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About sniposnipo

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  1. sniposnipo

    Vehicle hijack

    ah..Found out that with a "deleteVehicle thedriverguy" once the driver is dead they don't have problem entering anymore
  2. sniposnipo

    Vehicle hijack

    Yes you're right I'll try to explain my setup The soldier has two normal waypoints (not far apart) : On the first there's a dofire to make him kill the driver . On the second one there's his assignasdriver and ordergetin commands The driver is init with moveindriver, and has one normal waypoint . It doesn't start very far from the soldier, the truck is a empty unit, set as unlocked There's a trigger "not alive thedriver" synchro with the soldier's first waypoint, it also resets the truck damage just in case I tried what you said but even in careless mode he looks confused, saw him walking against the truck as he didn't see it. Other things I tried is some disableAI or a "dude reveal ural" but no success either Â
  3. In a small cinematic I want to make a soldier kill a passing car driver then mount it . Everything works until the soldier is supposed to go in the car ; instead of going straight for it he walks away for a bit, erratically proning and looking around then after a few seconds he finally decide to enter the car... Dunno what to do to fix this
  4. sniposnipo

    AI sight radius

    Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to adjust how far the AI's can see ; because it can be sometimes frustrating when a sub-pixel sized soldier shoots you from far away and you only got the m16 . Or do you have to play in very high resolutions ?