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About shooter6065

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  1. shooter6065

    Couple Newbie Questsions

    Thanks for the help guys.
  2. shooter6065

    Couple Newbie Questsions

    Just started playing and I have a few questions: 1. How do I turn on night vision? Â I checked the instruction books and could not find anything. Â When I go to the (G) gear screen I see the night vision but do not know how to use them. 2. Â I am confused by some of the stuff people are talking about on here. Â What is Ramadi? Â And Royal Flush? Â Are these part of the SP campaign on Arma? Â Or part of Queen's Gambit?
  3. shooter6065

    Need A Little Advice

    what kind of power supply do you guys have in your machines?
  4. shooter6065

    Beta or Realese

    (hint: <span style='color:white'>Windows XP</span>) wrong..........it easily meets the requirements. They have dropped the ball on this since people can't run it with well over the minimum specs, and in many cases the well over the recommeded specs. To be completely honest, I am not sure the problems they have can be corrected with patches. These are not "patch" problems or simple "gliches". There are people on here with 8800's that have horrible framerates in this game. If they turn the detail too far down, the graphics are not much better than OFP.
  5. shooter6065

    Need A Little Advice

    I am not a tech person or anything but for the life of me I can't understand why a user can't run it at the recommended settings. Common sense tells you they should be desiging games with there given minimum requirements and recommeended requirements are for totally seamless play. With these types of problems they are having, I am not sure that they are correctable with patches but rather deep developmental problems.......don't they have project managers at BI? Patches are for bugs that slipped through Beta testing........NOT serious problems that this game is facing.
  6. shooter6065

    Need A Little Advice

    I bought Armed assault with the full knowledge that I will need to upgrade my video card. Â I have a Pentium 4 3.2 Gig with 1G of Ram, 19 in. LCD and an old Nvidia Quadro (used for business at the time). Â After reading the RECOMMENDED requirements (NIVIdia 6800 or ATI X800) I concluded that I could easily upgrade to at least a 7600-7700 Nividia or a X850-1650 ATI given my power supply of 350 watts. But after reading through these threads, it seems apparent I might have wasted my money buying Armed Assault with guys on here having trouble running it with 8800 Nvidias, sometimes even dual. My question is, does anyone think it's worth the money upgrading to a, say GeForce 7900 GS given that it is about as good as I can do with my power supply? Or is Armed Assualt such a disaster that you can't even run it on the recommended settings? One other thing........do any video cards have external power cords these days? Â The power is so steep it seems silly to run it internally anymore.........