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Everything posted by squadleader

  1. squadleader

    Armed Assault videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG13quAsXV0 2000+ meters. One shot - One kill (MacGyver style) Â http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxzVic1eHGM My scripted terrorists revisited, including the new integrated prototype, the homing suicide terrorist!
  2. squadleader

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    Great patch! Improved framerate, much better recoils (I can finally stand to use the m4 aim), VoN etc Only thing that bothers is the lethal motorcycle bug is still present, despite its supposedly fixed... As for tha m136 recoil, it is a recoilless weapon, go figure... Anyways, more praise to BI studios!
  3. Hi folks Im trying to modify the ingame UI but basically no matter what I do the result is always a totally screwed interface, like this: I have done some testing and concluded that just extracting the config.bin to cpp and repacking the pbo will give the unwanted effects. Note that I have not made any changes whatsoever to the config. Also trying to binarize the cpp once extracted to bin again and repack wont help anything. Just extracting the pbo and repacking it will not give the unwanted effects, so the problem is not lying in the pbo extractor. Even trying to modify the bin using notepad will give these effects. Is there some way to modify the UI without getting this?? Ive been looking for UI-mods but havent found any actually rearranging buttons and such. Is it even possible?? Btw, Im using Kegetys tools for all the extracting and repacking.
  4. squadleader

    Modifying Arma UI - possible?

    Cheers mate! Even though iam going for the core ui for a reason this looks like a great start. Thanks alot!
  5. Blog article: Gamasutra article: I think there's a lesson to be learned here...
  6. Interesting stuff! Brings to mind another article I stumbled upon a while ago: http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20011219/spanel_pfv.htm Apparently written by Marek and Ondrej back in 2001, discussing the development process of OFP.
  7. squadleader

    ARMA Support And Patching Plans

    Great success!
  8. squadleader

    Armed Assault videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8FGEhsDhRk Video of me playing coop online at Kelly's Heroes server. We had just taken the docks when the AI for some reason tries to overrun our position!! Tried to make the ending a bit platoon-esque... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlicqMzDl9Q Showing an infiltration technique called  "Rapid Camel insertion", developed during WW1 (?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8E7NKlSFIU Short clip of a script I made which makes soldiers run towards an object (like other soldiers on the ground or like a flying chopper), predicting where it will be in t seconds and then make them jump towards that location (all using some elementary physics formulas). If the jumper hits his target then he will detonate a bomb!!
  9. squadleader

    Evolution and the fate of multiplayer

    I dont think they target specific maps. Berzerk maps holds more people, hence greater probability of someone cheating.