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About sirfire

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    Private First Class

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  1. sirfire

    Episode 3, "Game Over" mission

    So some people can save and it is just disabled for others? Is this a bug or something? Just does not seem right. Like BiggrDave (love the Doctor Strangelove avatar BTW) I also got the achievement after I died and feel pretty much like him lol.
  2. sirfire

    Episode 3, "Game Over" mission

    So you can save during that mission? please tell us exactly what options you use or whatever. This no save thing is really annoying me.
  3. sirfire

    Heads character customisation

    http://discoverspecialforces.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/06.jpg (103 kB) I have nothing against adding facial hair to the game. Hey, Bohemia Interactive's own Czech army is doing it. ;)
  4. I still think they would be able to tell the difference.
  5. Maybe from far away it would work but if you get close I think the Iranians would be able to spot a NATO soldier who is of European/African descent. I don't think Iran would have a lot of those in its military.
  6. sirfire

    Which version will you be buying?

    Makes sense. Do you know if the username will be included because I have not created a BIStore account yet and am wondering which of my online gaming aliases I should go with.
  7. sirfire

    Which version will you be buying?

    Will the name in the credits be our real names or our usernames and if it will be our real names how do we provide them for the credits. I'm interested now because I want to be in in the first 500 if I buy the most expensive version.
  8. I loved the "wtf" on the map of Australia in the end. A reference to the End Of Ze World flash video I presume. :cool: Have not seen that video in years and was reminded of it lol.
  9. sirfire

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    Harpoons? Like that James Bond movie :D
  10. In Arma 2 you where a special forces operative who goes in before the main force does at times. I liked the opening missions in Arrowhead more in which I really did feel that I was part of a big assault force. The first mission in arrowhead and the mission in which you look for a downed C-130 was just awesome.
  11. No need to compete. I play Arma for a different reason then I play Battlefield 3. I'm a Battlefield fan but I know Arma is supposed to be a realistic sim while Battlefield is a fast shooter. I like both and when Arma 3 comes out I will still play both.
  12. sirfire

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    I think most people who follow military news know this news but I would be lying if I said I would not want to try flying the Comanche in Arma 3. Canceled or not I'm glad I will be able to fly this bad boy.
  13. sirfire

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    You can do that without achievements, I really see no point in doing it. Some good anti idle option or kick feature could fix that one mate. :j: we get people who idle or who don't know how to play or just don't want to do the mission in Arma 2 and that game has no achievements...How 'bout that eh.
  14. sirfire

    They better have female soldiers...

    I remember those chicks from Mercenaries :D Good times.
  15. I like the one with the groovy lasers and the goats. Throwing smokes at the goats was great fun :cool: