right, I've been playing flashpoint ever since it came out, all the addons/expansions, completed them all, totally love the game. I'd easily go so far as to say its my favourite game ever.
ARMA however, how can I enjoy this addon when I'm sick of the bugs which will still be there. Yes I know its NOT there to patch the game but if the game's going to be just as bad with/without the expansion then I'm not going to buy it. Stupid AI who dont get in vehicles, stupid AI who dont go where you tell them to, crazy graphics which get corrupted, missions that end as soon as I start them.... no matter how good an expansion is it can't compete with this.
Yes I know 1.09 is coming out but it doesnt look like that will fix any of the bugs I've listed above. And those were just the first few off the top of my head. People who are saying "its an addon not a patch".. we accept that, but if thats the case then whoevers in charge has got the list of priorities wrong.
edit: besides which... I might have it wrong, but it doesnt seem to add very much.. maybe when the price drops down to a fiver i might consider it.