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Everything posted by shark-attack

  1. shark-attack

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    what ... Â like Tony Blair did ...
  2. shark-attack

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    in one word .... YES gonna do something .. do it right first time ... agreed a great game like ARMA will take months to perfect  but practice makes perfect .. allow more time for beta testing release when ready  ... you start giving yourself deadlines .. you start having to meet them ... corners will be cut .. every time .. paitence is a virtue
  3. shark-attack

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    i agree with the grass .. obviously developers have been smoking too much of it .. its spring loaded .. come on .. Â you roll in the grass ... it stays flat for a least half a day (depending on season).. it just dosnt bounce back into life... not good ... Â
  4. shark-attack

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    game runs fine since patching ... only difference i noticed is time of mission.. seems to be five mins out since patch... had to alter missions accordingly .... graphics settings remain the same .. couple of mins out from v1.02 map easy fixed
  5. shark-attack


    updated  for patch 1.05 ..  (minor change .. was too dark after patching to 105.. FIXED) check first post for download link ..
  6. shark-attack

    WARNING!! Before you install 1.05

    i think it applies if language patch is installed and no back up was made of replaced files then a reinstall is required ..
  7. shark-attack

    WARNING!! Before you install 1.05

    sorry double post ...
  8. shark-attack

    WARNING!! Before you install 1.05

    how many re installs are permitted before needing more codes ??
  9. great.. nice to be able to hep .. instead of needing it ..
  10. in editor click show ids find the id number of wall you want to destroy ..eg 12345 in init sqs or in trigger on activation put ... (position player nearestObject 12345 setdammage 1) note not all objects are desroyable
  11. shark-attack

    Waypoints in game

    try giving the player a new waypoint once condition has been set ... quote at ofpec A new waypoint is made after executing the following code: wp = group player addWaypoint [position mike,1]; Where the player is named "player" and another soldier (not grouped with the player) is named "mike". If I start the mission, I see the new waypoint being created, which probably means that the AI doesn't WALK towards their waypoint. Note: it doesn't matter if I use 1 or 0 as the waypoint index. But the wiki states that index 0 is always a waypoint created at the soldier's starting position. Note1: as you have already created a waypoint, I tested if the waypoint gets created when you use 0,1,2,3 etc and in what order waypoints will be created. The weird thing is, you can use 0 or 5, the result is that the waypoint you create is the final waypoint. But, they are always there, it's just that units don't go to them. Note2: Units DO move to a newly created waypoint if there are editor waypoints they have to reach first, but they must not have reached them. If they stop, they stay still. Don't know how to get them to make their way towards a "hand-made" waypoint. Note3: Still haven't found a command that let's the AI walk to their next WP.
  12. shark-attack

    co2 The Sniper Trilogy

    matt  you swine  ..  lol .. have been working on a set of missions trying to make a  two player camp ... you ve set new standards...  great job by the way  .. excellent  stuff .. simple minds think a like !! guess ill have to go for a 4 man job !
  13. shark-attack

    Arma Navy

    a two man canoe for small scale insertions .. or from where raids on larger ships can be launched .. a la cockleshell heros
  14. shark-attack

    Chopper Insertion Problems

    lo mate ... eg  chopper is called bird  youre group is called zulu create a switch trigger sync it with the load waypoint of chopper ... sync the load and get in waypoints with eachother also in its condition field put ({_x in bird} count units zulu == {alive _x} count units zulu) now hopefully the chopper ( bird) will wait until all alive units from youre group (zulu) are onboard before proceeding to its next waypoint if not with trigger try putting the code in the helos waypoint condition ive only tried with trigger
  15. shark-attack


    hold cursor over unit hit delete button ...
  16. hi ... im starting on a campaing for arma i would like to give the player a choice when it comes to starting a mission ie select starting point ,type of infil (air, boat) .. can anyone give me any tips or pointers .. i remeber a mission in ofp when this was possible  and it helped loads with the re playability of the mission ..  many thanx in advance              shark attack
  17. shark-attack

    choosing infil type and location ?

    thanks again DR .. ill take a look nice one mate
  18. shark-attack

    choosing infil type and location ?

    BUMP ... come on guys .. this will be good for all of us .. im fecked  .. out of my depth ... had a little help from the guys at ofpec but having trouble with tutorial recomended to me .. non existant fonts  etc ... can anyone provide a demo on  how to create a dialog to give a player a choice of insertion points (single play) ...  sorry  for bumping  but i believe this will benefit all mission makers amongst us .. only wished i wasnt so thick then maybe i could do it myself for the benefit of the community.. please help  somebody  ...  many thanx  shark attack
  19. shark-attack

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    pleased to hear it .. good luck
  20. shark-attack

    choosing infil type and location ?

    thanx Dr ive had a little expeirience with parameters ie weather settings intro on or off .. but i was wanting to do this in single player mode do i still set up through description? i will spend some time experimenting .. Â thanx again mate Â
  21. shark-attack

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    looking good gnat ... how a bout a 2 man canoe to go with submarines ..for small scale insertions ..
  22. shark-attack

    ArmA Addon request thread

    a two man canoe for small scale insertions/beach recces and a submarine to launch from ....
  23. shark-attack

    wtf happened here

    great combat photography tutorial deadeye .. thanx very much ... Â Â ive heard that the hills have eyes never the walls ...
  24. shark-attack

    Newbie Trigger help

    you could try this... west or east or civil or independant present to fire trigger then in the triggers condition fireld.. player name in thislist and not (alive name of general) trigger type end1... on activation ForceEnd .. im sure there will be better ways but this works for me .. hope it helps