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Everything posted by southmoor

  1. southmoor

    Communication to team mates?

    Hi, is there a feature that enables you to point out enemies to team mates other than typing text.....like in Battlefield 2 with the commo rose? I notice that the PC does this on ocassions but not sure how it works.....eg. bandit 3 o'clock etc. Thanks in advance!
  2. southmoor

    Communication to team mates?

    Thanks for the resposes. I have been using reveal target / second mouse button.....but due to it not being accurate, I thought it was for targeting when in vehicles. I was wrong! I will persivere, again, thanks.
  3. southmoor

    Training missions and Graphics probs

    Hi, I had the same trouble so I re-did the mission. In the games defence.....if you listen closely to the trainer he says tell your soldiers to target then fire on the car. In the command menu, there is a order to "fire" .....dont tell them to engage it. Hope this helps!