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Everything posted by stuck101

  1. Hey guys, im looking for a large COOP based team/squad featuring UK and US forces. Just got back into mp arma2 after finaly getting a pc that can run the game but have been playing OFP and Armed assault for a long time. My timezone is GMT so only realy looking for UK teams that play arround 5-12pm ish plz PM me if you want me :)
  2. stuck101

    Player looking for Squad/Clan

    Name: Ali Miller Age: 16 Location:UK Timezone: GMT+0 Experience: Arma Since released (never played online tho till recently) Microphone: Yes Looking for: a decent US/UK based team who focuses on realism and tactics Desired Position: anywhere
  3. ime planing on making a sherman tank but not shure how ive got o2 and basic idea on how to use it but i need help
  4. ive created a sa80/l85 model and ime looking 4 a textureist to texture it 4 me
  5. stuck101

    new GateBuilder version

    is there instructions on how to use it, if there is where are they?
  6. stuck101

    o2 help

    me and my mates are trying to make some units for armed assault but we dont know where to start can someone help us?
  7. stuck101

    ArmA Addon request thread

    plz can someone make me a sa80/l85 and msn it 2 ali709@hotmail.co.uk plz ty
  8. stuck101


    hi ime new to retexturing and i wanted to know where to start and what i need plz help
  9. yeh ime thinking of doing as many time periods as i can in all different camos and weapons
  10. me and my team are in thinking of making a mod for the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment but we need the software for it. plz can u post the software that we need and where to get it ty
  11. what do you need to reskin the modles and do you know when the software is going to b released
  12. look at this http://www.stuff.themutual.net/mainpic2.jpg also if u r going to include a vest colour it dmp tan camo
  13. stuck101

    o2 help

    is o2 fully compatible with armed a? also what do u need to do retexturing and where can u get o2