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Everything posted by ski

  1. ski

    connection problem

    2302, but windows firewall will allow them anyway, its only if you wish to host ur own game.
  2. error 6000. Im running a fast server, win 2k3 I have read almost every article there is on the gaming forums regarding this error. I can conform my server does not run any imaging software, any popup blockers or any other security software, just Symantec AV. Why cant I start my server? same old security module error 6000 message. Ive gone out and purchased two copys of this game one for me one for my brother with hopes of having a dedicated server running... but sadly not. Ive followed the instrucions.. install from dvd, patch to 1.05, copy folder content to server, run ArmA_server.exe and the error pops up. Ive spend 6 hours on this issue now and thats my day wasted, this is my last resort, asking you guys for advice. What do I need to do? Its a amazing game but I really feel like I should take the 2 copy's back and pick something up with multiplayer support.
  3. Nope none of that. Going to revert back to win2k see if that runs it any better.
  4. same old problemo ahh well, 1 less server in the community
  5. yup defo running the server exe. I dont get the checkboxes as I do if i run arma.exe but get the secure rom error instead Im just in the process of doing as SlurrpyChillyFries suggested and install the actual game on the server. Wish me luck
  6. I am using the server.exe as mentioned in original post but the Securerom error still pops up. the exe came with the patch, ive also re-downloaded just the server exe but same result. Has anyone here come across such an issue?
  7. "SecuROMâ„¢ has determined that a piece of software is hooking SecuROMâ„¢" Whats the work around? Use a crack and return the game to the game shop?
  8. Nope I followed the official documentation regarding dedicated server setup Doing all this remotely is a PITA
  9. ski

    Dedicated Server on Win2003 server

    Did you solve the issue? When i run the dedi exe nothing happens, the service pops up then dissapears. also running win 2k3
  10. ski

    Dedicated Server on Win2003 server

    Did you solve the issue? When i run the dedi exe nothing happens, the service pops up then dissapears. also running win 2k3
  11. Hi All  Its my first time posting, but ive searched through this forum and have gained a lot of knoledge.  I pretty much started making missions 3 days ago although probably like most just like most of you ive migrated from OFP  Im strugling with a few details on my mission and was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to help me out.  Im poor at scripting so if you quote a code let me know where I should type the code into (noob alert).  Ive pretty much mastered basic editor skills (setting patrols up etc..) and would like to get a little bit more involved in mission story line. Question : I was wondering how I can add objectives into my missions, for example, once town 1 is free of foe proceed to next town and blow a bridge, then go to town 3 and take off in a helicopter, once all conditions are met the missions completes. How would i go about implementing such triggers?  bridge destroyed? Any help is greatly appreciated -<GB>-Ski
  12. ski


    ive just used the link above regarding official editing tutorials and answered my own questions I think i got it sussed now!! With the help of this community ive got my mission sorted!!  thanks all P.S. still would like to know how to add a trigger that detects a bridge is blown  Â
  13. ski


    ahh gr8 that editor works gr8!! Still stuck cannot do what i originally wanted, but im very close just need a little more advice. The editor allows me to add objectives... Clear Cayo is my first one. Still not sure how to link this with a trigger in game. Also, the editor has endings, with "End #1 (title/text)" fields. Is this used like once a objective is complete it will show the txt from this field? or is it used to display txt once whole mission is complete?
  14. ski


    I have a problem with this. Triggers now in arma dont have a "int" field, also i cannot select "not present" for enemy troops, i can select not present, or, detected by west?
  15. ski


    Does this program work for you? Â I read the instructions : How the program works. -Select a location to save the files to (Folder where your mission is) but as soon as I try to select a location it states a run time error file already open. Thanks for comments guys, will have to read that official documentation in more depth as its a lot to take in at once