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About slynchy

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. slynchy

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    For those with CV1 and Nvidia cards AND can get Arma running in VR: The new Asynchronous Space Warp patch supposedly is a marvel for games that can't maintain 90fps. From what I can gather, if you can manage to maintain a solid 45fps then the software can use magic and/or voodoo to output at 90 fps. Reports are coming in that games that normally were prone to stutter (project cars for example) now run near flawlessly. Anyone able to try this out in Arma?
  2. This fix appears to have worked, thanks for the tip! :D I unticked the SKIP INTRO box in the launcher and was able to load a saved game with tasks.
  3. I noticed a bug in 1.60 that is still present after the APEX update. Save a game (campaign or otherwise) and quit ARMA. Start again and load save game. In the Map, under TASKS, it will be empty with no visible tasks or waypoints No mods running. Currently playing the End Game scenario but had the same issue in 1.60 for all missions in the East Wind campaign.
  4. Getting the same issue. For me it crops up around the time you start using the UAV. Very frustrating. :banghead:
  5. Can confirm. Started happening to me in 1.60. You effectively have to complete a mission all the way through without exiting. I usually start the following mission, save, exit and then click REVERT the next time I load up.
  6. slynchy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    It crashes consistently with me too. 6gb ram. Not had this before..
  7. slynchy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hi Rydygier, just started playing this mission: it's a fantastic piece of work. Not sure if it's a bug with the newest ARMA patch or whether you're already aware, but I was having an issue where the Yellow action menu items weren't firing. EG. selecting "Ask about your brother" or "Release captive" etc none would work. This was after loading a saved game. It had been working the previous day, so I'm not sure what stopped it working. EDIT: Ignore, just restarted the mission and all's good
  8. slynchy

    [SP\MP] Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth

    Frito, Loving the mission so far, I play it regularly with my co-op buddies. Two things that I hear requests for a lot are: - an option to turn off fatigue (this was in an older version of DUWS) - increase the starting CP points (currently 60, possibly 200?) Thanks!
  9. slynchy

    [SP\MP] Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth

    Hi Fritogotlayed DUWS is what my group use exclusively in ARMA, so to hear that someone else is taking up the mantle is great news. So without going any further: best of luck on your endeavour. If I can make some suggestions, here are some features I think would be nice Custom Place Enemy Zones Add ability to refortify MAIN base Allow selection of sides/factions e.g BLUFOR vs Militia OR OPFOR vs RHS Escalation units Longshot - maybe have a zone type of FORTRESS, where a town or village is heavily defended (I would imagine these would have to be hand-made, hand placing units in buildings etc) DUWS as a concept is a fantastic framework and should really come built into the game i.e. a quick, accessible, replayable mission. I'm glad to see someone else working on it Best of luck Slynchy
  10. slynchy

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Just throwing in my two cents LJ. Congrats on the release, it's a fantastic piece of work and I can only imagine how much work went into creating this. You're a credit to the community and if I were the King of some country, I would give you a pony or the cash equivalent of a pony as thanks slynchy
  11. I had this issue too with my friends. The solution (for us at least) was to amend the firewall rules on our routers. This is most important for the person HOSTING the game, otherwise the other players won't be able to see them when they search. When you try to host a multiplayer game over the internet, you should see a warning saying make sure ports 2303 .... (or whatever it is) are set up on your firewall. So effectively, you will need to make sure that outbound and inbound traffic on those ports is allowed on your router. Each router is different, so I can't give you a step-by-step, and Windows Firewall might also need tinkering with (I myself never had to do this, but keep it in mind) This worked for us, but every few days I need to update the rules on my router whenever my PC gets assigned a new IP address. It's a pain in arse to have to do it this way, but I don't know of an easier way.
  12. Getting stuck in the armory before the Beyond Recognition mission. Again, black bars, unable to move/skip
  13. I'm really enjoying the campaign, I must say. I just hope it's not too short. A few criticisms though: The Side Missions could be implemented better. I only figured out they existed halfway through Adapt. The purpose/benefit of the side missions is unclear. By completing them, is there any knock-on effect in the campaign? I, like everybody else, seem to lose AI teammates because they refuse to disengage and because... ....this is a big problem. You're better off leaving them behind before you set off if you want them to survive
  14. I'm still getting multiple freeze ups. It generally gets worse as the game goes on, until the point where the game becomes unplayable. I haven't seen this issue before Adapt...
  15. I'm experiencing multiple hangs, where the game will pause for 5-10 seconds before resuming, almost as if the game crashed. For reference: CPU: i7 920 GPU: 9750 Boost RAM: 6Gb HD: 256gb SSD Enjoying the Campaign so far though, good work BIS