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About skickahit10

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    Private First Class
  1. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    Updated the script a bit. Should work better now. Smarter, quicker yada-yada. Main changes are: + Use shift+click on the map to make the artillery shoot there + Uses an algorithm to predict angle -> faster calculations + Will use last angle if next shot is close to the first shot http://www.zshare.net/download/94084758a766a3/ Won't be able to play ArmA for the next couple of months. But I hope you'll have fun with this script while I'm gone
  2. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    yes. do like this: look through all the .sqs-files belonging to the script. whenever you find a line looking like this: [something-something] sideChat [something-something] you just put a semi-colon in front of it. for example: _what_gun sideChat _text ----> ;_what_gun sideChat _text the semi-colon means that that line of code will be ignored by the script - hence there will be no chatter.
  3. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    yep. it certainly does
  4. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    extract to \My Documents\ArmA\missions\ since the zipped files are in folders the complete folder structure will look like this: \My Documents\ArmA\missions\art_test.Sara\
  5. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    yep, should be no problem. you'll have to change the class names (weapon class name, ammo class name) in the script though. then you may also have to tweak the initial velocity (for the artillery it's something like 1083 m/s) and maybe the friction constant. other than that it should be no problem using it for tanks for example. also, I'm working of a new better version of the script that's more fail-safe, will allow for more rapid firing etc. will post it here when it's done.
  6. skickahit10

    Incoming!! Y.A.A.A...

    I guess we can conclude that drag acceleration is indeed computed as velocity^2 * airFriction. The default value of airFriction is exactly -500 / 1000000. This knowledge doesn't actually make my ballistic mod any easier though. I guess it means I could fit the ballistics in MATLAB instead of testing every change in ArmA, but I'm far too lazy to write the code. no, it's true that it doesn't make anything easier. I was simply thinking about the part where you said that it's hard to "relate airFriction to anything", just meant to explain the relation between the friction-constant and the drag
  7. skickahit10

    Incoming!! Y.A.A.A...

    I think the part that I wrote about the math explains the air friction-constant pretty good (if someone is interested why these numbers matter and what they do). Check it out here (scroll down to the part about math). I also agree with you about the default constant being way to big.
  8. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    depends on what you are looking for. I'd say mine is more realistic (if you consider the ArmA-engine realistic) judging from what I've seen of the code of the other script. but both are probably good in their own way
  9. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    nice work, by the way, do you know there is a 100k limit for direct linked pictures SneekQuietManAway no, didn't know that. Sry. Fixed now.
  10. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    check my answer in other thread
  11. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    ok, but your script, as far as I can see, just takes a shell and artificially puts it on a chosen point on the map together with a shell of a larger caliber?
  12. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    hehe...thanks <--- you
  13. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    Look here, notice the "ADDON/MOD & MISSION MAKING" part near the bottom with an "ARMA EDITING" section Anyway cool script. But there might be a problem with very long range targets because the shells get deleted after (I think) 25 seconds. It's a setting in the config that could be changed with an addon. I don't know if you've already found a way to deal with that, haven't had a chance to look at the script myself. yep someone alerted me about that part of the forum, but what's done's done. I suppose a moderator will have to move the thread even though I think it's doing good here concerning the range limit - I know about the time limit. furthermore: the force of drag in ArmA wouldn't allow the shell to fly much further than 5-6 km anyways. all of these issues are dealt with in the documentation to the script. but - try the script anyways. it kicks pretty much ass
  14. I didn't know about this section so I posted a thread in the addon-part of the forum. Anyways, I made a realistic artillery script for ArmA. This is no bullshit where shells will appear out of nowhere, this is the actual guns (M119s) in ArmA aiming and firing their weapons. All you have to do is click on the map and you'll have artillery shells raining down there within a minute or so! Check out the misplaced thread here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=68597
  15. skickahit10

    Artillery script

    well, the cannons are very real in my script. as for the spotters you could always turn off the auto-correction (by changing the number of times the guns may fire to 1) and then do the correction yourself. not the same thing though - I know. Thanks for the feedback anyways.