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Everything posted by slip777

  1. Hi. Has anyone noticed that the ballistics for armed assault weapons are totally off? For instance, if I shoot at a guy 2000 meters away with an M9 it will take the same amount of time to get there as an M4 or M24. A 9mm shouldn't even be able to travel the 2000 meters before hitting the ground. So whats up with the bullet physics here? Are they using the same exact velocity model for each weapon? None of the bullets have acceleration, they only travel in the same pre set arch at the same pre set speed. Here's a video I made. You can't really see the bullet hitting in this one, but you can definately hear it. If a 9mm travels at 390 m/s then it should take 4.4 seconds to travel the 1700 meters it was firing at, but it only takes about 2 seconds if you don't count the time the game is paused at the teamswitch screen (the velocity would be correct if it was 5.56). I'm uploading another video now which shows the bullet hitting.
  2. slip777

    Armed Assault weapon ballistics

    I thought I read somewhere that ballistics were affected by wind when standing on a high hill? Is this feature active?
  3. slip777

    Very poor performance

    I've noticed a slight performance boost after the new patch. I used to get 10-15 FPS on normal settings, after this patch I get a stable 25-30. I have an AMD 3500+, GeForce 6600 256mb, and 1gb ram. One thing i've noticed is that your resolution has a great performance effect on your game. Try lowering it and see what happens.
  4. slip777

    ArmA Photography

    Some time in the mountains of Sahrani. All settings maxed at 5 fps. Large image.
  5. slip777

    ArmA Photography

    For some reason my thumbnails don't want to work on this forum, re-uploading.