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About scarz^

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  1. Hi Ive noticed that the bounty reward for destroying enemy vehicles does not always work,noticed on Chernarus map.
  2. Hi im having problems with my original cd key for Arma2 english version,when i try to join a multiplayer game it tells me that my cd key has been disabled!Singleplayer works wihtout any problems(no fade etc.)So could anyone tell me whats going on cause i want to play the game i paid for!:mad: Thanks
  3. Thats awesome,finaly i can play the game wihtout "hendicap",now its time to change the old trash(r9800pro,1gb ddr,3200 barton) with new stuff hehe Greetings from Croatia!
  4. scarz^

    improving my framerate

    Because i'm on a tight budget i can't affort more than 150 euro would something like this make a difference ? Asus Extreme N7600GS Top Silent HTD 512M PCI-E I wouldnt recommend yo to buy now a new graphics card.You should wait till the prices of new DirectX10 GPU's drop.
  5. scarz^

    MHZ Clock problem - 1.05

    Why dont you help people resolving the problem instead of writing useless posts?We already knew what u said.
  6. scarz^

    MHZ Clock problem - 1.05

    Thanks to the replies! Well i gotta say that I was running the overclocked konfiguration for about 2 years and there has been no crashes at other games and programs exclude arma.I tried to play MS Flight Sim X Deluxe and other newset games with OC'ed parameters and everything went fine,not even a single crash.All i wanted to say that its sad that i have to play arma which is a "huge ressource eater" at standard clocks.Cheers and i hope anyone will find a solution or the developers will fix it in future patches.Over and out. P.S My processor is locked so i am only able to raise the clock of fsb and cpu. Over and out
  7. Greetings! My standard clock of pc konfig. is -> amd 2500+ barton,1 gb ddr 333 mhz,radeon 9800 pro 7.1 omega drivers,win xp sp2,n force2 chipset with soundstorm. The problem is when i raise the clock of CPU from 2500+(1,8ghz) to 3200+(2,2ghz) and DDR RAM(FSB) from 333Mhz to 400mhz i get random time crashes(freezes) and when its on standard clocks it wont crash I am not overlocking the GPU(radeon 9800pro).Does anyone have a solution or has experience with that? Please !!! P.S Any other games at higher clocks works perfect and i think heating is not the problem(CPU runs at about 57C when overclocked)