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About silent_hillel

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. lol @ the snarkiness and cynicism. (im hoping they get funnier, though...its kinda pedestrian atm) anyways, the questions are legit. -0.
  2. hi, couple questions: 1) is the Arma2 scripting language Turing-complete? 2) has anybody tried using Genetic Programming to evolve a better AI? -silent_hillel
  3. silent_hillel

    Why the fascination with Evolution?

    ive played both Evo and the Berzerk maps on the BDA servers. however, i think evo provides a different gameplay experience than anything ive ever played, except for the old MS space-sim/RTS game, ALLEGIANCE. berzerk is a good alternative to evo. you have to be a decent shot. you have to have good situational awareness. the "juice" feels good when you are sneaking around ortego. but in the end - it seems to me - the gameplay doesnt offer anything more substantial than what i had already been playing since tribes 2; other than perhaps its claim (and admittedly, its attractiveness) as an alternative to playing evo all the time, and the geographical scale of pvp combat. as for evo and its popularity: i think it highlights the "demand" for an mmo-style combat - sim. i like "leveling" to get better weapons and vehicles. i like the open "sandbox" nature of the island where im free to choose how to play. i like finding a squad of people and taking down city after city. i find the "game-play narrative" to be less fractured than playing pvp in berzerk maps. there is something resembling a story-line in the completion of an evo map. it does get to be a bit tedious, though, when you are playing essentially the same map over and over again with different groups of people. once people start creating new islands or map geographies, i think we will see evo (and perhaps its RTS cousin) really take off in a WWIIonline way. i think it would be cool to have pvp in an evo map, though. then you could have the best of both worlds (in an Eve-Online kind of way, i guess), but given the state of the technology in arma, im skeptical thats possible. im open to being surprised, though...
  4. silent_hillel

    WoW  arma

    lmao take the train to best buy on 23rd and 6th. they have it there.
  5. silent_hillel

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    hmmmmm i didnt know BoB was slumming in ArmA...
  6. silent_hillel

    Recieving Data Problem

    its downloading data even if it doesnt look like it is. just leave it alone - pull out a book - and in a few minutes (sometimes up to 20 minutes) you will be in the game.
  7. silent_hillel

    ArmA shipped May 1st to be sold in Stores (*NOT)

    they had a bunch of physical copies at BestBuy in midtown manhattan. i suppose things are still different out west...
  8. silent_hillel

    Disabling the HUD?

    yes its possible. i was playing without a HUD or updated map position all day yesterday. it might have to do with server settings more than personal configs, though. i dont know how one goes about it for single-player.
  9. silent_hillel

    Connecting Failed

    connection failed and/or browser freeze i solved this by setting my nVidia firewall security settings to "low" from "medium". "receiving data" problems/freezes ive only had this problem on themedicstation.com server. id give you my comp specs, but my video card died as i was playing ArmA last week...which then escalated into a blown mobo (dont ask, wont tell). whether or not Arma blew up my video card is up for debate. LOL. who can say?
  10. silent_hillel

    Anyone have "Adobe Premiere" & can put on youtube?

    i googled and this is what i found: http://www.squidoo.com/youtuberight/ basically, you need to consider: frame-rate (12-15 fps is the edge of "persistence of vision" in motion pictures.) file compression (the file that is exported like Quicktime, or windows media. i prefer Quicktime or flash player .FLV.) media compression (the compression codec for squeezing the content into the file. i prefer either Sorenson 3 or h.264 for web video, and "animation" for archived video masters). audio quality (at your discretion.) obviously this is a "skin-deep", superficial answer to your question. however, since you have access to the web yourself, it might prove valuable to google for more indepth information... some key words to use might be: "transcoding web video", "compression codecs", "exporting videos to web".
  11. silent_hillel

    Anyone have "Adobe Premiere" & can put on youtube?

    i googled and this is what i found: http://www.squidoo.com/youtuberight/ basically, you need to consider: frame-rate (12-15 fps is the edge of "persistence of vision" in motion pictures.) file compression (the file that is exported like Quicktime, or windows media. i prefer Quicktime or flash player .FLV.) media compression (the compression codec for squeezing the content into the file. i prefer either Sorenson 3 or h.264 for web video, and "animation" for archived video masters). audio quality (at your discretion.) obviously this is a "skin-deep", superficial answer to your question. however, since you have access to the web yourself, it might prove valuable to google for more indepth information... some key words to use might be: "transcoding web video", "compression codecs", "exporting videos to web".