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About sc0

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  1. sc0

    Training- Combat Pilot Course

    Refer to this thread for how to change the joystick sensitivity ingame. And sorry I didn't reply sooner, I have been caught up with my study and other things.
  2. sc0

    Training- Combat Pilot Course

    Try changing the joystick sensitivity.
  3. sc0


    I know what you mean Col.Flanders. I had the same problem that you are having when I used the same TrackIR profile that I was using for 1.04 in 1.05. That is until I modify the profile. I also didn't like it when I added dead zones to the yaw and pitch so instead of having dead zones I did something else to them. Rather than trying to explain to you what I did I have included my TrackIR profile as I think you will understand better if you see them for yourself. Armed_Assault.xml Note: I am using a 20" widescreen monitor in case you are wondering as to why my yaw and pitch graphs are considerably different.
  4. sc0

    8007000e Error in Vista

    It seemed that the parameter -maxmem=512 have fixed the problem for me as well.
  5. With FranknStik, for ArmA to select the virtual joystick try the following: 1. Start FranknStik 2. Plug in all of the controllers that are required by the profile that you have created 3. Load the profile 4. Unplug all the controllers that are connected 5. Start ArmA 6. Once ArmA main screen has been loaded plug in all of the controllers that have just been disconnected I also found out that the virtual joystick does not need to have more buttons and axis than any of the controllers that may be plugged in for it to work in ArmA using the above steps.
  6. sc0

    Any Word Yet about the CTI???

    It appears that a fix for the CTI has been released Apology to those that have been left wondering as to where the fix is. I will try to provide more information next time.
  7. I hope it will be supported and I also hope it will be implemented sooner than later.
  8. Yes, a contour map that is similar to the in-game map will be nice. And for the standard edition the inclusion of the contour map in high resolution in pdf file format will be very appreciated (so that those that do not buy the special edition can print the contour map themselves if they wish).