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Posts posted by skulljar

  1. I'd like you to qualify what you mean by 'seen what the cobra can do in combat'.

    And I don't think that the flight model in OFP was outstanding.  The flightmodel amounted to a  car with invisible wheels on springs and some other behaviour.  If you drove your 'car' off a cliff, you'd lose control, just like the other cars in ofp, until the wheels hit the ground again.

    Because you found it more fliable doesn't make it right.  I think you should probably just argue that you found it more enjoyable.  That seems to be in essence what you're saying, apart from attempting to solidify your position and credibility with what I think are technically irrelevent reasons.

    4 years in the Marines aboard the 29 Palms Combat Center watching live fire combined arms exercises.

    The flight model was enjoyable, you have a point. I see what you are saying. However, it was a hell of a lot closer to what a Cobra can really do, and it was not all that bad comparing to other sims. OFP was definitely not a flight sim and was an infantry sim. We used VBS-1 to train infantrymen all the time, but never pilots.

    Thanks for the opinion on what I should have been saying but I reiterate, "the flight model on the Cobra is awful, IN MY OPINION they had it damn good with OFP. Although some of the other flight models in OFP were terrible, the Cobra was outstanding. Those of you wondering if this is a problem, or if it's just you- take my word for it: this is a problem that should be fixed with a patch."

    So I'll take a stab at psycho analyzing your post too... it appears that you would like to see ArmA held up before any other game as the prodigal simulator and would rather not see someone criticizing it's first release- which will be patched anyway; even though patches usually incorporate anything that the gamers feel needing of attention or tweaking; I would agree that the game is the best- but that doesn't make it perfect. That seems to be in essence what you were saying, apart from attempting to pick my post apart and discredit me which were technically irrelevant reasons.

    Edit: maybe it was only like a car with invisible springs if you used mouse and keyboard controls? A flight stick was a lot of fun and a little more challenging.

  2. Hello,

    I've played just about every flight sim ever made. I've seen what the Cobra can do in combat. Not only is ArmA binding the controls wrong, but the flight model on the Cobra is awful. IMO they had it damn good with OFP. Although some of the other flight models in OFP were terrible, the Cobra was outstanding. Those of you wondering if this is a problem, or if it's just you- take my word for it: this is a problem that should be fixed with a patch. ASAP! The Cobra was my favorite part of OFP!

    Also, the Blackhawk flight model seems well enough.
