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Everything posted by smoke52

  1. smoke52

    Multiple Objective Help

    yeah that should work for the heli. for objective 1 and 2 they dont need to be "switch" triggers unless they are syncronized with a waypoint and the name should be obj1 and obj2 for their respective triggers. other then that i cant see whats wrong without making a test mission and trying it out myself.
  2. smoke52


    i didnt write the script so do not know. i think if the respawned vehicle has the same name it should work. im sure theres some kind of variable you could use or something, but im not too savvy with scripting yet
  3. smoke52

    Multiple Objective Help

    thats why you use my way :P that way the trigger cant be activated until the last objective is complete. anyway "obj1" is a name that is made up, called a "variable" you could call it "horsepoop" if you want (horsepoop=true) and yes "dest" would work too. he just said "obj1", so you know as the mission maker what its activating. in your end trigger put in the condition <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> obj1=true AND obj2=true AND obj3=true in your first objectives trigger put in the activation field <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">obj1 in your second objectives trigger put in the activation field <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">obj2 in your third objectives trigger put in the activation field <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">obj3 that should be it. for the heli problem make a trigger and for type make it a SWITCH, then syncronize that trigger with the hold waypoint...now when the trigger is activated the pilots will continue to the next waypoint after the HOLD.
  4. smoke52

    some questions:

    1. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname playmove "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon" thats one way of making them sit, but you would have to loop it or something, you could also use the "action" command or "switchmove" (see below for link to all script commands) 2. make a car named taxi, in the taxi's waypoint where the player is supposed to get in, put this in the condition field: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player in taxi im not 100% sure that will work but it should 3. removeallweapons this this also removes the "throw", so if you were to equip the person with a grenade or any other weapon he throws he wont be able to use it. 4. not sure how to make the lip sync file for the .OGG sound file, but in my mission i made two guys looking at each other in a talking animation with an empty sound file to make their lips move. what i did for the talk animation is make an AI unit (call it loon1 for example) and make a TALK waypoint. now in the "on activation" of the talk waypoint put loon1 switchmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_talking" it will look like hes talking but the lips wont move, check the threads below. here: http://www.ofpec.com/index.p....29457.0 and here: http://www.ofpec.com/index.p....29113.0 5. dont know, but i would think you record your conversation or whatever and save it as an OGG file, then somehow make a .lip file for it. next you can add its information to your DESCRIPTION.EXT file of the mission and you will be able to use it. check the threads above 6. yeah thats another thing im not sure about heres the script commands http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA
  5. smoke52


    you could try this one made by TargetPractice: edit: i just tested it and it works nice. just make your vehicle and name it something, for example an M1A1 and name it tank1. next make a marker and name it whatever, like empty and name it marker1. now put in the init field: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[tank1,"marker1"] exec "vehicletracker.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; Script Name : vehicletracker.sqs v1.1 ; Script Author : TargetPractice ; (with version 1.1 updates by Blanco - see demo mission briefing for details) ; Script Description : ; This script will associate a marker with a vehicle. As the vehicle moves around the map the ; marker's position on the map will be updated in realtime. ; Script Invokation : ; To execute this script from the mission.sqm file you use the following format : ; [vehicleid,markerid] exec ""vehicletracker.sqs"" ; To execute this script from another sqs file you use the following format : ; [vehicleid,markerid] exec "vehicletracker.sqs" ; ; where : ; vehicleid is the value of the text field for the vehicle you want to track ; markerid is the value of the name field (including quotes) for the marker you want ; to use for tracking ; ; Example : ; [myvehicle,""MyMarker""] exec ""vehicletracker.sqs"" (calling from mission.sqm) ; [myvehicle,"MyMarker"] exec "vehicletracker.sqs" (calling from another sqs file) ; Extract the vehicle identifier and the marker identifier from the argument list _Vehicle1 = _this select 0 _Marker1 = _this select 1 ; Marker types to use at differet health levels of the vehicle _alivemarkertype = "Start" _warningmarkertype = "Warning" _killedmarkertype = "Marker" ; How often to update the map. The smaller the number the faster the updating at the ; expense of processor speed. In seconds or fractions of seconds. _updatetime = 0.1 ; Get the initial health of the vehicle _olddamage = getdamage _Vehicle1 #Alive ; Determine whether the vehicle is alive, hurt, or dead ? (((getdamage _Vehicle1) > _olddamage) and (alive _Vehicle1)) : goto "Warning" ? ((not alive _Vehicle1) or (isnull _Vehicle1) or ((getdamage _Vehicle1) == 1)) : goto "Killed" _vehiclepos = getPos _Vehicle1 _vehiclex = _vehiclepos select 0 _vehicley = _vehiclepos select 1 _vehiclez = _vehiclepos select 2 _Marker1 setmarkertype _alivemarkertype _Marker1 setmarkerpos [_vehiclex, _vehicley, _vehiclez] ~_updatetime goto "Alive" #Warning ? ((not alive _Vehicle1) or (isnull _Vehicle1) or ((getdamage _Vehicle1) == 1)) : goto "Killed" _vehiclepos = getPos _Vehicle1 _vehiclex = _vehiclepos select 0 _vehicley = _vehiclepos select 1 _vehiclez = _vehiclepos select 2 _Marker1 setmarkertype _warningmarkertype _Marker1 setmarkerpos [_vehiclex, _vehicley, _vehiclez] _Marker1 setmarkercolor "ColorRed" ~_updatetime goto "Warning" #Killed _vehiclepos = getPos _Vehicle1 _vehiclex = _vehiclepos select 0 _vehicley = _vehiclepos select 1 _vehiclez = _vehiclepos select 2 _Marker1 setmarkertype _killedmarkertype _Marker1 setmarkerpos [_vehiclex, _vehicley, _vehiclez] exit
  6. smoke52

    Multiple Objective Help

    in my mission i did the same sort of thing. that obj1=true stuff is confusing at times so this is what i did: firstly pay attention to the size of your end trigger, for example say its 20 by 10, no angle and a rectangle. now change your end trigger's size to 0 and activation to "none", name it "exfil" for example. you could also set the type to "none" instead of END1. next go to your objective trigger and in the "on activation" put this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> exfil setTriggerArea [20, 10, 0, true]; exfil setTriggerActivation [WEST, PRESENT, false] if you set the type from end1 to none, add this to the end: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> exfil setTriggerArea [20, 10, 0, true]; exfil setTriggerActivation [WEST, PRESENT, false]; exfil setTriggerType "END1" thats it! heres the commands so you can see how to work them: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setTriggerArea http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setTriggerActivation http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setTriggerType
  7. smoke52

    Using Missions Wizard

    im not sure but i think the BAS F will help you guys both out for templates and setting up MP games for CTF, team, etc. http://www.ballisticaddonstudios.com/
  8. smoke52

    Martial Arts script?

    in the init field of a soldier put: this playmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exerciseKata" heres the list of http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:_Moves_List
  9. smoke52

    New Racs - Lite Version

    yeah, well done.
  10. smoke52

    Recommended Spec-ops coop or SP missions?

    "The Compound" is a mission with a SF team done at night. theres lots of enemy to kill too, so i think its what you are looking for. im not sure where to find it though. heres another: http://www.ofpec.com/index.p....29420.0
  11. smoke52

    M8 Assault Riffle - minipack

    nice job! i just noticed this addon... now make it for arma and do the scar!
  12. example: radio setTriggerActivation ["ALPHA", "present", false]; radio setTriggerStatements ["this", "[] exec agree1.sqs", ""]; radio setTriggerText "Agree with extraction"; where "radio" is the name of the trigger. as for the check for vehicle, im quite new so i couldnt help. but to clarify is it the player you want to check or a specific unit, like a computer controlled unit?
  13. in your init.sqs write: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> clist = [c1,c2,c3,c4] in the triggers condition put <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ({_x in clist} count thislist) >= 1 the other triggers options: bluefor present repeatedly end#1
  14. make two triggers, one over the guards set to: opfor not present repeatedly in the on act field add this: end setTriggerType "end1" now make the other trigger and name it END. put it where you want and group it to the player then set it to: group leader present repeatedly type: NONE. now when the player kills the guards AND he goes into the trigger you grouped him to it will end the mission. as for the text you could go into the END1 triggers properties and click EFFECTS, for type set it to TEXT and choose the BLACK OUT. if you do this it will do what you want but for some reason it doesnt end the mission...
  15. smoke52

    Helicopters on request

    if it matters if the heli is on the ground then add an EMPTY helicopter not a BLUEFOR helicopter. if it doesnt matter that the heli is in the air or not just use the BLUEFOR heli with the pilots inside. set the "in formation" to FLYING. then make a HOLD waypoint. make your other waypoints that you want them to fly after the radio trigger is activated. next make your trigger and set for trigger type "SWITCH" then syncronize it with the HOLD waypoint. set the activation to RADIO ALPHA or which ever you want and thats all.
  16. smoke52

    Laser Designator

    get sharks airstrike script and you can see that happen all day long http://www.ofpec.com/index.p....28804.0
  17. smoke52

    Using Chris OFP script creator

    heres all the weapons and names in game for them: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Weapons
  18. cant help with the first question but for weather effects check out this NIM dynamic weather addon -> http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file....r;76628
  19. i have two questions im making a mission where you laser designate some tanks and buildings to blow up. i figured out how to make the buildings objectives, but how can i make it so the empty tanks are objectives? do i have to give them each a name and check if they are alive with a script or something? when one or two tanks get blown up i want to set off an alarm and have some infantry run up, climb in the tanks, and try to take off. how can i pull this off? 2. i spawn with a trigger a team of guys and a vehicle but the guys walk away from the area, i want to keep them in a radius of about 20, im trying to create a waypoint with a radius of 20 but im having trouble making the waypoints position, heres the script im using: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> uaz = "UAZMG" createVehicle (position _boat); "SoldierESaboteurBizon" createunit [position uaz, group guard1, "this moveingunner uaz, uaz dowatch markerpos _direction"]; "SoldierESaboteur" createunit [position _boat, group guard1]; "SoldierESaboteur" createunit [position _boat, group guard1]; "SoldierESaboteurBizon" createunit [position _boat, group guard1]; "SoldierESaboteur" createunit [position _boat, group guard1]; guard1 addWaypoint [position "pbxboat", 15]; i think its the "guard1" thats giving me the error, its saying its giving an object not group. yes im a newb at scripting so if theres a better way to create some guys with one in the gunner seat of the jeep please tell me thanks!
  20. smoke52

    empty object as target

    man this community is awesome i got helped out. all i needed was a trigger with this in the condition: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ({_x in tanklist} count thislist) >= 2 then in my init.sqs i put thislist = [tank1, tank2, tank3, tank4, tank5, tank6, tank7, tank8, tank9, tank10]
  21. smoke52

    empty object as target

    you rock! thanks alot OP4 i came across a new problem though... i have it when 1 tank blows up it sets off 6 squads of guys to try and get in the tanks then take off to a trigger area that ends the mission. i want it so if two or more tanks escape the player loses, but if the squads dont get in tanks they still run to the trigger ending the mission. how can i make it so it will only trigger if they are in tanks?
  22. smoke52

    empty object as target

    well i figured the spawning out. now i need some help with the empty tanks as objectives. can you give me any examples or point me in the right direction on what commands to use? thanks whoever helps!
  23. smoke52

    empty object as target

    1. ok im using this as the script and it works nicely! <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _specops = createGroup east; _uaz = createVehicle ["UAZMG", (position pbxboat), [], 0, "NONE"]; _spec1 = _specops createUnit ["SoldierESaboteurBizon", (position pbxboat), [] ,0 ,"seargent"]; _spec1 setDir random 360; _specops selectLeader _spec1; _spec1 disableAI "MOVE"; _spec1 allowfleeing 0; _spec1 setBehaviour "AWARE"; _spec2 = _specops createUnit ["SoldierESaboteurBizon", (position pbxboat), [] ,0 ,"private"]; _spec2 setDir random 360; _spec2 disableAI "MOVE"; _spec2 allowfleeing 0; _spec2 setBehaviour "AWARE"; _spec3 = _specops createUnit ["SoldierESaboteur", (position pbxboat), [] ,0 ,"private"]; _spec3 setDir random 360; _spec3 disableAI "MOVE"; _spec3 allowfleeing 0; _spec3 setBehaviour "AWARE"; _spec4 = _specops createUnit ["SoldierESaboteur", (position pbxboat), [] ,0 ,"private"]; _spec4 MoveInGunner _UAZ; _spec4 setDir random 360; _spec4 disableAI "MOVE"; _spec4 allowfleeing 0; _spec4 setBehaviour "AWARE"; _spec5 = _specops createUnit ["SoldierESaboteur", (position pbxboat), [] ,0 ,"private"]; _spec5 setDir random 360; _spec5 disableAI "MOVE"; _spec5 allowfleeing 0; _spec5 setBehaviour "AWARE"; _spec6 = _specops createUnit ["SoldierESaboteur", (position pbxboat), [] ,0 ,"private"]; _spec6 setDir random 360; _spec6 disableAI "MOVE"; _spec6 allowfleeing 0; _spec6 setBehaviour "AWARE";
  24. smoke52

    empty object as target

    thanks for the help, but the AI is moving because theres a "guarded by" trigger nearby. thats why im trying to put the waypoint but its giving me an error from this line: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> guard1 addWaypoint [position "pbxboat", 15]; i changed it to <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> uaz = "UAZMG" createVehicle (position _boat); boatguard1 = "SoldierESaboteurBizon" createunit [position uaz, group guard1, "this moveingunner uaz, uaz dowatch markerpos _direction"]; "SoldierESaboteur" createunit [position _boat, group guard1]; "SoldierESaboteur" createunit [position _boat, group guard1]; "SoldierESaboteurBizon" createunit [position _boat, group guard1]; boatguard1 addwaypoint [position _boat, 15]; goto "end" and the script works but the three guys still walk away and only the jeep stays. i want them to stay close to the the squad leader. what im trying to do is have it so the player is inserted by boat, when he returns to extract theres a squad of 3 guys and a UAZ with a gunner sitting by the boat, so the player has to go to a different extraction zone or risk fighting them. can anyone write a better script for me...please? im trying the domove command but i cant figure what to put (im about to go to sleep though)....ill try the disable ai thing tomorrow too. question 2. as for the vehicle trigger is there anyway to group 8 empty tanks and 2 empty shilkas or do i have to make a trigger for each one? the player is targeting 10 armored vehicles that are emtpy, until the alarm is set off then ill have some guys jump in the tank and try to take off, but how do i make it so when the player kills the 10 armored vehicles his objective is done? maybe with some count script? if so how would i do that? thanks again!
  25. Ok i almost have my mission finished but theres a couple things i just cant figure out. simple overview: get in vehicles, repel attack on town, RTB and get in heli or jet and take out convoy. then a target of opportunity (call it "objective3") appears, which is where my problem begins. then you return to base again to some officers where my other problem is. 1. how can i make it so the marker is hidden until objective 2 is complete and objective 3 becomes "active"? from what i gather i will have to make a script with the create marker command? which brings me to my next question. 2. how can i find map coordinates so i can put objects with the commands that need those [x,y,z] coordinates? if i know that i might have been able to find this out myself 3. my next question is how can i make it so the person only has to complete objectives 1 and 2 since the 3rd is only a target of opportunity and he doesn't have to do it? do i have to remove the third objective from my briefing.html and handle it through the mission somehow with hints or something? 4. lastly my main problem, which is probably the easiest question, is how do i get the trigger to only activate when the objectives are complete? i would like it so only obj1 and 2 need to be complete. i tried obj1=true;obj2=true in the condition but it doesn't seem to be the code. i have the first objective covered with a trigger that loads a script to count the enemy. when it counts 0 it gives the player the next objective, gives them points, and changes the objective to done. i have that for all three objectives right now. is there an easier way i could handle this maybe? thanks for any help!