a mix of that and graa would be almost perfect) what i found out so far is, i cant get rid of the leg animations that i think they dont look good (standing/normal speed left + right, standing/slow all directions, crouched/normal speed left+right, crouched/slow all directions) i always tested on new started game - singleplayer mission steal the car. when i run graa3full+ecp (i always try to run ecp if possible, without it it makes no sense to play ofp i think), and i delete anim.pbo from ecp/dta folder, i still have the animations from graa3, except that the soldier is holding the gun a little bit right from his body (standard BIS i think), perhaps a little bit more changed but i dont notice it as i dont know the animations so good. the same thing when i replace the anim.pbo, with another, like from wgl mod, the leg animations that look like robot movement keep the same. because of the fact, that nothing changes when i delete or replace anim.bpo ( i also tested it with and without ENABLE_SANC_ALTSTAN > btw i dont understand what is what and what it does, however i read the description) i deleted sanc_animcr.pbo in addons folder, just to see what happens. bingo!! thats it!! now when i try some moves, the soldier stands in middle of ground doing nothing. when i understand that right, i cant change anything unless i change sanc_animcr.pbo too after all that testing i think i understand why u changed some animations. u want to be able to use the ironsight in almost all stances without having the gun wavering around, right? i didnt noticed that before. does that mean it is not possible to have a good (more natural - like BIS standard) looking movement of the legs AND a not wavering ironsight view?? i wouldnt care about it so much, if i wouldnt see the slow movement animation on other soldiers, just put a squad in danger mode behaviour, let them stand up and watch them moving > brrr i would change it myself by merging 2 anim.pbo`s like u described, but as replacing the anim.pbo has no effect i dunno what to do. i additon i would like to change some things concerning ironsight, like:when does it automatic change back to 3rd person view when activated? i personally would like to have it smiliar to BIS standard>when pressing forward+left or right view changes to 3rd person, with the change that ironsight view is not wavering, if possible but i guess if i want to do that i have to create my own animation replacement for graa i know that is much questions, sorry thank u in advance for ur time greetings stYler
  15. stYler

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    thank u pajama , now i have graalight + ecp + bas + all other addons needed for dynamic afgahn addon-heavy mission running and i have no problems so far.... thank u for the names of the animations sanctuary, the next days i will see what im able to achieve, or not i already tried the anim.pbo from wgl instead of yours from graafull3 but nothing changed ? i still had ur animations, i am confused, how is that possible i must have overseen something in the addon chaos...
  16. stYler

    Dynamic Afghanistan - DELTA FORCE

    jea i already read it in graa thread, thx anyway i will now try to get graalight running with ecp, hopefully than it works i played the mission a little bit more now, without graa just standard ecp, and i had a few problems, dunno if they r coming from ecp, i will play it again without ecp to figure it out 1. thing was, althoug i havent played that much, a few times my squad was stuck in terrain, and wasnt able to move in any direction, i guess thats a general problem with the cat island than i had a CTD when i shot a tank with IT rounds from the heavy sniper and blowed it up , however at the next try, i blowed a tank up without any problems. (damn i love that weapon ) and a very weird bug, had it the last 2 extractions that i played: one extraction went exactly like this: i was in the field on a mission,mission not complete, i was hurt and went out of ammo, i called extraction heli NOT medevac heli, heli came picked me and squad up, flew btb, at base 1. thing was, heli tried to land on a landingpad that was already used by a little chopper, the landing almost lead to a crash, i was lucky that nothing bad happens, whole squad disembarked, heli back in the air, disappeared from my view in midair, but was not far away, and a message said EXTRACTION HELI DOWN or something like that had that 2 times now at base, the other time i dont know what happened before. as long as i have unlimited extraction helis i dont care, just thought someone like to know... and another thing, i dont know if it should be like that..., when im in the field on a mission and i call for insertion heli, the heli is there right in the next seconds, shouldnt it take a while for the heli to fly to my position? or is it for saving time? greez styler
  17. stYler

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    hi thank u sanctuary for this great mod, that was exactly what i was looking for im quite new to ofp (well i played the cwc campaign 6 years ago on a pentium2 400, but thats all) and i can just imagine how much work this mod is , to bad that arma is pushing ofp into background, now that ofp is granting so much possibilities with the thousands of addons out there. there r addons and scripts for everything. if some1 is willing to put his favorite pieces together he can create his own world like a movie director or a writer... well i think thats no news for u i have a few questions concerning graa i really like the animations u did, except the strafing and slow walking animations, i dont know if the animations that i have with graa r really meant to be that way (perhaps i installed something wrong). i can hardly imagine that u wanted to look the animations like that, because in the comparison to the other animations they look really uhm sh... when im moving to the side (just left and right) in normal speed or moving slow in all directions crouched or standing, it looks like a robot doing mechanical steps. with ur new 3rd person camera ( what i really like ) its not that bad because u can hardly see the legs, but i can still see it on other soldiers. i like the standard bis animations for that moves much more, or more better, the animations from wgl mod (the slow walking forward animation). to cut a long story short... r the animations meant like that or is something wrong with my config? and how can i change that? can i include the wanted standard bis animations? (this thread already had this topic but i need to change more than just 2 animations ??) or might it even be possible to use the animations from wgl ? i have more questions but thats enough for now... thanks in advance greez stYler p.s. @Pajama im also interested in a GRAAlight+ECP config. atm im playing Dynamic Afgahnistan - DELTA FORCE ADDON HEAVY, and i wanna use it with ecp and graa, but i cant use graa_mod3 full because of LSRs DeRa headmodels. when i understood right i have to compare the standard @ECP\bin\config.cpp with @GRAAbase\GRAA light config\config.cpp, cut out the changes from graalight cfg and paste it in ECP cfg? as i have no idea of editing and scripting and the things written in config.cpp, and perhaps u already merged that 2 configs, may i ask if u can share it with me? if not i try myself and give it to u when i succeed so far... p.s.s. i dont know if my english is always correct, some expressions might not fit.. i try as good as i can...
  18. stYler

    Dynamic Afghanistan - DELTA FORCE

    ok i found the generic middle east rebels v 1.21 on ofpbase.com didnt know that site map works fine
  19. stYler

    Dynamic Afghanistan - DELTA FORCE

    hi there after hours of searching and installing (im quite new to ofp) i found all addons that are needed for heavy addon version but i cant find the right version of JJR Generic Middle East Rebels 1.21 im running the map with jrr generic middle east rebels v 1.1 updated, and i cant complete some missions because i think some units that use this addon dont spawn (couldnt find the leader in a raid-mission), i also had one patrol mission with no enemys at all im surprised i can play it with ecp, graa3 and dmalean too, theres just 1 little problem, i think caused from graa: the faces look messed up can anyone help me fixing the faces and more important: a link for the addon? a pre-thx so far (dunno how to say that right in english? ) p.s. also a BIG THX to all addon makers out there, great to see what can be done with a 6 year old game, u guys rock greez stYler