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Everything posted by shaundale

  1. shaundale

    Arma Patch & QG Exp problem

    OK, Don't know what's happened BUT connected to internet while at parents installed ArmedAssault then installed QG and it patched no problem to 108, Now I ca play QG..... Only difference has been the connection to the internet, surely you shouldn't have to be connected to play QG??? Happy now though as I can finally play the Expansion, Shaun
  2. Hi, Just bought both Armed Assault and the Expansion QG expansion pack, Having trouble patching to version 108, then keeps crashing. Tried running QG but couldn't find anything, the exe is in the QG file but just comes up with original Screens. any ideas how to get the patch to install, "File is corrupt please reinstall original game and try patching again" after 10+ installs and uninstalls. I hope that QG will work ok once the patch has worked!! I did download the 104 to 105 but again doesn't work!! I have the original 104 UK version installed. Regards, Shaun.
  3. shaundale

    Arma Patch & QG Exp problem

    Installed Original Armedassault then installed QG straight away, that was the first thing I done after getting home. Then I tried to patch the version of Armedassault to find I alredy had the 104 version. BUT whenever I try and install QG it crashes out saying that the install of AA is corrupt, I CANNOT install 108 onto my UK DVD AA Either by download or from QG expansion WHY?? Regards, Shaun.
  4. shaundale

    I "tested" the 2900 PRO

    If you have enough power to run a 8800 then YOU WILL have enough power to run a 2900! It's not all about the power though but the Volts/Amps, I upgraded from a 600Wat generic power supply that struggled to power a X1950XT to a Hyper 500Wat and everything ran fine. The difference was that the Hyper had 2 12V rails the generic only one and I could have 32amps on Hyper only 18 on generic!! The only problem is that NOT all PSU's tell you what they are kicking out they just have the Watt listed. Hope this helps people. Shaun.